Thread turned to garbage real quick... Bigjall, thanks for the apology. Stay cool going forward.
Get back on topic.
Thread turned to garbage real quick... Bigjall, thanks for the apology. Stay cool going forward.
Get back on topic.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
messed up my question
whats your fat burning secret kelkel?
@ Bigjay. No, I've never done synthol. Would never consider it. It's disgusting stuff imho. And I do appreciate the apology and totally understand the moods you referenced. Glad to hear you've competed as we need more competitors here. Check out the competition forum while you're at it.
@ Bigman. No secret. Just always eat clean and live the lifestyle. I've been training longer than most guys here have been alive. Muscle maturity, genetics, etc.
No worries to be honest if I don't get my pro card in the next year I'm going to consider it. I'll be at nationals July 24th in Vegas if any body is in the area hit me up I can't wait to get off this nasty cycle and hope back on the hgh full throttle I'm just doing small amount right now. And big man being cut and veiny comes from carb manipulation and water manipulation before my shows I do injectable lasix and it gets me dry as a bone.
Heavyweight I'm at 231 right now but I'm on week one of my bulk I'll get up to about 250 then cut down to 220-225. 225 is the max
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