^^^^ lmfao
^^^^ lmfao
Im so fvckin pissed off right now.....wife didn't pay her speeding ticket on time....just so godamn mad right now
Yeh, happens though, never personally forgotten to pay a fine easier to do it asap when it comes in the door
The Vent thread SGT lmfao - should I really start to vent my thoughts lol I do feel like I want to vent more so Mmmmmmmm
Nora jones
people that have to back into a parking space. It takes them 4 times adjusting and they still arent straight.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
When i find the receipts after my wife went shopping
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
When people say Clen is anabolic
Yeah wtf is with that? Just pull in the fvcking space like a normal human being. Are you that anal that you have to plan for your exit to be more convenient than your entry?Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
Lol, just did that yesterday. Guy was leaving as I pulled past the spot. So I just backed in. Easy peezy.Originally Posted by Igifuno
Anyone besides me have a piece of shit sister in law that refuses to grow up, sucks the life and intelligence right out of a room, freeloading, loudmouth, fat ass, disgusting, shit for brains, psychotic, uneducated dipshit bitch!!!! Or is it just me? Merry Christmas pass the Jim Beam!!
Me me I have one. She's a lunatic, selfish, lying, two faced, drunken double DUI, bitch, cvnt self centered piece of sh*t. Can't stand her..Originally Posted by JD250
I have a brother in law never work more than a month straight
He has three kids on welfare has a nicer house than me thanks to government housing
I work 60+ house a week he and his girlfriend smoke pot and breed
Makes me incredibly mad
Waste of skin
Mine is a hardcore alcoholic. She drinks and then lashes out at people she don't like. Even her 15 yer old son... Her 10 year daughter was trying to get her siblings in trouble, and Beth proceeded to rell her son that he was a worthless piece of shit. Needless to say, I had something to say about that.... Oh well.. guess where I get to go right now?
I hate not being able to bang every hot chick I can get(married)
I hate that my gym is ****ing closed right now. Post a sign you a$$holes. I've got 2 scoops of pre work out running through me right now. Ahhhhhhh. Time to dust off the power tower in the garage. Straight prison workout time!!!!!!!!
See there is an advantage to in laws that live half,way around the world and dont speak English
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I hate having to clean up after christmas morning so the house looks presentable for dinner..... Only to then have to clean up another mess when people leave.
Also hate when people overstay their welcome. I'm sitting on the couch closing my fvcking eyes just waiting for u to leave and you keep on talkin..... Go the fvck home already
im sitting on the computer doing the same thing, wishing the inlaws would just leave...they have been here since 11am...wtf is visiting for 8+ hours about jesus!!!...I have nothing left to say but there they are tuning in another hallmark channel Christmas movie ahhhhhhh fukkkkk!!!! looks like there here for another 3 hrs...fuking shoot me now....please...
I felt like I really needed to vent...Then I sat on the toilet.
All this damn food, it's been a continuous feast since thansgiving.
So I went to the gym later today than usual (thanks to my fvcking job for making me work later in the day thus fvcking up my whole sleep/training schedule) and there must've been 75-100 people in this gym all at once. Usually, I go at like 3-4am where I can have pretty much the place to myself, but not today.
It was overcrowded, so I had to constantly be waiting for some punk kid to bogart all the equipment so that he run his retarded low-weight circuits. It too me having to get the guy behind the desk to tell him not to hog it all while the place was busy for him to stop bitching about me wanting to do some lateral pulldowns.
Then on top of that, all those people in there cause the place's temperature to soar. I like lifting when it's in the 60's. But it felt like I was walking in to a jungle in there that reeked of BO. And due to all the fat people breaking in their xmas gym membership gifts, it was humid too.
I'm already sick of the xmas and new years resolutioners and I want my own private gym...
I hate all the puny tough guy trainers at my gym that think they're a bad ass because they destroy their client. Fvck them.
Anyone can annihilate anybody with enough squat jumps and burpees but wtf good does it do the client if they're not getting what they need or learning how to train.
Hope all is well RC
Whoa...long time no see
Who are you???????Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
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