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Thread: 2nd Clen Cycle

  1. #1

    2nd Clen Cycle

    Hey guys planning on doing a clen only cycle in about a month and wanted resolve a few questions I had before beginning.

    Finished my first cycle of it about 2 weeks ago and had pretty decent results. I was on the tail end of about a 2 month cut and I wanted to break through my plateau to get those last few pounds of fat. Now that I have finished and have been eating around maintenance for the last two weeks, I am going to begin bulking.

    In a month though, I have midterms which I am planning on needing to use quite a bit of adderall for studying. I try to avoid taking adderall usually as it causes me to SERIOUSLY lose my appetite. The week of my midterms I will most likely be on it every single day meaning it is going to be difficult to eat enough not to lose muscle mass. My plan was to do a one week clen cycle mostly for the anti-catabolic effects but since I will probably be in a huge calorie deficit due to the adderall, I am expecting some fat loss as well. I have read into the effects of combining the two and understand the risks of any intense cardio, etc.

    My question is will this actually work the way I am planning? In a calorie deficit from the adderall-induced lack of appetite, will the clen help me to save my muscles and will it actually burn any fat? Or since I am coming off a short 4 week bulk, will my body respond differently than if I had been cutting when I added the clen?

    I understand when you finish a cut, you need to be careful about starting your bulk too soon because of the unintended change in your body's use of nutrients to store extra fat. Is there any concerns about switching from a bulk to a cut this quickly (literally one day bulking, then the next starting a huge calorie deficit with adderall and clen?) Also, is there any maximum amount of calorie deficit you do not want to exceed on clen because you will start losing LBM, or will additional deficit cause more fat loss? I realize this may be a question for the diet forum, but I felt like 2 threads on the same topic would be too much.

    Stats: age 19, 5'10", 172 lbs., ~16% bf estimate

    Thanks for all the help guys
    Last edited by vschweinhart; 02-22-2015 at 12:28 PM.

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Apr 2005
    Sorry man we wont tell you how to mix these. Its not safe and at your age pretty dumb.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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