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Thread: 3rd cycle, contest prep, ADVICE PLEASE!

  1. #1

    3rd cycle, contest prep, ADVICE PLEASE!

    Hey guys whats up? I'm 29 year old male from the NorthWest.

    I am just curious to hear some of your guys's opinions on what a good 16 week pre-contest stack would look like. I am not currently on TRT, I cycle off. According to blood work, my body seems to recover fine so I want to keep my cycle as close to 16 weeks as possible, no more. I would like to keep my HPTA functioning as long as possible.

    My main question is what would be a good inj. compound to add to the first half of my contest regimen to aid in mass development?

    Current Cycle:

    week 1-5 dbol (kick start fill the muscles with carbs and get that size.)
    week 1-4 Test P (again kick start, begin at a high doese, tapering down as enanthate cleaves)
    Week 1-16 Test E (1000mg/week)
    Weeks 8-16 Masteron (500mg/week, not sure on exact dosage protocol would appreciate input)
    Weeks 11-15 Oral Winny (not sure on dosage of this as well)
    Weeks 14-16 dbol (possibly, to add more size, and if I'm truly conditioned, my experience tells me I shouldn't have a problem with water, never have)

    The show would land somewhere in week 16 I'm thinking mid if I time it right.

    So what else can I add in there for weeks 1-8,9, or possibly 10ish? My desire is to use this time to add as much mass to my frame as possible. I was thinking Deca but everyone tells me that I need to run that for like 16 weeks minimum. Then there is EQ and maybe run that for the first 12 weeks? I heard EQ doesn't hold much water... again any input would be awesome. Thanks guys!! What would you throw in the first half for mass?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    What are your stats and cycle want to mix oral Winnie and dbol? ??????? Bulk and cut? I don't bro, this needs some work. Competing in what?

  3. #3
    My stats as of 4 months off all test and anabolics:
    511 200 14%BF

    I tested by body fat using Lange Calipers.

    Cycle 1
    500mgs Test E 12wks

    Cycle 2
    week 1-4 dbol 35mg ED
    week 1-4 Test P Kick Start
    week 1-11 test E 800mgs/week
    week 11-13 test p 700mgs/week

    I wasn't sure about the oral winny/dbol mix but I have read that in some prep protocols the use of dbol or oxy helps fill you out and makes u pop a little more on stage, as long as your truly in condition. But I didn't know if mixing the two would work out especially if I use them both orally. Maybe injectable winny would be a better solution. Any input would be awesome! Oh and I wanna stay away from tren if I can. I naturally respond very adrogenicaly to the compounds ive tried. When I say that i mean, water retention is never even noticeable, even with little to no AI. So I don't think I need tren especially in a low level show.

    The show is a local show its called the Cascadian Classic. Its in Central Oregon. I'm going to college for Kinesiology/Exercise&Sport Science. Trying to make a name for my self in town as a trainer that competes, and can train competitors.


  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I don't think I would experiment right now .....what if it blows up in your face. Forums are great but its not like the Guy giving the advice is right there. I would try that in a cutter that you aren't looking to compete in.

  6. #6
    Anyone else care to weigh in?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Didn't like my answer huh?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Didn't like my answer huh?
    No, I just want to take full advantage of this large community.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Repost in our competitive BBing section.

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