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Thread: Would like some input

  1. #1

    Would like some input

    I'm 47 and looking to run a cycle. I just had a complete work up . Including stress test, chest x-rays, urine, blood, etc. . My results were great, normal blood pressure, psa 1.1, EKG normal. Cholesterol was 18 pts high and vit D low. I have run prob 8-10 cycles in the past, starting at age 34. Getting older is a concern. I'm not looking to compete with the younger guys just the guys my age. I'm 5'-11", 205lbs. I have been as heavy as 225 lbs, on gear. I have lifted on and off for 30 yrs and had gained 87 lbs naturally before I ever touched steroids . I was 130 lbs when I picked up weights for the first time but thankfully was not hard gainer. My planned cycle is:
    Test 400- 400mgs/ week for 12 weeks
    Equip. -300mgs/week ( maybe 400mgs) for 12 weeks
    D-Bol. - 30mgs. 4-5 weeks
    Pct 2 weeks after last shot.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Welcome Steelhead 67. It is good to have you here and dont worry, 47 is just fine to be doing what you want to do. To be honest we worry more about youngsters on here who want to try steroids before their hpta has fully developed. It seems you already have some experience, which is great. You also should look into HCG, it can be taken to help keep your boys from getting much smaller during a cycle and help you bounce back afterwards as well. I am personally on TRT for life because of not educating myself when I was young; but I am 45 now and have certainly learned a lot from this website over the past ten years. Glad you are here! Also, you should get some AI's to have on hand to keep from getting gyno and putting out the fire if gyno symptoms start. The medication is pretty cheap and it is always good to have everything in hand before starting a cycle, because even if you didnt have problems before is no guarantee that they wont happen in the future. Good luck and welcome!!!!

  3. #3
    [QUOTE="Oki-Des"]Welcome Steelhead 67. It is good to have you here and dont worry, 47 is just fine to be doing what you want to do. To be honest we worry more about youngsters on here who want to try steroids before their hpta has fully developed. It seems you already have some experience, which is great. You also should look into HCG, it can be taken to help keep your boys from getting much smaller during a cycle and help you bounce back afterwards as well. I am personally on TRT for life because of not educating myself when I was young; but I am 45 now and have certainly learned a lot from this website over the past ten years. Glad you are here! Also, you should get some AI's to have on hand to keep from getting gyno and putting out the fire if gyno symptoms start. The medication is pretty cheap and it is always good to have everything in hand before starting a cycle, because even if you didnt have problems before is no guarantee that they wont happen in the future. Good luck and welcome!!!![/QUOTE

    Thanks for the during cycle hcg info. I had only run it after the fact on my last two cycles. How much should I run a week? Balls shrinking Funny enough, the reason I started lifting weights was bc of gyno. Going through puberty both my cousin and I developed it. We were taken to the Dr and were given shots that halted it immediately. My first cycle I had Arimidex on hand but never needed it. Do appreciate your time brother. Look forward to being apart of site

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My buddy Nach3 will hopefully jump in and help out with the amounts. I'll do the tarzan yell to see if he can here me! AHHH IAAAH IAAAAAH UH IAHHHIA. Hopefully I spelled it right. Ha ha.
    I am sure that someone will jump in soon to offer the appropriate amounts. I only memorized how much of a pill I take, but the bottle label wore off so I cannot reverse engineer the answer. Sorry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Ello there got ur yell lol

    So what's the question at hand??

    HCG should be taken on cycle at 250iu e3.5d prevents testicular atrophy jeeps your testes functioning and mimicks our LH production! Also aids in a much better/speedier recovery b/c they're still working

    PCT should only include SERMs clomid and Nolvadex
    40/40/20/20, could run nolvadex for 6 wks too no need w/your cycle

    Blasting HCG at the end is outdated and actually makes it harder to recover as it's a suppressive that does aromatize.

    I would also up the Eq if your only running it for 12 wks and what's the point of the 3-400mg dose? If you have experience w/this dose and you found it to work than right on! What's your current bf?

  6. #6
    I might up the eq to 600mgs . Bf, not exactly sure but fairly lean. I will measure and let ya know. Thanks for your time. I have a some buddies on sauce but still a lot of old school mentality with em. I'm trying to bring myself up to speed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhead67 View Post
    I might up the eq to 600mgs . Bf, not exactly sure but fairly lean. I will measure and let ya know. Thanks for your time. I have a some buddies on sauce but still a lot of old school mentality with em. I'm trying to bring myself up to speed
    Well your on the right place! And yes science has surely advanced!

    Check out Austinites EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE DATABASE and Jimmyinkedup's ANCILLARY REFERENCE GUIDE... Has some great info including all the stickies we have here on this site!

    GL w/your upcoming journey!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Well your on the right place! And yes science has surely advanced! Check out Austinites EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE DATABASE and Jimmyinkedup's ANCILLARY REFERENCE GUIDE... Has some great info including all the stickies we have here on this site! GL w/your upcoming journey!
    Damn, I was wrong. My bf appears to be around 20%. Does that effect how much hcg I should use every 3.5d or should I run 300-400eq to burn more fat. I'm pretty sure it's up to me BC I'm the one that knows how I want to look. Do you think I should run 16 weeks ? Thanks again

  9. #9
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhead67 View Post
    Damn, I was wrong. My bf appears to be around 20%. Does that effect how much hcg I should use every 3.5d or should I run 300-400eq to burn more fat. I'm pretty sure it's up to me BC I'm the one that knows how I want to look. Do you think I should run 16 weeks ? Thanks again
    IMO I would hold off and just diet and cardio(eat at a deficit -500 and re-evaluate after a couple wks!

    Juice isn't going to make you lose weight! It's all diet dependent anyways(for a more successful cycle) I'd hold off! Did you already start? No don't up anything!

    If you haven't started I'd urge you yo get down to 15% or less is better... Then it'll keep your test to estro conversion lower and won't give you the bad sides w/being at a higher bf...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    IMO I would hold off and just diet and cardio(eat at a deficit -500 and re-evaluate after a couple wks! Juice isn't going to make you lose weight! It's all diet dependent anyways(for a more successful cycle) I'd hold off! Did you already start? No don't up anything! If you haven't started I'd urge you yo get down to 15% or less is better... Then it'll keep your test to estro conversion lower and won't give you the bad sides w/being at a higher bf...
    Haven't started. I wanted to get my $hit straight first. I really appreciate your help. Going to follow your advice. Kinda sucks though I have pretty good definition . My stomach doesn't stick past my chest from a my profile but gonna lean up first

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelhead67 View Post
    Haven't started. I wanted to get my $hit straight first. I really appreciate your help. Going to follow your advice. Kinda sucks though I have pretty good definition . My stomach doesn't stick past my chest from a my profile but gonna lean up first
    Smart move on your part... You'll be much happier w/the end results rather than trying to cut after... Diet is everything(even when bulking I'll take the quality gains over water any day.... May be a bit slower but will be a much better end result!

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