Austinite in your opinion would it beneficial to stack T3 an Clen ??Originally Posted by austinite
Austinite in your opinion would it beneficial to stack T3 an Clen ??Originally Posted by austinite
Last edited by KML; 02-09-2015 at 04:01 PM.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
I started off doing a Clen/T3 Cycle. I discontinued the Clen after a couple days and just ran T3. I am now a few weeks in and I my workouts are suffering due to the shortness of breath. I also get anxiety and chest pain. I am going to go from 90mcg to 50mcg and see how that works but I can feel the effect shortly after taking it.
After the first week at 50mcg I bumped up to 75mcg. Been at 75 for 10 days now. I am not sure if it's the T3 or a combination of the T3 and a slight change in my workouts and diet. Well, more than a slight diet change...I stopped drinking on Feb 2nd. Anyway, I have went from 213 to 203 in 13 days. I know 10 pounds is not much for some people but, when you are already fairly lean 10 pounds is quite a bit. I have increased my test to 200mg a week (100 subq every 3.5 days) and increased my stane to 6.25mg every day.
I will say I do not feel as strong at the gym and am dead tired at night. But, I have made the cardinal mistake...changing to many things at once. I have changed my workout to two weeks very high (18-20 reps), two weeks med reps (10-12) then one week low reps (5-6) then start all over. The high reps are a pain...literally... most for some reason go for 10 reps but when you go for 20 and you are feeling a bit fatigued at 10 ... well you really have to push. Every muscle in my body is sore (good sore but sore). I did have my BF% checked and I came in at 17% (CALIPERS) it's just a reference point to start from!
Follow up: Weight has plateaued at 201 202. Did labs to prepare for an upcoming cycle. Everything was good except my tsh was low .022 and my Absolute Eos was a big zero! I did stop taking T3 for 2 days prior to the lab and hoped everything would be normal. I am going to continue taking the T3 till after my 8 week cycle. Then I am going back to just hormone replacement again.
Austinite, you think it's fine to use oral PH to go with T3? Something like DMZ 3.0 or something. I'm currently on 1-AD & 4-AD and really want to try T3 on my next cycle along with a mild compound like DMZ.
I'm 2 weeks in my current cycle. You think I should go ahead and start T3?
Last edited by BARKODE; 03-01-2015 at 01:45 AM.
Very good info
Hi austinite ..
I'm on week 5 of a test only cycle @ 625 mg/week .. I'm gyno prone and that's why I'm on ralox at 60 mg daily just to be on the safe side..
Today I received my ar-r t3 and I want to use it ..
I ll stop the ralox , and start nolvadex as evista and t3 don't go well together ..
Is this what you will do if u were me?
New to the world of T3 but this read makes me want to do it. Thanks for the post.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Much appreciated pal.. Thnx a lot..
looking to get some input on my blood work while on T3.
Unfortunately I dont have any blood work before I started using T3.
Current T3 dosage is 75 mcg ed for 3 months
my results:
TSH .015 range uIu/ML .450-4.5
Thyroxine (t4) .7 range ug/dl 4.5-12.0
T3 Uptake 46 Range 24-39
Free Thyroxine index .3 range 1.2-4.9
Many people talk about when coming off T3 you should restrict kcal to prevent fat-gain. Then again, a strict diet of deficiency in kcal causes T3 to automatically down-regulate. Isnt the diet thing a bad thing then? Isnt better to eat little more and gain some fat and then get T3 up faster...?
I'm never using t3 again and honestly can't see a use for it
A low TSH = OVER active thyroid.
Low TSH = high T3 (or T4)
Give it a good couple week after last dose before getting blood tested.
I used T3 @ 50ug ed for 3 months and TSH, T3 was back to normal a month later.
Thanks for the inputs: Wintermaul, MR-FQ320, and athletic.guy.
Been looking for something like this for a while, thank you!
Austin, currently on 160mg/wk trt protocol. Is this enough to stave off muscle wasting with a 50mcg t3 dose, or should I bump up my t-cyp??
I was actually going to ask the exact same thing.I take the same amount of Test Cyp 160mg, split into two doses a week. Started taking .25mg of Arimidex 1 x a week, two weeks ago.
I want to start on T3, but want to prevent muscle wasting. Thoughts? Thanks!!
TSH (Thyroid) 2.090 (0.450 -4.500)
Thyroxine (T4) 5.8 (4.5 - 12.0)
T3 Uptake 37 (24 - 39)
Free Thyroxine Index 2.1 (1.2 - 4.9)
Triiodothyronine (T3) 93 (71 - 180)
Thank you for this post extremely informative would you say its a safe compound to run on a first cycle which would be test e only
Austinite, I've seen people comment that liquid form of T3 is worthless. sells a liquid version that seems to have good reviews. Would you recommend buying T3 from their?
hey guys does anyone used t4 instead of t3 ?? i don't mean t4 and hgh just t4 and aas for a cutting cycle, i read that if the body needs it ,will convert it into t3 so even if you take 400mcg of t4 you get t3 in normal dosage of the body is that true??
Been taking T3 since 3 weeks. First I did 50mcg with no big temperature change, then I went up to 75mcg and my temperature went up and stayed at about 37.1. Now the last couple of days it went down to 36,7 again. Always measuring under the same conditions with a ear measurer.
So, what would you recommend proceeding? Staying at 75mcg or even go to 100mcg too increase temperature again?
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Yeah, that's what I did already. Should arrive in the next days.
Just to understand the mechanism.
When I found the dosage of where my body temperature increases (in this case 75mcg a day) then this will probably allways be the dosage for me? Are there circumstances where the dosage needed could change? Or do I from now on know, what dosage to start/take whenever I take T3?
Maybe it's a stupid question but still not obvious to me :-)
It matters what your normal body temp and how much it increases. i little increase overall can have a profound effect. I would stick to the level that doesn't raise your temp at all, or very little. T3 at 50mcg does wonders. I know many people that do well on this amount. However, you need to give it time. I personally like 2 weeks. You will see a good change.
Dosing should not need to change.
Start at 50mcg, and stated already by Aust.
very interesting....going to be giving t3 a try for first time soon
I've read elsewhere http://www.************.com/forum/ that you want to run your protein real high (1.5-2g per pound bodyweight) in addition to the AAS to save muscle. Do you agree with this?
Know the thread is a little old, but I have a question. Has anyone ever get weakness in the legs. This was the only supplement that I was using and losing weight like crazy at 60mcgs a day of T3. I assumed since I wasn't Hungry that it could of been the lack of food. Did it to me twice at different times after about 6 to 8 weeks in.I would just take my trt dose and always consumed high protein diet.
Just want to see if anyone else got any side effects. I might of been deficient in something. I would also do IF like twice a week and made it easy on T3, I would have to force myself to eat.
Austinite, great info. Question: Does testosterone in itself increments T3 concentration as it lower TBG availability and increase T3/T4 ratio ???
Last edited by Slacker78; 08-23-2016 at 12:58 AM.
the OP made t3 seem relatively safe. Austinite could you explain why a lot of people claim t3 to be dangerous and will never use it?
Yes, I got weakness all over. 25mcg first day felt great, 50mcg 2nd day felt good lots of energy, 50mcg 3rd day felt a bit off decided not to increase, from here on I kept going worse to the point of thinking I was coming down with something. Pain in whole body, totally foggy brain, could not train or do anything, only got to 6 or 7th day at 50mcg. After a couple of days off I was fine again.
Why there is not need for T4 together?
Which the difference between T3 50mcg single dose/d AND T3 25mcg two doses/d?
T3 + L-tyrosine + caffeine is better?
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
I was thinking about using T4, have tried it just as an experiment a couple of times, noticed that 200mcgs caused me to go from freezing with a lot of clothes on (winter time) to using a t shirt and sweating in a couple of hours.
This only happened the first time I tried it tough, (I often have very high T4 and high TSH "naturally" on blood tests, probably influenced by AAS)
But, I don't need it for cutting really. I was thinking about the fact that it should increase protein synthesis as well as breakdown, and with a blast that includes slin it could perhaps increase anabolism and fat loss at the same time.
I am however more skeptical about T4 than T3 due to its long half life, and whether that would affect recovery.
(I've seen studies on people wrongly put on T4 for up to 20 years and they all recovered, so I'm not dreading any permanent shut down, but weeks or months of feeling bad)
But more importantly, does thyroid meds have any noticable function in regards to gaining muscle, or is it just a fat loss aid in your experience?
Last edited by DocToxin8; 10-21-2016 at 12:50 PM.
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