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Thread: Need Help ASAP

  1. #1

    Need Help ASAP

    Hey friends

    I have a buddy who took Tren (1ml) and Test (1.5ml) every other day. They were both injections and he also took T3, he did this cycle for a bit over a month. He's 5,11 180 lbs and 20 years old. He's been off everything for about 60 days and has not done PCT. The supplier that he had his connection with never sent him the rest of his cycle plus didn't send the post cycle and keeps delaying on sending it. I'm concerned for his health, the kids losing his hair badly and has got a lot of acne. I just don't know enough to help him, so I'm begging you guys for your help. I just want him to get better and for him to stop losing his hair. Can anyone recommend what pct he needs to do ? and what can stop hair lose ? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

  2. #2
    I was also wondering if someone can explain in detail how hair lose works with steroids ? Cause I did a cycle and pct and never lost any hair. I'm just paranoid now that I will wake up in a year or two and be losing my hair (I plan to stay of the gear for a long long time). I'm 22 and should of never used the stuff in the first place. My questions: If you never lost any hair on steroids and after the pct should you be fine ? Meaning like if you would lose your hair it would not be because you took roids it be genetics. Know one in my family has lost there hair and I have a great set of hair I'm just really paranoid about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick hunter View Post
    I was also wondering if someone can explain in detail how hair lose works with steroids ? Cause I did a cycle and pct and never lost any hair. I'm just paranoid now that I will wake up in a year or two and be losing my hair (I plan to stay of the gear for a long long time). I'm 22 and should of never used the stuff in the first place. My questions: If you never lost any hair on steroids and after the pct should you be fine ? Meaning like if you would lose your hair it would not be because you took roids it be genetics. Know one in my family has lost there hair and I have a great set of hair I'm just really paranoid about it.
    ML doesn't tell us anything... Whst was the gear dosed at mg/ml?

    To answer your ? Regarding the hair loss - if your genetically pre disposed to MPB(Male Pattern Baldness) then yes he would lose his hair far b4 you ever would as he seems very predisposed as you aren't! Some are and some aren't!

    I would also suggest NOT to cycle at your age or his as you already have your peak of testosterone flowing thru your blood! I won't preach as you already know it was a bad idea(very bad especially running Tren on a first cycle! Test only!

    Well you'll be fine but this is also why you should have all your supplies(gear, ancilleries, syringes, alcohol wipes, PCT SERMs especially) b4 starting any cycle(& BW) if you can't afford all of this you shouldn't bd cycling! And at your age as well!

    Did you guys take hCG in cycle?

    Tell your friend to get clomid and nolvadex and start immediately - clomid - 100/75/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20 since its been that long it's sure won't hurt!

    Last edited by NACH3; 03-07-2015 at 12:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Thank you so much for all the information. I did an hcg in my cycle and I don't think my friend did in his tho.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick hunter View Post
    Thank you so much for all the information. I did an hcg in my cycle and I don't think my friend did in his tho.
    I wish he woulda took your advice regarding hCG AI etc... That's on him but it's good to see that your trying to school him...

    However in the future you dodged a bullet as your HPTA hasn't fully matured... It's in your best interest and safety not to cycle at yhT age or any age under 25! Enough said... I won't preach but again try and educate as much as possible!

    Try and get him to come on here and register so he can realize and understand the risks w/steroid use! If done correctly in can be quite safe!

    GL to you & your buddy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ^^^Agreed, and he can get the what he needs here by clicking on the Lion banner atop the page.
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