Before this gets pulled - So how do they check out?
I call bunk BS, but I really don't know
Well I know that SRCS is down , but I was surfing in the web and I've seen :
Just wondering if they would do our 191aa protein test ?
I do not want in the convo of who sells crap or legit. I do know now where ALL the powders...AAS and HGH are made in China and also know if you go through the proper groups to buy they will receive you, take you to THEIR lab, and do the tests on analysers for you.
I say that to say this.
Drugs are Drugs. Cutting down drugs is the most common profit path for Drug sellers. Flat out faking them is a version of that path. If you truly want to KNOW and be in the KNOW go to Shenzhen China and find out. If you buy from UGLs you will always ...ALWAYS be wondering what you are getting. I do not trust middlemen so had to do the homework and move to a different country because it was THAT important to me.
I had considered HGH but I trusted what Marcus has been preaching since day 1 I joined. Non Pharmacy HGH at this time is not trustable. If the sides for an adequate dose are that tough I don't want it anyway haha...AAS are tough enough....
Very good thread..
I have been on Pharma GH for about two months now. I am just starting to notice fat loss, I am cutting though, with a caloric deficient diet and daily cardio. Mÿ hands are burning/tingling and falling asleep all day and night long. It almost makes it hard to do my job at times. I worked up to 4ius a day, and have been on that dose for a couple weeks. Scared to go higher at this point to be honest...
My reason for posting this is this, Marcus spoke to me about the Chinese gh legitimacy problem. I listened to what he said, quit the China gh, and went with Pharma. I would suggest you all really do some serious thinking. Gh is very,very expensive to produce. It has a high street value, not just over a buck an IU. And no you cannot start taking 6+ius a day to start and deal with the sides if it was real. I can't even imagine starting serostim at 10ius a day. Does it not make you nervous to take something in a bottle with a colored top that has no label on it? Especially from China? Think about it ladies and gents. The things we do today ARE going to affect us tomorrow.........
Yes to many people think if they are not having an issue at the time or even a year later that they are ok. Lately I have been watching the former NFL players with brain damage wishing they never played football. When Mike Ditka says that the damage caused is not worth playing the game, it's really bad. Took a lot of years for the effects to show up. Most of the guys i know on hormone therapy are in their 30's and early 40's. None of them ever did a PCT or even know how to cycle. They just took what was available. Now add some powder with who knows what is in it from China!? I get so tired of these idiots that tell me they trust their friend. Your friend that told you that HCG is not necessary. I know a guy who is going to an anti aging Doc who is somehow prescribing Winstrol at 1cc per week along with Deca and test, hcg has never been mentioned. I talked to him about winstrol and deca together and if things were working ok. He said not really and winny is every other day. If your on therapy you definitely should not be taking winny anyway let alone with deca and dosed wrong. he quit winny for awhile, but the next conversation he forgot everything and was taking both again. I know many anti aging doc's like that one are Greedy so it's just total lack of knowledge, otherwise it would be more money in his pocket because he prescribes and sells out of his office. Realisticlly they should be at the top of the food chain of education, but NOT! Most of the users here have not even bothered to do any research on anything they inject. I am not speaking of this forum, I don't know anyone personally here, just guys from the gym. I know one guy that researches everything and he has a PHD. When people ask me about oils or anything, if they don't have deaf ears, I give them my advice, but I always tell them to do research and educate themselves. There is to much involved that a simple conversation will not cover. Just the sound of people still talking about "BLUE TOPS" irritates me.
Last edited by EasyDoesIt; 01-24-2015 at 03:06 AM.
Yup, it's scary man. Look at basic life. You can buy a pair of 60$ shoes, or you can go to Walmart and but 10$ shoes. Most people wouldn't think of wearing the cheapest shoes but they have no problem injecting the cheapest who knows what Into their body! It's gnarly and it makes no sense. But in these times everyone likes to pay less, whether they are being completely scammed or not doesn't make much difference when it comes time to pay their money.Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt
I am grateful we have advocated like Marcus and this site sharing their knowledge. For the ones that get it, kudos, the ones that done I wish them the best....
In most cases the generic sources what get pumped so much are first born on a source board, some source decides to pay a board to advertise and then the forum starts producing fake results, fake blood work, false accounts saying just bought some and its powerful I've ever tried and then its starts to breed and grow stronger that some secret source what's 100% is producing these super pink tops or what ever colour they are doing now lol. Before you know it everyone is buying them and doing detailed logs how good they are but they are kidding themselves and us. Soon this wonder source gets taken down and then suddenly a new source again from China starts advertising these new wonder purple tops lol and the circle starts all over again. If only they try pharm grade for any length of time then they will know what real gh is suppose to feel like and how you respond to it....![]()
Yeah they talk about how magnificent they feel trying to justify paying for the junk. I always give them a rude awakening and since they're really not confident in what they're taking they look at you with that deer staring at a car's headlights coming at them.then I tell them the most expensive part of the product is the bottles in box that they came in. But there's a fresh crop of new buyers every day so it will continue to go on and on. It's kind of like the bar business somebody new turns 21 every day. The worst part are the guys that say they're going to keep taking it because they can't afford farm grade even after you tell them it's not HGH. That usually ends the conversation.
Hmmm. I don't sell anything or know anything so don't pm me, but I want to give my opinion. Many people want to try GH and dont have $10,000.00 to spend for 6 months of GH. If you get chinese stuff and don't trust it, then go get lab work done. Getting lab work for IGF and GH serum score for every 100iu of chinese is still way way cheaper than pharma stuff. There is real chinese GH. There are some from china that are able to get the legit name brand GH makers in china to provide some to the market. Also do you know where most of the research peptides originally come from? That's right, china.
Also can pharma stuff really be trusted lately? Has anyone else noticed that every source and their grandma not have genotropin in stock? Where has this flood come from?
If I was never wiling to try chinese then I would have never been able to try GH at all.
How was your progress with Chinese GH and what was your protocol?Originally Posted by jdog55
Referring to chinese hgh seems to be the problem that gets misinterpreted. Chinese product sold as hgh, is not hgh, at least not in the U.S. So there is no comparison to compare. Not watered down hgh or hgh at all. I don't care what they are using, it's not hgh. If you tried chinese sawdust, the money wasted could be saved for real pharm hgh. If you cannot afford pharm hgh, end of story, it's not affordable. There are many things I would like to have in this world, I don't buy what I cannot afford. Pharm brand HGH is not sold on websites, the days of a product like that being grabbed out of the shipping area of the mfg. are long over, especially in quantities to really sell. I do not believe there are secret connections to get real. The connections come from a script that someone sells. The sites selling with verification codes etc. are fake. I along with others here have already experienced all of that verification codes and threads on label. Excellent scam and they had me once, but never again. That thinking there are sources with proper codes is what led me to being screwed. I already explained this too many times in this thread, so I m not going into depth again. This thread needs to be read thoroughly before commenting on what's been beaten to death!
Also, hcg has not been used to fake HGH in years, it's to easy to detect.
Last edited by EasyDoesIt; 02-03-2015 at 12:21 PM.
Then why would "chinese HGH" give personally tested serum scores of 35 GH serum with IGF tested after two months at 557 IGF. There is no way it would be ghrp because I can feel the raise in cortisol from any of those. Also I lost plenty of bodyfat. There has been changes in the GH game in the last 10 years...everything comes from china now-a-days. Almost every steroid compound now comes from chinese bulk powers before made into a "brand". Same with peptides.
Sure there are a lot of people that sell fake chinese HGH, but there are real ones to.
I don't know if your in US or not. Yes majority of powders do come out of China and that's a reason most UG oils here in US are weak. Let's not compare what China sells to major pharmaceutical that tests powders and is a multi million dollar account per year to home brewers spending a thousand or more a year. Those guys are at the mercy of what they get. Chinese are great aren't they with there sweat shops and working conditions of their own people. I still wonder why people are trying so hard to convince others it's good. It's like saying give it a try there's a 1% chance you won't waste your money. That's what keeps the crooks going selling the junk.
After reading many pages of this thread and as a newbie, the general conclusion is there is no HGH to be trusted but the $18/IU stuff. It's very discouraging to find no help. People mention to check sources out for oneself, but after dozens of hours searching I have only learned about all the fakes. I came here to find a legit source which your rules prevent.
I believe both sides of the augment that both the fake manufacturers and the real are probably making up websites and promoting on forum boards to push their products and to destroy the competition. It's only logical considering the profits. And that China must be making a legit product for their own people who require it.
I question the assumption that it has to be expensive to be good considering how big pharma will charge 50 times more for a drug in the USA than a poor country. I'm not implying HGH is made for a dollar but I don't believe it needs to be $18/IU either.
I'm 63 m,6',175 lb,no gut and have avoided most all strenuous exercise, never lifted weights for more than a few months, got discourage from the slow progress. I consider the burn when working out painful and would like to take a pain killer to stop I have been practicing a healthy lifestyle with supplements. I feel 21 and have no aches or pains and I don't take any medication. Since I couldn't bench a 100lb at 21 and I can't now I don't feel I have lost anything, nothing to compare it to.
What I want HGH for is the healing abilities. I want to start building a more muscular base to last me as I get older and realize I will have to push myself and I want to avoid injuries. My doctor agrees and I have a prescription for Somatropin. If can't get it in the USA, my 1st priority, which country should I move to get cheap good HGH? Is Jintropin legit in Columbia since GenSci say they supply there?
To Marcus and others, thanks for your time posting.
Edited due to almostgone suggestion for fishing, but how do i hope to find it? It's so discouraging. I hope I edited the right sentence.
Last edited by Malcome; 04-12-2015 at 12:51 AM.
Malcome, please edit your post Your last sentence falls under the category of "fishing".
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
AAS/Steroids or HGH are not for you. Just be happy with who you are if you arent willing to put the work into achieving your goals. PLEASE dont say you are because your statement above clearly proves otherwise. You are looking for a quick fix just like 90% of society. Welcome to being average.
Anyone who is successful making gains work out for years consistently 4-5x a week. You have aches and pains because your body is pushing out toxins and your muscles are not use to the extra work. If you cant deal with it then again, it's not for you. If you want to talk about aches and pains Ive had 2 back surgeries, was paralyzed from the waist down for 2 weeks due to nerve damage before last one, extensive shoulder surgery and about a dozen other minor surgeries. As they say, no pain no gain.
I know your right and have heard this all my life about no pain no gain. But none the less HGH at my age is helpful for so much more than just muscle building so I still want to get it. Other steroids are probably not right for me.
I will try harder to enjoy suffering to make some modest gains. Maybe if I see some results it will encourage me to suffer agony more. I know that this is not the place to discuss this but could you show me a link to where one can tell the pain is helping one gain instead of doing damage which pain usually means.
I'm impressed with how you could work out with the bad back without further damaging it.
Yes at 63 it has many benefits BUT only if you get real HGH. If you have $1000s to waste then try generic but if your money is valuable to you then seek out getting and RX for it. I had an RX for a little over 1yr and it was nice. I have tried many many generics and spent more than I would like to admit to and 100% there was no comparison to rx HGH. Ive tossed out plenty because I knew it was fake.
Take the time to find a doctor to write an RX. If I was to do it again (eventually) it's would be a LOT cheaper to fly to Florida and find a doctor to prescribe it.
Finally, thru a yahoo discussion group who will mention names did I contact with a European group with a Hong Kong source and just today got real Jintropin that past the Gensci fake codes tests, fibers and all. Shipped from Hong Kong in 5 days for a total of $286 for 80iu to Calf., sorry I can't say according to forum rules. But it's real and out there. The prescription helped me get the original box as from GenSci but he said he could repack it to get it thru otherwise but that would mean opening the coded boxes seal ID.
Moderators if this is not with rule standards please delete, I thought people would like to know it's possible.
Did you go to the GenSci, the manufacturer of Jintropin and put in the code numbers and see you were the 1st one who used that code and it matched up with the photograph they took of the code lable that showed the same fibers on the boxed you received plus could lift up individual fibers proving they could not be faked? Mine did all that and since the company is producing a legit product supplying the Chinese medical industry, I see no reason to fake it and I find no way to fake the security tests they provide. I will report back in several months and see my HGH lab test results.
Yes, I did exactly what you did and got the same results at the official GenSci website. Fibres were all correct as well. And it was junk.
Furthermore there are other people here that GenSci themselves put in touch directly with their own distributors, who not only sent fake crap to some people, but also took some people's money and sent them nothing. People complained to GenSci, and somehow, these people are still GenSci's distributor. Ask yourself why such an "upstanding", "legit" company like GenSci would be involved with such unprofessional behaviour, and would send their customers to people who they know rip people off.
I believe that you do not see any reason or way for GenSci to fake GH and the security details on their website - we all thought that at one time. You should consider spending some time reading this thread (Chinese GH) in its entirety, and the Jintropin thread as well. They are lengthy and will take days to read, but hopefully that will start to open your eyes. There have been many that came before you that were as optimistic about Jintropin and GenSci as you are and just thought they needed a good source, but when the maker is in on the deception, that makes it a lot harder. They know about the black market for GH, and seem happy to capitalise on it, knowing full well that people have no repercussions when they rip them off. Good luck to you.
Last edited by thisAngelBites; 04-24-2015 at 02:02 PM.
Thank you for the post. I had seen that mentioned the company could be fakes. Has this been recently? Why would a company take a short approach to profit knowing in the long term it will destroy their reputation and ruin profits. I assumed you took high dosages of your fake stuff to see if you got side effects. Is there a way for me to know? I have no reference since I never took hgh before.
Here is a picture of the Hong kong box, I don't see this image on the net from other sources. Is this the same box you got?
Last edited by Malcome; 04-26-2015 at 03:32 AM.
First, there are loads of that photograph on the internet. You can find ones in cyrillic, and in chinese, but also lots of these in english. I did a google image search and found about 10 in the first two pages.
Second, looking at the box is not going to tell you anything about whether what is inside is legit or not. People do spend a lot of time examining all the packaging, because everyone is looking for some justification that what they have is genuine. If GenSci is supplying fakes to the black market (and there are good reasons to think they are), then they can put them in legitimate packaging and examining the packaging is not going to tell anyone anything. (although there are probably also non-GenSci fakes that have egregiously fake packages)
If you spend a minute looking at GenSci's website, you can see how much of it has the black market buyer as the intended audience. If you email a real pharmaceutical maker of GH, they will not send you email addresses of people to buy from, they will tell you these are prescription products and tell you to speak to your physician. But Gensci will send you info of people you can buy from, and list some of the online places that sell fakes (meaning: places that are selling stuff marked "Jintropin" that they receive no profit from). They also will tell you how to dose the stuff -which no reputable pharmaceutical company would do.
Here's something you might find thought-provoking: go have a look at the Paraguay distributor for Jintropin. You will find that they are a company selling exclusively anabolic steroids and jintropin (which GenSci calls Landertropin in Paraguay, for the company who sells the stuff, Landerlan). So they are not some proper pharmaceutical distributor but a supplier for bodybuilding chemicals.
And I don't see how it is relevant as to WHEN (recently or not) they were ripping people off. Why would it matter unless one was entertaining some crazy idea in order to convince oneself that what they are buying is real. That would require some thought process like this: jintropin used to be in on selling fake GH on the black market, but now they have seen the light and are only selling real stuff to everyone. Seriously, how could anyone think that a company that would do what they do would suddenly stop with the fraud? What possible reason would dishonesty suddenly morph into legitimacy. It's really a rationalising technique.
At one point, GenSci had listed a seller in Mexico on their list of sellers of fake jintropin (you can find the list on their website). At the same time, they were sending out the same seller's info as a source in reply to web inquiries about where to buy REAL Jintropin. Talk about not having your story straight! When I saw this I knew that Marcus was right and this company was far from legit.
And to reply to your question: why would a company take a short approach to profit knowing in the long term it will destroy their reputation and ruin profits?
Sigh. I think trying to determine whether your product is real by theorising about all the possible business motivations is a waste of time. The bodybuilding industry (who are the major consumers of black market GH) is full of places that sell underdosed or fake crap for short term profits. By your reasoning, none of that should exist, and yet it has existed for decades. Marcus even had an experience with another Chinese supplier (Anke Bio - who is, just like GenSci, one of those crossover companies that makes some biosimilars for the Chinese market while also targeting the international market of bodybuilders) where they offered him free growth hormone if he would positively endorse their GH in online forums.
Even real, proper pharmaceutical companies sell drugs that show problematic and even dangerous (if rare) side effects in studies, suppress those facts (they throw people who get the side effects out of their studies, etc.) and manage to get their drugs approved. Sometimes it takes years for people to catch on, during which time the company is raking in the dough. On your theory, this should not happen due to the fact that the company should be prioritising long term company success, yet it does happen, and in fact happens again and again and again.
There is no way to tell 100% if your GH is real apart from buying with a prescription from a pharmacy in a 1st world country. Probably the best alternative way would be to have a seasoned bodybuilder who has used real pharmaceutical GH for years use it.
Thanks again for your post. When I googled searched that picture I only found a couple similar packages and 4 of those were the same company with different names. Most had a yellow ribbon on the package, mine had the green. It's in english because many in Hong Kong speak English since it is formerly a British colony. And many who visit use English as a second language. so when the visit Hong Kng they do purchase HGH.
I will get my HGH blood serum tested 1st and then 4 hours later after an injection with an 4 IU. Do you think that would prove it? I know of no seasoned bodybuilder and doubt I can find one who would trust strangers.
I do understand why the boxes are written in several languages. The ones in Mexico are presumably written in Spanish.
Even if you had someone at your disposal like an experienced bodybuilder who had been on real GH for years, you would have to buy ten more boxes for him to try it at his dose for a sufficient period of time to know anything.
I don't know how to prove it, Malcome. I wouldn't believe it based on a serum result, but I have been reading about growth hormone for a few years and I'm somewhat skeptical on people's chances of getting real growth hormone on the black market. I'm sure it occurs, but I suspect significantly less people get real stuff than think they have real stuff. And then the companies get their employees to come on to these boards (and many others), to pose as happy users. We have a couple that turn up here every now and again, and will be along to argue soon. You can often sniff those people out by searching for their user names and looking at their posts and how they post exclusively in jintropin threads.
As for blood work, there are people who have posted who have used Chinese and then tested blood, and got no increase in IGF-1, and then others who have gotten an increase in IGF-1 and then those who got tremendous increases in IGF-1 - far beyond what people who were using genuine pharma with a prescription have gotten. Similar results have been gotten with serum GH tests.
That leads people to wonder if there is something being put in the vials that increases the IGF-1, but isn't as expensive as GH. Or whether people are synthesising recombinant human growth hormone, but the quality is not very good. There are a lot of requirements to make the proper growth hormone, and then to properly remove toxins (many GHs, including some pharmaceutical grades, are made in e. coli and removing the toxins is important in making the GH safe), and then to make sure it is stored properly so that it stays active until its expiration date.
Additionally, growth hormone is a big peptide and needs to be folded at exactly the right places in order for the body to be able to use it. So you could technically get a substance that is growth hormone, with the same mass, that causes blood tests to register that there is more growth hormone in the blood, but the growth hormone cannot attach to the body's receptors because it is not folded in the right places, for example.
It's a minefield, and there are no easy answers other than really, seriously knowing your source. There is even debate in Europe about approving other biosimilar peptide drugs based on the approvals of the originals (growth hormone, EPO, etc.), and the new manufacturers do not want to have to go through all the testing and trials when they think they are making the same thing as another company -and the technology is not there to just test the substances and approve them based on the tests to analyse the products themselves.
I have a prescription for omnitrope in a European country, and so I can buy in a pharmacy there and I'm sure it's legit. I know a guy in Mexico who has lived there for years and knows a lot of people in the medical community and he sells pharma, and I think his is quite likely to be real (although I don't know personally), but he sells it for about five times what you paid, but then it is Swiss GH.
And worst part is that you might find someone to do business with that will sell you genuine the first time, and you can try and satisfy yourself with a blood test, then sell you bunk after that. It's very hard to know, and there is a lot of money at stake - given that, anything can happen. I hope your stuff is real, but who knows?
Very informative. I thought the blood serum test might be better than the IGF-1 test, but you have valid points on how it could show positive. If this doesn't work out I just might go and live in Columbia, Russia or elsewhere to use it. If I have to pay a larger fee in the USA I might as well enjoy a good extended vacation for the money I would save and no GMO food or chemtrails. It will probably cost me less to live there than the states. I definitely want to use HGH for general health benefits. If I can extend my good health another 40 year who knows what new discoveries there will be to extend it more.
I completely get it, Malcome. There are lots of places you could get this stuff much cheaper, and be able to get real stuff through official channels. There's a part of me that would love to go live in a cheaper place with more freedoms to optimise my health.
If there were a way to positively ensure that what is in a vial is real, bioavailable GH, we would all be buying the cheap generics, and using them once we tested to make sure they're legit.
As a side note, I think the difficulties in these areas are part of what drives these people to distribute fakes. It's next to impossible to determine what's in those vials, and a lot of the Chinese biologics manufacturers synthesise many different peptides, and it is possible that they have found some which may alter blood results to (either by accident, or by design) to mimic the blood results of GH.
HGH is such a joke and is a waste of money, stick to AAS.
Hgh is actually quite awesome for changing your body. I am shocked at where the last 7 months has brought me. I actually love the stuff.Originally Posted by frostfire
If you are looking for size and weight then yes hgh is not going to be your best ally. At the point I am at, I am no longer looking to run things like dbol and deca to put on sloppy weight. I want quality not quantity. Plus when aas growth slows over time hgh can re kick in your gaining process. It's actually quite miraculous.
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