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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #18881
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    ^^^ lol... Heavy/or volume or did he hit you with both?
    To be honest we didn't really do either. It was all moderate weight with super high intensity. Small rest periods mainly focused on forcing the blood into the muscle. The pump was something I honestly have never felt before. He switches up his routines constantly as well. This guy is no joke though and finished top 12 at the olympia more than once. Curious as to Marcus's thoughts on the training as well.

  2. #18882
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    To be honest we didn't really do either. It was all moderate weight with super high intensity. Small rest periods mainly focused on forcing the blood into the muscle. The pump was something I honestly have never felt before. He switches up his routines constantly as well. This guy is no joke though and finished top 12 at the olympia more than once. Curious as to Marcus's thoughts on the training as well.
    Sounds like it was something else! Jealous! I'm a pure HIT style... Love the high Intensity w/minimal rest, I always shoot for 30s/45s and no more.
    In between a full set.... But I also supperset agonist/antagonist(except for legs but same concept)... Sounded very intense! Gotta love that pump

  3. #18883
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    To be honest we didn't really do either. It was all moderate weight with super high intensity. Small rest periods mainly focused on forcing the blood into the muscle. The pump was something I honestly have never felt before. He switches up his routines constantly as well. This guy is no joke though and finished top 12 at the olympia more than once. Curious as to Marcus's thoughts on the training as well.
    Training with someone new really puts fire in your belly for a good workout. Its putting that extra focus we have when we train with someone new into our normal workouts is key. Again its a mind control thing which comes into play a lot when we are training to failure or to our best. I can't knock any kind of training if your producing gains or achieving your goals. Confusing the muscle is something I do a lot but not in the way of changing the way I train. I will increase the load, reduce the rest periods, use pre exhaust, supersets, mess around with reps and other advanced protocols but they are always wrapped around HIT style of training because it works for me. If he changes his routine up constantly that's the way he improves and grows which can't be knocked.

  4. #18884
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    Arms today

    10 min warm up

    Vbar push downs (haven't used this bar in a long time. Had a boxer fracture and bar hits the bone everytime) 2 warms 1 feel, 2 working dd

    Rope pull downs 1 feel, 2 working dd

    DB over head (90s) 2 working 1 drop

    Single arm incline db skull 2 working

    Hammer preachers 1 warm, 1 feel, 2 working dd (both working had very slow negatives)

    Superset alternating db curls with reverse grip preacher bar curls. Did 2 drops with db and negatives on both

    Bent over db concentration curl 2 working with negative

    Was spent by this time, but wanted to try 21s like zempey posted....did 1 set just to feel it out and good finishing burn.

    Pump was amazing today. Arms felt like they were gonna explode. Couldn't function right for about an hour after.

  5. #18885
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    Arms today 10 min warm up Vbar push downs (haven't used this bar in a long time. Had a boxer fracture and bar hits the bone everytime) 2 warms 1 feel, 2 working dd Rope pull downs 1 feel, 2 working dd DB over head (90s) 2 working 1 drop Single arm incline db skull 2 working Hammer preachers 1 warm, 1 feel, 2 working dd (both working had very slow negatives) Superset alternating db curls with reverse grip preacher bar curls. Did 2 drops with db and negatives on both Bent over db concentration curl 2 working with negative Was spent by this time, but wanted to try 21s like zempey posted....did 1 set just to feel it out and good finishing burn. Pump was amazing today. Arms felt like they were gonna explode. Couldn't function right for about an hour after.
    Wherever I work out like that my elbow tendons start getting real tight afterwards and feel like they're seizing. I hate it. It's like a bad muscle cramp in the joint.

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  6. #18886
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    Shoulders/legs Puked after lol one exercise suppersetted into the next(30s in between 1 full set!

    Squats 1 feel 2 working 1 drop
    Neutral grip presses 1 feel 1 working Double drop

    Leg presses 2 working DD
    Front and side laterals 1 feel 1 working 1 drop

    RDLs 3 working high rep
    DB Shrugs 2 working DD

    LEG Extensions high rep
    Upright row 2 working 1 drop

    Leg curls high rep 2 working 1 drop
    Cable side laterals high reps 2 working 1 drop

    Another great w/o!

  7. #18887
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Nach it's got to be impossible to give your shoulders 100% in that fashion. Do you think they are being short changed like this?
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  8. #18888
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    Sunday is leg day! Done!!!! Couldn't walk for 5 days after last weeks session so I pulled back slightly. Bi and back tomorrow and hour of spin.

    It's gonna be a great week!!!

  9. #18889
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Nach it's got to be impossible to give your shoulders 100% in that fashion. Do you think they are being short changed like this?
    My shoulders, yes! I'm trying to find a way I can incorporate them w/HIT... I think I'm just gonna have to do shoulders by themselves! I'm getting a great pump but due to the sustained injuries it's tough to work them w/any other BP except legs(right now I'm 6 on 1 off training Agonist/antagonist) chest/back/bis and tris/shoulders & legs then repeat... Then off! Honestly I love suppersetting opposing muscle groups but my shoulders do seem to lack a lil...

    What do you think? Stay w/my same overall concept but split shoulders and legs up??

  10. #18890
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    Due to the injuries... I must do shoulders w/no other upper BP! Thsts why I chose to pair it w/legs... But I've been thinking about just doing shoulders by themselves(& legs)... I couldn't keep up the the constant intensity like I normally can w/any other split(was just trying that as a split) it's been about 3 wks like this... I'm still gaining strength on all lifts and my reps have also went up due to strength and endurance by suppersetting...

    My body responds well to this training but I would say I can improve on my shoulders and legs so splitting them up seems to be my best option?!

  11. #18891
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    Yes, I'd split it up some other way. I don't see how shoulders can get a fair shake the current way. I do shoulders after back and have for years. For me it seems to warm them up but not tire them out this way. It's also reduced the amount of shoulder issues I've had.
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  12. #18892
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    Yeah after today(though it was still a good w/o... I definitely agree to splitting them up!

    Thx for taking the time to look over this and for your input! Since joining this thread I've been getting great advice from Marcus and some other members as well! Always appreciated Kel(and everyone)... I need youse on my ass! It makes it much more motivational!

    Love this thread!!!!

  13. #18893
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    I do delts with traps...... I target them specifically. Couldn't do them with legs..... All the blood is in the legs.... Then you do delts.... No bueno
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  14. #18894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I do delts with traps...... I target them specifically. Couldn't do them with legs..... All the blood is in the legs.... Then you do delts.... No bueno
    Yeah... I was trying to keep my 6 day split(and I was doing them suppersetted too) but like you and Kel have mentioned my shoulders were lacking and this is really the first time I've noticed a significantly less pump in the shoulders... Hence your statement that all my blood is/was in my legs and I felt this moreso than any other times I paired them!

    I'm definitely just gonna split em up singly now!

    Thx Haz! Appreciate the advice... Keep it coming

  15. #18895
    We live a large part of our lives in the reflection in the mirror, and another in extreme pain. The pursuit of happiness; the life of a bodybuilder.
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  16. #18896
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    Ok... So I'm gonna try something new this wk... Still going w/my HIT suppersetted style just separating the big muscles(I have to see how much more I can crush each muscle and it's only possible by splitting em up) and I feel like I need to as well!

    Tomorrow is bis and tris
    Tues - chest by itself
    Wed - Back by itself
    Thurs - off
    Friday - legs
    Sat - bis/tris
    Sunday - shoulders/traps
    Monday - chest
    Tues - back
    Wed - off
    How would you continue this the following wk?? How does this look... I feel this gives me more rest and will be able to concentrate moreso on each big muscle and at a higher intrnsity...

  17. #18897
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Ok... So I'm gonna try something new this wk... Still going w/my HIT suppersetted style just separating the big muscles(I have to see how much more I can crush each muscle and it's only possible by splitting em up) and I feel like I need to as well! Tomorrow is bis and tris Tues - chest by itself Wed - Back by itself Thurs - off Friday - legs Sat - bis/tris Sunday - shoulders/traps Monday - chest Tues - back Wed - off How would you continue this the following wk?? How does this look... I feel this gives me more rest and will be able to concentrate moreso on each big muscle and at a higher intrnsity...
    I think you need more rest. I only hit each muscle group once a week. If you trash it good enough you will not want to touch it again for a week

  18. #18898
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Ok... So I'm gonna try something new this wk... Still going w/my HIT suppersetted style just separating the big muscles(I have to see how much more I can crush each muscle and it's only possible by splitting em up) and I feel like I need to as well!

    Tomorrow is bis and tris
    Tues - chest by itself
    Wed - Back by itself
    Thurs - off
    Friday - legs
    Sat - bis/tris
    Sunday - shoulders/traps
    Monday - chest
    Tues - back
    Wed - off
    How would you continue this the following wk?? How does this look... I feel this gives me more rest and will be able to concentrate moreso on each big muscle and at a higher intrnsity...
    Try and add another rest day, if your doing HIT correctly you can't attack the body with this force every day and only have 2 days rest in 10 days. I like this a lot better and all you got to keep focusing on is that working set and going to failure without holding anything back for further sets or reps. If your a high energy trainer incorporate some rest pause or drops, if you train with a partner defo do some forced and negs. Use the feel sets as a gauge to the working set weight and if your doing rest pause make sure its heavy enough and keep rest pausing up to your require rep range. You get this right and there is zero chance of you doing another major bodypart. Train it to positive failure and I mean failure

  19. #18899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I think you need more rest. I only hit each muscle group once a week. If you trash it good enough you will not want to touch it again for a week
    I was thinking the same! today seemed like the first time I felt like I was on the path of overtraining and that's not the idea! I'm gonna take this one body part idea and implement the way I like and take 2 - 3 days off(in a 10 day period)instead of one(for 7 days... Sh*t its a no brainer the more I've joined this thread! I'll be posting up my w/o's... Keep the critiques coming please! I really think this may be the best approach(especially for ones mindset - I know I'll be able to give more(all) to that muscle this way!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-15-2015 at 07:08 PM. Reason: Added 2-3 rest days in a 10 day period rather than 1 on a 7 day split..

  20. #18900
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    Nach .....listen to my hero

  21. #18901
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    Sounds very familiar!!

    Thx Marcus! He said it just as you and others have! And I know I was/woulda been on the verge of overtraining as well... But am super pumped for splitting my routine up into single BPs except for bis & tris ! Thx for the video... Very inspirational!

    D. Yates is such a BEAST!

  22. #18902
    Started a 6-8 week cutter/ more prime today. Bulk cycle was going well but was starting to feel it towards the end, im switching over to mast prop and tren ace. reason for this 6 week cutter/prime is to get me appetite and hunger ready for the next bulk in a little bit, by the end of it my body shall be like a sponge ready to soak in the calories, at this point in time its getting harder to eat so i feel this is a must. Hopefully drop a lot of water and as much fat as i can. Shall keep you all updated. Hope all is going well fellas! Keep it up!

  23. #18903
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Ive always said I can't see how anyone trains there very hardest more then three times a week without hampering there following workout in someway.... Push, legs, pull has always worked the best for me.... If your hitting your multi joint movements to true failure then your arms are getting plenty of work done... I almost never do bicep curls; I've never seen the point... Everyone I've ever seen have a bicep tear was from over training their biceps and then hitting a multi joint movement like atlas stone... I'm a big fan of strongman training for size and strength... Im so surprised its not utilized more by bodybuilders to gain mass...

  24. #18904
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project

    Ive always said I can't see how anyone trains there very hardest more then three times a week without hampering there following workout in someway.... Push, legs, pull has always worked the best for me.... If your hitting your multi joint movements to true failure then your arms are getting plenty of work done... I almost never do bicep curls; I've never seen the point... Everyone I've ever seen have a bicep tear was from over training their biceps and then hitting a multi joint movement like atlas stone... I'm a big fan of strongman training for size and strength... Im so surprised its not utilized more by bodybuilders to gain mass...
    Also when training for a strongman comp we always lift once ever 5-7 days... When we train we hit all the lifts that will be done at the comp and train as if our workout was the comp.... Strongmen are all huge even tho muscle mass isn't a priority... You don't find a top strongman athlete who isn't large

  25. #18905
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Ive always said I can't see how anyone trains there very hardest more then three times a week without hampering there following workout in someway.... Push, legs, pull has always worked the best for me.... If your hitting your multi joint movements to true failure then your arms are getting plenty of work done... I almost never do bicep curls; I've never seen the point... Everyone I've ever seen have a bicep tear was from over training their biceps and then hitting a multi joint movement like atlas stone... I'm a big fan of strongman training for size and strength... Im so surprised its not utilized more by bodybuilders to gain mass...
    Yeah I'm realizing I'm overtraining... Or was setting myself up for it! I'm really excited to see how my body responds as I'll be incorporating HIT too... Drops, forces negs rest/pauses...

    And I agree that I couldn't have been giving everything I had to a chest and back or like I tried shoulders and legs... Just have a bad shoulder so had to do them by itself but was trying to do 6 on 1 off and today I actually felt tiered in my w/o for the first time... Thx.

  26. #18906
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    Over training is real, there is such a thing even though some say there isn't, these people are the ones who don't train hard enough !!

  27. #18907
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    Hey fellas,

    Did bis & tris today HIT suppersetted bis into tris... After 40 min of this training session I couldn't lift my arms anymore... And they are already beginning to be sooo nice and sore(DOMS for sure) will take off tomorrow b4 chest!

    1. BB curl 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Skull crushers 1 feel 1 working 1 drop

    2. Standing alternating DB Curls(oronate and supinating grips) 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Weighted Dips 1 feel 1 working(3 45's for 6) 1 DD

    3. Close Grip Cable Curls 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Pushdowns(triangle) 1 feel 1 working 1 drop

    4. Finished w/one arm Preachers focusing on squeeze at top and eccentric part of lift 1 feel 1 working 1 drop into 10 negs suppersetted
    Close grip Bench 1 feel 1 working(225 10) 1 drop

    I attacked this the hardest I have and for sure wasn't going to beyond true failure... Today a whole different story! Thx for any critiques!

  28. #18908
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Hey fellas,

    Did bis & tris today HIT suppersetted bis into tris... After 40 min of this training session I couldn't lift my arms anymore... And they are already beginning to be sooo nice and sore(DOMS for sure) will take off tomorrow b4 chest!

    1. BB curl 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Skull crushers 1 feel 1 working 1 drop

    2. Standing alternating DB Curls(oronate and supinating grips) 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Weighted Dips 1 feel 1 working(3 45's for 6) 1 DD

    3. Close Grip Cable Curls 1 feel 1 working 1 drop suppersetted into
    Pushdowns(triangle) 1 feel 1 working 1 drop

    4. Finished w/one arm Preachers focusing on squeeze at top and eccentric part of lift 1 feel 1 working 1 drop into 10 negs suppersetted
    Close grip Bench 1 feel 1 working(225 10) 1 drop

    I attacked this the hardest I have and for sure wasn't going to beyond true failure... Today a whole different story! Thx for any critiques!
    You know you are doing it right as long as you are doing your curls in the squat rack.

    Ill let Marcus critique the rest.

  29. #18909
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    Really struggling to get in the gym. Not slept for close to 50 hours. Extremely stressful and diet has gone out of the window.

    Might be able to get in tomorrow morning

  30. #18910
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Really struggling to get in the gym. Not slept for close to 50 hours. Extremely stressful and diet has gone out of the window. Might be able to get in tomorrow morning
    Don't take this the wrong have bad eating days. I just can't imagine you eating an ice cream Sunday. Lol.

  31. #18911
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Don't take this the wrong have bad eating days. I just can't imagine you eating an ice cream Sunday. Lol.
    I took out yesterday in one sitting 36 Jaffa Cakes one after the other. Ive also missed around 4 meals over the last 2.5 days

  32. #18912
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    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  33. #18913
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    It was on offer triple packet

  34. #18914
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    Wow... At one sitting... And you missed a couple meals... I can't imagine what it takes to eat at your size! Lol oh what's baked spud? I heard you mention that b4... Just curious...

    And after today's w/o I'll be taking off tomorrow b4 chest to give my tris a break?! Am really looking forward to training Chest and back by themselves...

  35. #18915
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Wow... At one sitting... And you missed a couple meals... I can't imagine what it takes to eat at your size! Lol oh what's baked spud? I heard you mention that b4... Just curious...

    And after today's w/o I'll be taking off tomorrow b4 chest to give my tris a break?! Am really looking forward to training Chest and back by themselves...
    Baked potatoes is a baked spud - ask DCI HE IS A WIZARD on potatoes lol........

    I feel ive lost around 10 lbs, will see when I go in the gym tomorrow

  36. #18916
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    OK guys and gals, almost to the end of this particular project at work, just a few 12+ hr days left, I hope.
    Here's a quick pic of my little playground. Just need to spend more time in it. Got everything in the pic except for my Tbar row area. It's a small area but functional. I cleaned up some of the worse bloodstains to make the pic a little more presentable.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20150316_101535801.jpg 
Views:	196 
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ID:	155878  
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-16-2015 at 11:32 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  37. #18917
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    OK guys and gals, almost to the end of this particular project at work, just a few 12+ hr days left, I hope.
    Here's a quick pic of my little playground. Just need to spend more time in it.
    Nice setup AG! Looks like you've got everything ya need...

  38. #18918
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Nice setup AG! Looks like you've got everything ya need...
    Thanks, Nach. I'm satisfied, just would like heat and A/C ( mainly A/C, SC summers can get rough). Maybe one day.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  39. #18919
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Thanks, Nach. I'm satisfied, just would like heat and A/C ( mainly A/C, SC summers can get rough). Maybe one day.
    Yeah I used to have a set up(nothing like that lol) but had enough where I could hit every muscle group if I didn't make it to the gym... If love something like that

    I bet us can't wait to get in there! You've seemed to be tied up in those long hrs! Hope you get some time for yourself! Don't even know what I'd do w/out lifting... It's a really special time for me(and really works on getting that aggression out! haha

  40. #18920
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    OK guys and gals, almost to the end of this particular project at work, just a few 12+ hr days left, I hope.
    Here's a quick pic of my little playground. Just need to spend more time in it. Got everything in the pic except for my Tbar row area. It's a small area but functional. I cleaned up some of the worse bloodstains to make the pic a little more presentable.
    All good till I saw the treadmill "trying not to be seen" in the back.
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