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Thread: Need advise on Test enanthate?!

  1. #1

    Need advise on Test enanthate?!

    Hi there guys

    I've been training solid for about 2 years now. I'm 20 years old, 90kg and 6ft. I'm looking to put on some serious mass now and think my diet is pretty spot on. Some people have recommended testosterone enanthate to me and I was wondering if anyone on here could point me in the right direction?

    Cheers lads!

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  2. #2
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    May 2013
    Hey dude I'm not one to knock anything anybody is doing or wants to do as long as I doesn't harm me or mine. But no matter your age your body is not ready for steroids yet. Good start and I'm all for superior gains through chemical hormone manipulation. Haha ! But build the best base you can before mounting that dark horse. Eat eat eat and lift lift lift. You will get so much better results.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    Hey dude I'm not one to knock anything anybody is doing or wants to do as long as I doesn't harm me or mine. But no matter your age your body is not ready for steroids yet. Good start and I'm all for superior gains through chemical hormone manipulation. Haha ! But build the best base you can before mounting that dark horse. Eat eat eat and lift lift lift. You will get so much better results.

    I'm going to agree 100%. You're not ready age wise and development wise. You're obviously making progress so keep that going. Slow and steady wins the race.

  4. #4

  5. #5
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    Keep building that base for as long as you can and learn as much as possible ....don't worry about what others are doing ...there is no shortcut.

  6. #6
    Really appreciate your advise guys I'm just wondering though.. And don't think I'm disrespecting any of your advise in the slightest but...
    Why do people say (your too young for steroids)

    Surely it's the same principal as (too young to smoke or drink)

    I'm 20 years old, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I eat big and clean and like to think I've done a lot of research over the past few years on perfecting my diet and training and my dream is to make huge, huge gains. I wanna be that guy that walks into the gym and people think "shit this guy is a serious lifter" haha!

    But like I said cheer for the advise guys!

  7. #7
    BG's Avatar
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    Dave stick around, read the thread that was linked for you. I would like to reply to you after work.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #8
    Fantastic read!

    So basically long story short it's more risky to start at a younger age but side effects will vary for each person

    Glad I've finally joined a couple forums to get some of the best advise I can!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by davegt7 View Post
    Really appreciate your advise guys I'm just wondering though.. And don't think I'm disrespecting any of your advise in the slightest but...
    Why do people say (your too young for steroids)

    Surely it's the same principal as (too young to smoke or drink)

    I'm 20 years old, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I eat big and clean and like to think I've done a lot of research over the past few years on perfecting my diet and training and my dream is to make huge, huge gains. I wanna be that guy that walks into the gym and people think "shit this guy is a serious lifter" haha!

    But like I said cheer for the advise guys!
    Sounds like your doing some research. Thats good. As far as drinking and smoking at young age vs. steroid use. I won't get into the drinking and smoking as they teach that in school. Even though most of us didn't pay attention. haha.

    The steroids however will shut down your natural prodution of testosteron. At 20 years old your HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis) and other system are not fully developed. Start steroids now and you could face issue of not fully recovering back to normal post cycle. Risks include low testosterone levels for life unless you plan to be on trt for life (that would suck at the ripe old age of 20), erectile dysfunction (sorry babe my dick doesn't work), depression, tiredness, weakend bones and so on. Just to name a few possible risks. There are a few good guys here that started young maybe they will share there story with you.

    As mentioned above you are in your prime and it sounds like you have a good base and foundation to build from. Eat and lift. Stick around and get advise on training, diet and gaining size. These gents will help you get bigger naturally! In a few more years when your body is fully developed, by all means juice it up brother. We will still be here to help..

  10. #10
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    (FYI- I am looking to start my 1st cycle this year so I'm still NATTY)
    Not to sound like a broken record but agreed with I'm in agreement with everything said above. At age 20, your HPT axis is still developing, your test levels are still rising, and your body is primed to build lean muscle naturally especially given your seemingly solid foundation. Focus on long lasting natural gains for now and keep lean; AAs at this point will screw up your HPT axis at this age. I'm now in my late 20s but I started lifting at 15 and just like you, didn't want to just show off but wanted to let people know I wasn't there to play. But the senior members on my team told me to wait and I listened. I didn't just gain lean mass, I also gained proper form, discipline, a proper diet routine and extensive muscle memory. I've reached my genetic peak (or close) and now I'm struggling to add on. Hence why I'm about to try my first cycle. But I applaud the discipline you already have at your age and your earnest research. Folks older than you come on the forum and they ask questions after they've already injected themselves with god knows what???

  11. #11
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    Great you read it. Now stick around here and start at the diet forum. From your pic you can achieve much naturally. You get your diet dialed in great things will come. Then down the road when your a little older you can see if you still want to try gear, if the risk is worth the reward in the way ther direction of your life is going. Your just starting your new life , who knows what the future might bring but it might not include enough training to have warranted steroid use.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    Hey dude I'm not one to knock anything anybody is doing or wants to do as long as I doesn't harm me or mine. But no matter your age your body is not ready for steroids yet. Good start and I'm all for superior gains through chemical hormone manipulation. Haha ! But build the best base you can before mounting that dark horse. Eat eat eat and lift lift lift. You will get so much better results.
    ^^^^ What he said. I was going to just say, Do you even lift?

  13. #13
    Haha! I thought bodybuilding and fitness was all about helping out anyone regardless of there experience or progress. Everyone on here has been really helpful and obviously have the true fitness and BB spirit but there's always one dickhead and that's obviously you (do you even lift?) haha **** off

  14. #14
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    You have another thread on the same topic, are you thinking maybe someone will give you different advice? This sport is not about helping anyone out regardless of anything, it is about helping yourself, it is an individual sport. Do your research, then ask questions or ask for advice about what you read and don't quite understand. At your age and progress level, you are not going to like most of the advice you get here, but it will be the best and most honest you will receive. If you want someone to tell you "go for it bro, do as much as you can" then you will need to go to a different forum and get some "bro science" advice.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by davegt7 View Post
    Haha! I thought bodybuilding and fitness was all about helping out anyone regardless of there experience or progress. Everyone on here has been really helpful and obviously have the true fitness and BB spirit but there's always one dickhead and that's obviously you (do you even lift?) haha **** off
    Yup I'm a dick head and honest. You dont have much of a base, especially for considering doing a cycle. Get into the gym and learn to eat properly until you have a good solid base or you will be wasting your money.

    Telling someone what they want to hear is not helping them when it's not true.

  16. #16
    If you read the dates you will notice it posted this a week or so ago. This post was to seek advise about the drug and see what the advise was on me taking it. The most recent one was to say thanks for the advise but I'm going for it and if you have any advise for taking the product id appreciate it. And yeah fair enough I'm new to all of this in comparison to all of you but to say something like (do you even lift) how ****ing childish. People have said to me before yeah I can tell your new and no disrespect but your not massive so think about test first. (Which is good advise) so I'm sorry if posting twice about test enanthate is such a massive offence in this forum community but I had no idea

  17. #17
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    Getting all defensive isn't going to help your cause, you were given advice, take it or leave it. You will need to thicken up your skin, don't take comments personally, or your experience here wont be a good one. There is going to be ball busting and shit you don't want to here, live with it or don't, that is your call. Stick around and learn, contribute, and get to know the ins and outs of this place. You are young and will get fuked with on occasion for doing what most don't agree with, but doesn't mean we don't want you here, settle in and take advantage of all there is to learn.


  18. #18
    Its The usual, I'm to impatient to wait sort of attitude But what you should read is this thread.

    I personally would wait until I were 100kg to 105 kg natty less than 10% Body fat natty before considering a cycle, this is what you should aim for at your height.
    Your experience of 2 years gym time is immature and any gains made on AAS will likely disappear.
    If you jump on cycle now at 90kg you will blow up to around 100kg maybe 105kg but then when your off you won't even be able to maintain 100kg. Then you will have to cycle on again to reach that 100kg weight then so on and so forth.

    This is all irrespective of your age ATM. That is a whole new ball game.

    Get your blood work done pre cycle, this you must do regardless of age, inspect your natty test levels and ensure that you follow proper protocols and correct PTC to recover your system.
    Even if you do every thing you are supposed to do, at 20 you may never recover, because you have not reached maturity.

    But at the end of the day it is your choice, if you do choose this route NOW, get bloods pre, intra and post pct. also log your results wherever, and if by the likely chance you do destroy yourself and are stuck on TRT please use your experience to warn others of not wiring your due diligence.

    But regardless of your age my opinion still stands that you are not even big enough for your frame natty or enough gym time to maintain what you may get on a cycle.

    Post up you diet and training regime in the appropriate sections, and you will be surprised at what you may be missing that you need to improve your size natty.

    Also test costs money but right now you are producing the most you could ever produce in your life for free, you would be short changing your self some $$$.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by motivated247 View Post
    Its The usual, I'm to impatient to wait sort of attitude But what you should read is this thread.

    I personally would wait until I were 100kg to 105 kg natty less than 10% Body fat natty before considering a cycle, this is what you should aim for at your height.
    Your experience of 2 years gym time is immature and any gains made on AAS will likely disappear.
    If you jump on cycle now at 90kg you will blow up to around 100kg maybe 105kg but then when your off you won't even be able to maintain 100kg. Then you will have to cycle on again to reach that 100kg weight then so on and so forth.

    This is all irrespective of your age ATM. That is a whole new ball game.

    Get your blood work done pre cycle, this you must do regardless of age, inspect your natty test levels and ensure that you follow proper protocols and correct PTC to recover your system.
    Even if you do every thing you are supposed to do, at 20 you may never recover, because you have not reached maturity.

    But at the end of the day it is your choice, if you do choose this route NOW, get bloods pre, intra and post pct. also log your results wherever, and if by the likely chance you do destroy yourself and are stuck on TRT please use your experience to warn others of not wiring your due diligence.

    But regardless of your age my opinion still stands that you are not even big enough for your frame natty or enough gym time to maintain what you may get on a cycle.

    Post up you diet and training regime in the appropriate sections, and you will be surprised at what you may be missing that you need to improve your size natty.

    Also test costs money but right now you are producing the most you could ever produce in your life for free, you would be short changing your self some $$$.
    Quality post 247!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I'm 24 and I realize that I didn't reach my natural peek. You might be training hard but there is always new methods to grow, you might eat clean but sometimes you lack of some nutrients. I started lifting when I was 17 & never was enough committed to learn much more etc..

    Then I saw some natty fitness model here ( at his beginning he wasn't that famous ) : Marc Fitt. Talked to him a little and realized that I wasn't doing enough, the day I will be as committed as he is ( the natty way etc.. ) maybe after that if it's not enough I'll use gear !

    My 2 cents, I just want to help you out to show you that AAS are not all that, they're freakin evil if you don't use them right ( some friends ****ed up so bad they can't go without it anymore... and they're 21-22 yo)

    but if you really want to go with it I guess you will learn by your own.

    People here have the experience & knowledge with AAS that most of the gyms and even trainers lack & we young folks should respect that, listen to what they say especially when they say don't do it you'll **** yourself up for nothing !

    Hope to see ya around

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