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Thread: Question about Primo...

  1. #1

    Question about Primo...

    I have a relatively simple question for those more experienced than I. I've been working out for about 7 years now, and recently got introduced to Primo from a friend of mine. I've never taken any sort of anabolic steroid before, but figured I would give this a shot, on a small scale, "Just to see".

    I'm taking a primo only cycle, and the dosage is small. 200 the first shot, then 100 every 5 days thereafter. I know it's small and may be a waste of money, so let's not comment on that please.

    My question is, at this small dosage level, will it, or can it, shut you down?

    Also, I injected in the the top part of my arm into the muscle, aspirated and all that, but now (3 days later), the muscle is bulging and looks out of place to me.. Anyone ever had that happen?

    I'm new to this so go easy on me, I don't mean to sound dumb or uneducated, just learning as I go here.

    Thanks for any help/advice..

    Have a great week!

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B- View Post
    I have a relatively simple question for those more experienced than I. I've been working out for about 7 years now, and recently got introduced to Primo from a friend of mine. I've never taken any sort of anabolic steroid before, but figured I would give this a shot, on a small scale, "Just to see".

    I'm taking a primo only cycle, and the dosage is small. 200 the first shot, then 100 every 5 days thereafter. I know it's small and may be a waste of money, so let's not comment on that please.

    My question is, at this small dosage level, will it, or can it, shut you down?

    Also, I injected in the the top part of my arm into the muscle, aspirated and all that, but now (3 days later), the muscle is bulging and looks out of place to me.. Anyone ever had that happen?

    I'm new to this so go easy on me, I don't mean to sound dumb or uneducated, just learning as I go here.

    Thanks for any help/advice..

    Have a great week!
    I am far from an expert ! But I am not real clear as to your condition ? I was taking all Shoulder shots and , you said upper arm ? That IMO is rather vage ? You say the whole muscle bulges and that IMO sounds very serious ? I just had an abses from doing all shoulder shots every 3.5 days (on TRT) It was a knot about the size of a marble ? I asked on this forum and they just told me to leave it alone and watch it for infection , redness and fever and if any of these showed see Doc ASAP ?

    You say the whole muscle has swelled ? I would ask did you know your source good and is anyone else taking the same batch as you are ? I have heard of for example a shot in the Bicept causing a blowout wich was where the Bicept actually shrunk as opposed to swell as you say ? What are you calling upper arm ? Delt I am assuming ?

    If you are new to gear you should educate yourself more as to proper injection sites and aspiration is good but I just poke and slam ? So I would say please give more info and some super smart guys may offer up some info that may be helpful to you ?

    Kind of as an after thought ? Why would you choose Primo for your 1st cycle and how long do you plan to stay on cycle ? Do you also supplement with Test ?

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-23-2015 at 02:06 AM.

  4. #4
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    It is a waste of time doing such a low dose. You will be shut down but won't see gains. I have to do min of 800mgs a week to see the magic.

    As for your bulge, what size needle did you use. Maybe you got crap gear. Primo is expensive
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    It is a waste of time doing such a low dose. You will be shut down but won't see gains. I have to do min of 800mgs a week to see the magic.

    As for your bulge, what size needle did you use. Maybe you got crap gear. Primo is expensive
    Spoon feeding?
    That's why I posted the link. It says all that and more so hopefully he and others will take the time to read it.

    From what I read, minimum is 400mg to see results. I have not used Primo myself though

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Spoon feeding?
    That's why I posted the link. It says all that and more so hopefully he and others will take the time to read it.

    From what I read, minimum is 400mg to see results. I have not used Primo myself though
    I love Primo! It's probly my favorite compound as my body reacts very nicely to it(especially on a cut or a really Lean Bulk)...

    Lovbytes posted the link b/c you jumped into this blind, so to speak(w/out educating yourself)...I would also recommend "Austinites Educational Article Database" as it'll answer your ?'s... And also have a look at "Planning and Executing my first successful cycle" as Yhis will answer your ?'s Abd show you how to do this right!

    Good Luck!

  7. #7
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    How much did you inject and what gauge and length of needle??

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplante7 View Post
    How much did you inject and what gauge and length of needle??
    23g 1" to 1 1/2" in glute - I like to get it deep in the muscle though I'm about 13% right now... But last cycle was prop/primo/var backloaded wks 6-12...

    My first time using Primo a few yrs ago(I only did 400mgs and got great results)... After doing much more research after that cycle I found that for best results - start at a lower bf% and I now w/my experience I wouldn't run anything less than 800mgs wkly or higher for myself... I do not suggest this if no exoerience! I don't like putting mgs wkly for members do they don't get the wrong idea... More is not always better!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-23-2015 at 07:51 AM.

  9. #9
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    Primo is the greatest steroid out there. I'm running 1000mgs a week now with hgh and about 200mgs of test a week
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  10. #10
    Sorry for vagueness.. Its was a a 22 gauge 1" needle into the delt, which is supposed to be fine from what I've read. When I flex that muscle it is quite pronounced compared to the other side, a little red.. No pain (although it did hurt for about a day after the injection).

    I know the source quite well, in fact, he is a well known guy in this city for this stuff, but that doesn't mean it's not crap gear. What I don't like is the fact that the bottle is brown (tinted), so you can't totally see what's in there. The brand is Cytex, most definitely the UGL version.

    And YES, I have read all the stuff posted on here, and I had someone else do the initial injection who does this all the time. I'm not a big fan of needles, but after that, it was really no big deal.

    I'm well aware of the recommended dosage is for this mild anabolic, but being brand new, and after doing some extensive research, I'm guessing I'll see something even off of this... If I don't, that's my problem and waste of my money.

    The reason for the question is because the data I have read is very conflicting as to dosage and shut down and the second question about the muscle bulging at the injection site is odd to me as well..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B- View Post
    Sorry for vagueness.. Its was a a 22 gauge 1" needle into the delt, which is supposed to be fine from what I've read. When I flex that muscle it is quite pronounced compared to the other side, a little red.. No pain (although it did hurt for about a day after the injection).

    I know the source quite well, in fact, he is a well known guy in this city for this stuff, but that doesn't mean it's not crap gear. What I don't like is the fact that the bottle is brown (tinted), so you can't totally see what's in there. The brand is Cytex, most definitely the UGL version.

    And YES, I have read all the stuff posted on here, and I had someone else do the initial injection who does this all the time. I'm not a big fan of needles, but after that, it was really no big deal.

    I'm well aware of the recommended dosage is for this mild anabolic, but being brand new, and after doing some extensive research, I'm guessing I'll see something even off of this... If I don't, that's my problem and waste of my money.

    The reason for the question is because the data I have read is very conflicting as to dosage and shut down and the second question about the muscle bulging at the injection site is odd to me as well..
    Yeah that muscle bulge thing isn't domething I've had... So can't help there...

    But what I can tell you is you aren't running this without test are you?? If so re read as it states test is/Snd always will be the base to any cycle... And yes you will be completely shut down so it's not dose dependent at all(meaning even if your only running 200mgs a wk you will still be completely shut down) so as stated above this compound can be run up to 1600mgs a wk... I'd suggest a minimum of test(250mgs wkly or higher depending on goals) and for a first go w/primo 400mgs should be able to see gains(especially w/exogenous testosterone)...

    But for me I wouldn't run anything under 800-1g of primo NOW... as I've used it quite a few times! Not suggesting this dose to anyone(but someone w/a lot more experience... just to be clear!

    GL OP!

  12. #12
    Yeh.. The muscle bulging is a little concerning.. Don't know what to make of it

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B- View Post
    Yeh.. The muscle bulging is a little concerning.. Don't know what to make of it
    Does it look like your growing uneven(Asymmetrical)?? Or just after that pin did your shoulder blow up(is it more swollen than muscular)??

  14. #14
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    It will most likely subside within the week. Your shoulder is pissed at you basically and it could be from a few different things....bad injection technique, maybe too much BA in the compound. Did you swab the vial and immediately draw? That amount of primo (probably eq) will yield nothing except problems down the road.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Does it look like your growing uneven(Asymmetrical)?? Or just after that pin did your shoulder blow up(is it more swollen than muscular)??
    Literally just after the pin ... I was told that would go down as primo was slow release, but it really hasn't... Thoughts?

  16. #16
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    Just what Buster said, it could've been a bunch of things... But it should go down on its own, but as I stated earlier if it doesn't than go see a doc...

    GL OP!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    It will most likely subside within the week. Your shoulder is pissed at you basically and it could be from a few different things....bad injection technique, maybe too much BA in the compound. Did you swab the vial and immediately draw? That amount of primo (probably eq) will yield nothing except problems down the road.
    Swabbed the vial and about 30 seconds after did the draw with a larger gauge needle. Switched the needles to a 22 gauge and injected. Why would this amount of primo yield problems down the road?

  18. #18
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    You really need to read up on the matter. The links posted above will give you a good idea on what to do and what not to do. Really should educate yourself before injecting things into your body. Stay on this forum and you will learn alot. Read those stickies ( Links ) posted above and you will already be more educated than the person that told you to run the primo.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B-
    Swabbed the vial and about 30 seconds after did the draw with a larger gauge needle. Switched the needles to a 22 gauge and injected. Why would this amount of primo yield problems down the road?
    You are using an AAS and thus suppressing your natural test levels. Your HPTA may not fully recover after your cycle.

    Also, you are using a low dose of a weak steroid so you are in effect risking the health of your HPTA and receiving no gains in return.

  20. #20
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    ^^^ solid info here through this thread OP... And since you haven't run it b4... How do you know it's not winny/or eq? Unless of course you've used those other compounds to filter out if it's real or not(or you could get Labmax test kit)... Won't tell you what it's dosed at but if its real or not!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    You are using an AAS and thus suppressing your natural test levels. Your HPTA may not fully recover after your cycle.

    Also, you are using a low dose of a weak steroid so you are in effect risking the health of your HPTA and receiving no gains in return.
    I know it's low dose, but seeing how my body is essentially a virgin to this type of substance, I doubt no gains will be seen. I'm more concerned with quality control than anything else. As far as HPTA is concerned:

    "The side effects of Primobolan Depot will include natural testosterone suppression in all men who supplement with the Methenolone hormone. However, the rate of suppression will be weaker than many anabolic steroids, but with performance level doses it will be strong enough to warrant the inclusion of exogenous testosterone."

    So, if I ran a cycle of Clomid after, one would assume all would be good?

  22. #22
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    PCT includes both clomid and Nolvadex as they work in synergy together for your best chances of recovery! Also why hCG on cycle is important it keeps your tetes functioning on cycle(you should read why you need all if this!

    it's to restart your natty test production... And your not gonna get the gains your expecting i can guarantee that! and why shutdown your HPTA testicular loop without warranting the gains you'd want?! Just doesn't make sense to me!

    I would suggest to re- read(just tryin to help you so your Actually understanding the info... You say you've read about it but most people don't realize yes it doesn't aromatise, but its s DHT(Dihydrotestosterone are very androgenic - moreso than testosterone...

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B-
    I know it's low dose, but seeing how my body is essentially a virgin to this type of substance, I doubt no gains will be seen. I'm more concerned with quality control than anything else. As far as HPTA is concerned: "The side effects of Primobolan Depot will include natural testosterone suppression in all men who supplement with the Methenolone hormone. However, the rate of suppression will be weaker than many anabolic steroids, but with performance level doses it will be strong enough to warrant the inclusion of exogenous testosterone." So, if I ran a cycle of Clomid after, one would assume all would be good?
    Let's put it this way...

    You are adding primo so will will get some marginal gains but you are losing natural test production so you will lose some marginal gains.

    You need an exogenous test base with any cycle. Heçk, you quoted that above.

    You will probably be fine with a clomid AND nova PCT but you never know.

    However the point is that your cycle as you are running it is pointless and risky.
    Why risk your HPTA for no gains???

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    PCT includes both clomid and Nolvadex as they work in synergy together for your best chances of recovery! Also why hCG on cycle is important it keeps your tetes functioning on cycle(you should read why you need all if this!

    it's to restart your natty test production... And your not gonna get the gains your expecting i can guarantee that! and why shutdown your HPTA testicular loop without warranting the gains you'd want?! Just doesn't make sense to me!

    I would suggest to re- read(just tryin to help you so your Actually understanding the info... You say you've read about it but most people don't realize yes it doesn't aromatise, but its s DHT(Dihydrotestosterone are very androgenic - moreso than testosterone...
    Well, I have no problem whatsoever running test side-by-side. It's amazing what people will tell you when they are trying to sell something hey!! I'm going to continue to read-up about this and a lot more as to fully understand everything.. There's a lot of science behind all of this.

    In your opinion, would this be acceptable (as a cycle)...

    - my current primo cycle (just started 4 days ago, next shot is tomorrow)
    - some sort of test 250mg/week

    PCT 8 weeks after final dose(s) ... Reco's on that..

    As stated, I will read, I'm trying to get some quick answers with educating myself, but it also can't hurt to get opinions and thoughts..

    Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this thread thus far.. It IS truly appreciated!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Let's put it this way...

    You are adding primo so will will get some marginal gains but you are losing natural test production so you will lose some marginal gains.

    You need an exogenous test base with any cycle. Heçk, you quoted that above.

    You will probably be fine with a clomid AND nova PCT but you never know.

    However the point is that your cycle as you are running it is pointless and risky.
    Why risk your HPTA for no gains???
    Okay.. THis was not explained to me at all.. Like I said in my previous reply, I am totally going to educate myself MUCH MORE on this by reading everything I can get my hands on..

    That being said, as I said above, it can't hurt to ask for opinions, you I'd appreciate yours.

    I've only done one dose of Primo at 200mg .. Should I start the test right away and will that solve this risky problem as you stated?

    Thanks very much...

  26. #26
    Heck.. Now I'm scrambling here.. Thanks for your replies guys.. Just when you think you've read enough.. BOOM!

    Ok.. for now I'm going to ask that maybe someone on here can tell me exactly what to ad, or if I should just discontinue and restart at a later date, to this program..

    As far as I understand it I should ad test to this regime and that would solve any problems?

    PCT to be run after would be Clomid and nolvadex

  27. #27
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    IMO I'd stop! Your not ready... As you stated... Do you have your clomid and nolvadex?

    In the future always run test as a base to any cycle... And this sounds like your first cycle so test only would be the only thing you should do next time...

    This is said b/c we don't want you to have problems the rest of your life... If you stop and PCT clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20!

    Educate as much as possible so there are no ?'s when you come back... Make sense... Read "planning and executing my first successful cycle" by austinite as well as all the other stickies and Google is your friend!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    IMO I'd stop! Your not ready... As you stated... Do you have your clomid and nolvadex?

    In the future always run test as a base to any cycle... And this sounds like your first cycle so test only would be the only thing you should do next time...

    This is said b/c we don't want you to have problems the rest of your life... If you stop and PCT clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20!

    Educate as much as possible so there are no ?'s when you come back... Make sense... Read "planning and executing my first successful cycle" by austinite as well as all the other stickies and Google is your friend!
    If I stop now, which I most likely will, do you believe it's necessary to do clomid and nolva after only one 200mg injection? I'm going to read the post by Autinite as recommended right away, prepare myself and come back.. I'm just wondering if after only one 200mg injection PCT would be necessary?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B- View Post
    If I stop now, which I most likely will, do you believe it's necessary to do clomid and nolva after only one 200mg injection? I'm going to read the post by Autinite as recommended right away, prepare myself and come back.. I'm just wondering if after only one 200mg injection PCT would be necessary?
    It definitely wouldn't hurt... But I also have always ran test or test + so I'll leave this to someone else... I'm gonna go look it up myself... I know any exogenous AAS can shut you down so it would make sense for a PCT but you also only have done one pin of 200mgs - I would still run somekind of PCT just to be safe! Better chances of returning back to your natural levels w/a better chance!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-23-2015 at 03:16 PM.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    It definitely wouldn't hurt... But I also have always ran test or test + so I'll leave this to someone else... I'm gonna go look it up myself... I know any exogenous AAS can shut you down so it would make sense for a PCT but you also only have done one pin of 200mgs - I would still run somekind of PCT just to be safe! Better chances of returning back to your natural levels w/a better chance!
    I hear ya... I'm kinda wondering what everyone else thinks after 1 pin of primo at 200mg's .. I don't want to play with fire at all.. but what would the dosage be of clomid and noval be then considering the small amount I took? I also assume this would start 2 weeks after my last (only) pin due to the half life of primo?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B-
    I hear ya... I'm kinda wondering what everyone else thinks after 1 pin of primo at 200mg's .. I don't want to play with fire at all.. but what would the dosage be of clomid and noval be then considering the small amount I took? I also assume this would start 2 weeks after my last (only) pin due to the half life of primo?
    After just one shot of 200mgs of primo I wouldn't run a PCT.
    Tren or deca probably, primo no.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    After just one shot of 200mgs of primo I wouldn't run a PCT.
    Tren or deca probably, primo no.

    I have learned a lot on this forum in 2 years and can read my BW better than my Dr.

    Man I love TRT ? I just do TRT and slam some Tren for about 8 weeks at 800mg a week and 100mg of Deca and 240mg of Cypionate + never stop HCG ! I am a happy camper and E-2 stays around 26 to 30 at .25mg Adex every 5 days I guess I would be doing Primo if I could afford it ! Oh 55 and on cycle the rest of my life !

    One thing is I can see no reason why anyone would ever skimp on HCG ?

  33. #33
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    ^^^ right on! I'm glad things are working out Buzzard! I'm Also in the process of getting onTRT/GH combo but trying to get it covered is something ridiculous (in my case anyway)! Keep smashin

    That a-dex dose is great w/your E2 where it is!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-B- View Post
    Well, I have no problem whatsoever running test side-by-side. It's amazing what people will tell you when they are trying to sell something hey!! I'm going to continue to read-up about this and a lot more as to fully understand everything.. There's a lot of science behind all of this.

    In your opinion, would this be acceptable (as a cycle)...

    - my current primo cycle (just started 4 days ago, next shot is tomorrow)
    - some sort of test 250mg/week

    PCT 8 weeks after final dose(s) ... Reco's on that..

    As stated, I will read, I'm trying to get some quick answers with educating myself, but it also can't hurt to get opinions and thoughts..

    Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this thread thus far.. It IS truly appreciated!
    I think you can stop and get away with no PCT at this point.
    I agree, instead of scrambling I would just stop and hold off until you have EVERYTHING you need for a proper cycle and you have educated yourself more. It wont take long.

    250mg of test would be OK to run with it IMO if you are looking for mild gains. 300-400 would be fine also but for sure I would also bump the primo up to 400mg. Dont worry, I can promise you that you wont pump up and look like Arnold or most any pro bb. lol

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    ^^^ right on! I'm glad things are working out Buzzard! I'm Also in the process of getting onTRT/GH combo but trying to get it covered is something ridiculous (in my case anyway)! Keep smashin
    g "how old did you say you were
    That a-dex dose is great w/your E2 where it is!
    Yeah with my E-2 in that range the ladies love it ! + daily calias for vascularity and on the day/night of the deed a mg of PT-141 and they start speaking in unknown tongues and ask me " how old did you say you were" Did you take a little Blue pill and the are happy 10 x's to my 1 55 and a porn star . .. . lol

    Oh , I love Tren so much I wonder if it can be addictive ? ? ? lol

  36. #36
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    Thx for the info fellas! After four days I woulda had pinned the primo w/test p ed/eod at minimum(so that four days with only one shot threw me off a bit)...

    Yes as stated by Lovbytes, Deadlifting dog, Buzzard, etc no need as long as you stop right away w/no other pins)... And I also did some research last night(if it were Tren/Deca/even test(as stated above also),I woulda suggested a PCT... Only pinned once - you'll be g2g!

    Best of luck!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-24-2015 at 04:35 AM.

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