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Thread: IGF-1 LR3 Ineffective Pre-workout?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    IGF-1 LR3 Ineffective Pre-workout?

    It seems that the consensus is not to take igf immediately post wo but to wait 30m-1hr because of mgf. Some also say to take it pre wo or in the morning.

    If my understanding of lr3 is correct, it basically just floats around your bloodstream until it finds receptor sites? In which case, if you're taking it in the morning, say 6AM, and your workout starts at 4PM, then there is a window of 10 hours where the igf is looking for receptor sites. I would assume that most of the igf would attach to organs at this point? Why else would it float around for 10 hours without reducing concentration?
    Let's say it does continue floating around your bloodstream, then once your workout is completed and the mgf production begins, that free igf would, I assume, just cancel out the mgf, just as it would if you had taken it immediately post workout.

    Where is the gap in my logic, I feel like I'm missing something, since so many people inject pre workout.

    Either the igf has already attached by workout time, or it will cancel out the mgf formed during and after the workout. Those seem like the two options of pre-workout igf.
    So wouldn't like an hour post workout be the best way to inject?
    I know a lot of igf would probably make it's way to the muscles if injected the morning after your workout, but I doubt it would be as much as 1h post workout.

    Thanks for any clarification.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sehr View Post
    It seems that the consensus is not to take igf immediately post wo but to wait 30m-1hr because of mgf. Some also say to take it pre wo or in the morning.

    If my understanding of lr3 is correct, it basically just floats around your bloodstream until it finds receptor sites? In which case, if you're taking it in the morning, say 6AM, and your workout starts at 4PM, then there is a window of 10 hours where the igf is looking for receptor sites. I would assume that most of the igf would attach to organs at this point? Why else would it float around for 10 hours without reducing concentration?
    Let's say it does continue floating around your bloodstream, then once your workout is completed and the mgf production begins, that free igf would, I assume, just cancel out the mgf, just as it would if you had taken it immediately post workout.

    Where is the gap in my logic, I feel like I'm missing something, since so many people inject pre workout.

    Either the igf has already attached by workout time, or it will cancel out the mgf formed during and after the workout. Those seem like the two options of pre-workout igf.
    So wouldn't like an hour post workout be the best way to inject?
    I know a lot of igf would probably make it's way to the muscles if injected the morning after your workout, but I doubt it would be as much as 1h post workout.

    Thanks for any clarification.

    The gap I think maybe is you seeming to think receptors are only active with workout?
    anyway the flux of IGF1 just before during or after workout I feel makes you miss out on other growth factors that would be pumped out with training.. why not let then do what they do and add in IGF a couple hrs later. Thats just my opinion.

    I rec igf 1-2hrs postWO personally. but sure you will have action regardless.

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