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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #17281
    Join Date
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    Well that was serious bis and tris are about to explode really focused on the squeeze which has really made me destroy arms the last weeks feel great. Home to refeed and relax for the weekend

  2. #17282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Right? Then ran my cholesterol and said they had never seen numbers so good. I don't remember the exact LDL and Hdl numbers but combined were just over 100
    I think when they are in the system for so long they become blinkered to what they are actually seeing which is silly imo

  3. #17283
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Haha the last time my dr's nurse looked at bmi checking my in. She said oh my the dr is going to need to discuss putting me on a diet cause according to the chart I am considered obese. Lmao!
    LOL, that's just so wrong.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #17284
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    Good lift today. Nice temp, it's 43°F, but made plenty of sweat.
    R/C exercises and broomstick stretches. Also stretched back and biceps. Biceps are ridiculously sore from day before yesterday.

    D'bell shoulder press-2 w/u, Work-5.5, drop,1, drop, 2.5-3.5. Got a couple of more reps than last time, so that's progress.
    Cable side laterals-2 w/u, Work-6,drop,2.5, drop,1.5. Got an extra rep w/ right side.
    High pulley rear lateral-2 w/u, Work-6.5,drop,5.5 w/ a long hold on last half rep.
    B'bell shrugs-2 w/u, Work1-front- 7.5,drop, 6. Work2-rear-6.5, drop,7.5 w/ a long hold on last half rep.
    D'bell shrugs-6.5, drop, 7.5 w/ a long hold on last.

    40 minutes not including stretches.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  5. #17285
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    LOL, that's just so wrong.
    well... In all fairness to the nurse she probably just doesn't know any better as i was fully clothed when she was weighing me in. I just laughed. Headed to the gym here in a few to train back and Bi's will check back later

  6. #17286
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    Each set is a superset complimenting the bi's after back lift

    Wide grip pull downs 5x12

    Incline dumbbell curls 5x12

    Seated hammer strength rows 5x12

    Preacher curls 5x15

    Bent over rows 5x8

    Ez bar curls 5x10

    Standing lateral cable pulls 5x25

    ISO dumbbell curls 5x10

    Lifts done in 50 minutes

    40 minutes cardio and done for today

  7. #17287
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Good lift today. Nice temp, it's 43°F, but made plenty of sweat.
    R/C exercises and broomstick stretches. Also stretched back and biceps. Biceps are ridiculously sore from day before yesterday.

    D'bell shoulder press-2 w/u, Work-5.5, drop,1, drop, 2.5-3.5. Got a couple of more reps than last time, so that's progress.
    Cable side laterals-2 w/u, Work-6,drop,2.5, drop,1.5. Got an extra rep w/ right side.
    High pulley rear lateral-2 w/u, Work-6.5,drop,5.5 w/ a long hold on last half rep.
    B'bell shrugs-2 w/u, Work1-front- 7.5,drop, 6. Work2-rear-6.5, drop,7.5 w/ a long hold on last half rep.
    D'bell shrugs-6.5, drop, 7.5 w/ a long hold on last.

    40 minutes not including stretches.
    Looks very similar lol

  8. #17288
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    Ive got DOMS all over my biceps and triceps, feels great and I knew I was going to have more soreness than normal due to not training like I normally do. Next week is going to be hit and miss again in the gym but will see what happens.

  9. #17289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Each set is a superset complimenting the bi's after back lift

    Wide grip pull downs 5x12

    Incline dumbbell curls 5x12

    Seated hammer strength rows 5x12

    Preacher curls 5x15

    Bent over rows 5x8

    Ez bar curls 5x10

    Standing lateral cable pulls 5x25

    ISO dumbbell curls 5x10

    Lifts done in 50 minutes

    40 minutes cardio and done for today
    hey Bio in the house again

    Your probably know what I'm going to say and the rest of the crowd lol

    Have you ever tried compacting your working sets down to one or two (at the most) and going all out to complete failure and beyond. Example couple of feel sets to judge which weight your going to be maxing out at in the low rep range then incorporating some drop sets, or forced and negatives, rest pause or halves and quarters so your rep range increases to the higher 10-12 range?

    Even though your going to complete failure on your 5th set imagine how many more muscle fibers recruitment you will have if you condensed 3 of those sets into one working set and going to true failure, then you can truly go all out because your body and mind wont be thinking about further sets you have to do. Once you been in this zone and completely trained to you max it will be impossible to do another set anyway or do you prefer the volume aspect of your routine?

  10. #17290
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    In a gym!

  11. #17291
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    In a gym!
    ////// not the right response for this thread. Sorry

  12. #17292
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    hey Bio in the house again

    Your probably know what I'm going to say and the rest of the crowd lol

    Have you ever tried compacting your working sets down to one or two (at the most) and going all out to complete failure and beyond. Example couple of feel sets to judge which weight your going to be maxing out at in the low rep range then incorporating some drop sets, or forced and negatives, rest pause or halves and quarters so your rep range increases to the higher 10-12 range?

    Even though your going to complete failure on your 5th set imagine how many more muscle fibers recruitment you will have if you condensed 3 of those sets into one working set and going to true failure, then you can truly go all out because your body and mind wont be thinking about further sets you have to do. Once you been in this zone and completely trained to you max it will be impossible to do another set anyway or do you prefer the volume aspect of your routine?
    My first 2 lifts that way. i do that way with my spotter. I just do not get the growth or burn enough calories unless i have more volume in my training

  13. #17293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    My first 2 lifts that way. i do that way with my spotter. I just do not get the growth or burn enough calories unless i have more volume in my training
    Ive never responded great or exploded in size and growth with volume, my body works better pure HIT but I do have a few friends who work with volume and they look great, they not the biggest guys in the gym but still look very well. Now and again I will throw in some on a pullback but its just not for me to maintain or grow. It what ever works best for you is the key

  14. #17294
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Looks very similar lol
    I have a really great coach!

    Question for you regarding the high pulley rear delt movement ( the one you posted the video of Phil Heath doing). I lean back a good bit, keep my elbows high, use a triceps rope, and don't go so heavy that I end up pulling myself upright.
    It is hitting the rear delts nicely, but I seem to get a bit of trap stimulation also ( which is fine, since bbell shrugs are next).
    I believe I'm performing the movement properly and think the minimal trap stimulation is unavoidable , but wanted to get your input.
    Thanks, Marcus!

    I have been trying to discipline myself to lift every other day, but if I feel up to it, I may grab a back session tomorrow. I seem to be in one of those periods where everything seems to be going well.
    Last edited by almostgone; 01-24-2015 at 10:13 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  15. #17295
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I have a really great coach!

    Question for you regarding the high pulley rear delt movement ( the one you posted the video of Phil Heath doing). I lean back a good bit, keep my elbows high, use a triceps rope, and don't go so heavy that I end up pulling myself upright.
    It is hitting the rear delts nicely, but I seem to get a bit of trap stimulation also ( which is fine, since bbell rows are next).
    I believe I'm performing the movement properly and think the minimal trap stimulation is unavoidable , but wanted to get your input.
    Thanks, Marcus!
    They sound good involving the traps is unavoidable but you may need to paly around with your elbow placing and see which feels better for the rear delts more. Try moving the elbows close to parallel and see if you feel the burn more in the rears. Try not pulling back so much see if that helps but from the sounds of it your hitting them and have the right stance IMHO but just play around with it to find which position targets them more than the traps

  16. #17296
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    Thanks, boss! Appreciate it.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  17. #17297
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    Had a little niggle in my upper back, must of pulled a muscle over the last week so I've been rolling around on a baseball to massage it out and it feel so good. I look a cvnt doing it but it feel so good

  18. #17298
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I look a cvnt doing it but it feel so good
    Haha to easy.

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    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  19. #17299
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Had a we niggle in my upper back, must of pulled a muscle over the last week so I've been rolling around on a baseball to massage it out and it feel so good. I look a cvnt doing it but it feel so good
    ^^^^ fixed

  20. #17300
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Ive never responded great or exploded in size and growth with volume, my body works better pure HIT but I do have a few friends who work with volume and they look great, they not the biggest guys in the gym but still look very well. Now and again I will throw in some on a pullback but its just not for me to maintain or grow. It what ever works best for you is the key
    all good brother. Tbh I am not trying to be huge anymore I really do not want to have to eat that much to maintain it. I am more in to the physic aspect now and staying lean/shredded. Not that that is for everyone either. Also like many of you I have to work around in jury's. From years of lifting heavy. I have an l5s1 that is none on bone since 2010. I did avoid the surgery so now I avoid any lifts that compress the spine
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 01-24-2015 at 11:46 AM.

  21. #17301
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    Fvck guys yous are all killing it av been really busy so no gym for me the last few days my next session will be monday an it will be bi's i can feeeeeellll the pain now

  22. #17302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    all good brother. Tbh I am not trying to be huge anymore I really do not want to have to eat that much to maintain it. I am more in to the physic aspect now and staying lean/shredded. Not that that is for everyone either. Also like many of you I have to work around in jury's. From years of lifting heavy. I have an l5s1 that is none on bone since 2010. I did avoid the surgery so now I avoid any lifts that compress the spine

    That makes more sense to me now. I feel betters lighter myself but just haven't got to that stage were I'm going to drop 30lbs but I'm sure one day. Now I know your goal and how you want to look its easier to comprehend what you been saying and how your training.

    I have a similar issue with my back so I work around it and build thickness to help to some pressure of the spine

  23. #17303
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    That makes more sense to me now. I feel betters lighter myself but just haven't got to that stage were I'm going to drop 30lbs but I'm sure one day. Now I know your goal and how you want to look its easier to comprehend what you been saying and how your training. I have a similar issue with my back so I work around it and build thickness to help to some pressure of the spine
    leg presses instead of heavy squats, lunges, leg extension and leg curls. It's a miracle that I avoided surgery the dr's all said I really had no choice but if I could tough it out it would probably auto fuse itself. Hopefully it did. It really doesn't bother me much anymore. I am careful though not to load it at the gym but I can do things like standing bicep curls were I had given stuff like that up for years. It's nice getting a second chance you know? Just don't want to mess up that extra chance

  24. #17304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    leg presses instead of heavy squats, lunges, leg extension and leg curls. It's a miracle that I avoided surgery the dr's all said I really had no choice but if I could tough it out it would probably auto fuse itself. Hopefully it did. It really doesn't bother me much anymore. I am careful though not to load it at the gym but I can do things like standing bicep curls were I had given stuff like that up for years. It's nice getting a second chance you know? Just don't want to mess up that extra chance
    Very true train educated and keep safe. What are your current stats

  25. #17305
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Very true train educated and keep safe. What are your current stats
    will be 44 this year 5"3 160lbs bf% under 10

  26. #17306
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    Been busy haven't updated here, so here is shoulders and arms.

    Jan 23, 274


    Treadmill 5min, stretch and abs.

    Dmbl press: 2 warm, 2 feel, 2 working 1 drop. Wanted the 110's but the 100's were hard to kick in to position so stayed there.

    Bar shrug: 2 feel, 3x12 working at 405. Used the straps so I could move some weight, my traps wanted some weight today.

    Single side: 4 sets increasing weight each set.

    Rear dmbl: 2 feel, 2 working.

    Press machine: 3 sets working to the stack.

    Rope pull: 4 sets.

    Shoulders were spent and pumped. Weight was up today, I ate a ton of pasta with chicken and sausage yesterday for my lunches. Trying to pile as much food down my throat as possible, fuk it is hard to get it it all down and not want to throw it back up. Workouts are going well, moving some weight and feeling good, trying to progress a bit more every week. Arms tomorrow then rest on Sunday, these rest days feel more important as my workouts get harder, really look forward to them.

    Jan 24, 271


    Close press: 2 warm, 1 feel, 1 working(too heavy 275 for 2) drop(245 for 4), 1 working(245) double drop.

    Incline Cavers: 2x15 1x14 1x12, stayed at 100 and burned them out.

    V-bar push down: 4x12xstack.

    Cable concentration curls: 4x15(what a burn)

    Incline dmbl curl: 4x15(painful lactic acid burn, break out the fire hose veins)

    Preacher machine: 4x15

    Dips: 20, 15, 14, 12.

    Slept in and had to rush today so I didn't rest much between sets and wow, what a rush and pump. Went out to eat at an Asian fusion style restaurant, sushi and Thai all you can eat. I don't like sushi but there was tons of meat to order and I did. Definitely hit my cals last night, probably 2000 or more at dinner. Funny thing is I didn't even feel over full, must be from all the giant meals I am eating all day. I had a couple shots of sake for a friends bday, never had it before.

  27. #17307
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Been busy haven't updated here, so here is shoulders and arms.

    Jan 23, 274


    Treadmill 5min, stretch and abs.

    Dmbl press: 2 warm, 2 feel, 2 working 1 drop. Wanted the 110's but the 100's were hard to kick in to position so stayed there.

    Bar shrug: 2 feel, 3x12 working at 405. Used the straps so I could move some weight, my traps wanted some weight today.

    Single side: 4 sets increasing weight each set.

    Rear dmbl: 2 feel, 2 working.

    Press machine: 3 sets working to the stack.

    Rope pull: 4 sets.

    Shoulders were spent and pumped. Weight was up today, I ate a ton of pasta with chicken and sausage yesterday for my lunches. Trying to pile as much food down my throat as possible, fuk it is hard to get it it all down and not want to throw it back up. Workouts are going well, moving some weight and feeling good, trying to progress a bit more every week. Arms tomorrow then rest on Sunday, these rest days feel more important as my workouts get harder, really look forward to them.

    Jan 24, 271


    Close press: 2 warm, 1 feel, 1 working(too heavy 275 for 2) drop(245 for 4), 1 working(245) double drop.

    Incline Cavers: 2x15 1x14 1x12, stayed at 100 and burned them out.

    V-bar push down: 4x12xstack.

    Cable concentration curls: 4x15(what a burn)

    Incline dmbl curl: 4x15(painful lactic acid burn, break out the fire hose veins)

    Preacher machine: 4x15

    Dips: 20, 15, 14, 12.

    Slept in and had to rush today so I didn't rest much between sets and wow, what a rush and pump. Went out to eat at an Asian fusion style restaurant, sushi and Thai all you can eat. I don't like sushi but there was tons of meat to order and I did. Definitely hit my cals last night, probably 2000 or more at dinner. Funny thing is I didn't even feel over full, must be from all the giant meals I am eating all day. I had a couple shots of sake for a friends bday, never had it before.

    Your forcing that food down Zempy lol I love my force feeding when I want to jumo in size...

    Post a recent pic lets see what you look like at your size,,

    How tall are you?

  28. #17308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    will be 44 this year 5"3 160lbs bf% under 10
    Well I would of never of guessed you was 5ft 3" at 160lbs..

    How long ago did you injury your back

  29. #17309
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Well I would of never of guessed you was 5ft 3" at 160lbs.. How long ago did you injury your back
    well the dr said that the injury didn't happen overnight that it probably took 20 years for the disc to degenerate that bad. The straw that broke the camels back happens back in sept of 2010 and when I was lifting I felt the vertebras touch. Darn that hurt and I remember looking at my spotter and saying gosh that just didn't feel right at all. 3 days later boom I could barley walk or even get out of bed. I touched it out took 3 months off from the gym and finally found a good surgeon that suggested I try pt. I did it and it worked within 3 months she had me back in the gym and I started inching along again. If anyone is wondering it was the Mckenzie method. I had to do these exercises every hour that manipulated the disc bulged for about 3 months and then I was able to just do them at night before bed. I still use a pillow for support when I sit down but at least I can. For several years I would either stand or lay down

  30. #17310
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Damn Bio that must have sucked big time. Glad you persevered and came through it all.
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  31. #17311
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    The funniest part was that I keep my nutrition strict even though I was hurt and I remember my first week back in the gym guys approaching me and saying are you getting ready for a show. I laughed and said no I haven't been in the gym for 99 days. Just trying to get back into shape. Goes to show if you keep your nutrition in par you don't loose much.

  32. #17312
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Damn Bio that must have sucked big time. Glad you persevered and came through it all.
    it did brother I remember being literally scared to go back to the gym cause I thought I might get hurt again. My therapist said I needed to go back or I would go crazy lol. I waited a couple weeks longer and she asked me if I had gone back. When I told her not yet. She said if you don't go back tomorrow then I am taking you in. I went and it was all smooth again from there

  33. #17313
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    It's never ceases to amaze me what discipline coupled with intelligence can achieve!
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  34. #17314
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    It's never ceases to amaze me what discipline coupled with intelligence can achieve!
    thanks brother that means a lot coming from you

  35. #17315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    well the dr said that the injury didn't happen overnight that it probably took 20 years for the disc to degenerate that bad. The straw that broke the camels back happens back in sept of 2010 and when I was lifting I felt the vertebras touch. Darn that hurt and I remember looking at my spotter and saying gosh that just didn't feel right at all. 3 days later boom I could barley walk or even get out of bed. I touched it out took 3 months off from the gym and finally found a good surgeon that suggested I try pt. I did it and it worked within 3 months she had me back in the gym and I started inching along again. If anyone is wondering it was the Mckenzie method. I had to do these exercises every hour that manipulated the disc bulged for about 3 months and then I was able to just do them at night before bed. I still use a pillow for support when I sit down but at least I can. For several years I would either stand or lay down
    Credit to you

    well done and just goes to show what we are capable of doing if we keep strong minded,

  36. #17316
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    What's up "Y'ALL?" I just caught back up from mid December. Been following this from the beginning and posted a few times. I'm gonna try And be more active. Keep killing it!

  37. #17317
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    Marcus, I'm 6'6" still have some fat but it is slowly being traded for muscle weight. Pics are shite and sideways, but I will throw them up. I will get the wife to take some better ones with the good camera maybe after a killer workout when I am swollen. These are right out of bed a couple days ago.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150122_043616.jpg 
Views:	245 
Size:	1.30 MB 
ID:	155031Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	194 
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ID:	155032

  38. #17318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    will be 44 this year 5"3 160lbs bf% under 10
    Dang, I could tell you are thick, but just looking at your avi pic, I would have thought 5'8"- 5'10". BF under 10% is impressive as well!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  39. #17319
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Marcus, I'm 6'6" still have some fat but it is slowly being traded for muscle weight. Pics are shite and sideways, but I will throw them up. I will get the wife to take some better ones with the good camera maybe after a killer workout when I am swollen. These are right out of bed a couple days ago.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150122_043616.jpg 
Views:	245 
Size:	1.30 MB 
ID:	155031Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150122_043716.jpg 
Views:	194 
Size:	124.5 KB 
ID:	155032
    6ft 6" now that's tall lol ...........thanks for posting and keep doing what your doing

  40. #17320
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    Anterior delta and traps must have gotten well abused yesterday as they are nice and sore. Think I may go see the deep tissue massage lady soon. Let her work me over and work out the tight spots.
    Last edited by almostgone; 01-25-2015 at 02:36 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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