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Thread: On perm. Testosterone Replacement Therapy for 1-2 yrs. so far. Safe to cycle on TRT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    United States

    On perm. Testosterone Replacement Therapy for 1-2 yrs. so far. Safe to cycle on TRT?

    1-2 yrs. ago I found a doctor that ran a blood panel and the results showed that my testosterone levels were well below a woman's normal lower bound of testosterone. My doc started me on 10g/day Androgel (transdermal, 100mg of testosterone). which was affordable with my insurance. For every 5g packet of gel, I first targeted where my skin was thinnest or palest, and squeezed every last drop to any surface I didn't cover. 2-3 months later, my doc ran a blood test, and it showed that my Testosterone was over 1000 ng/dL. Then I switched from Androgel to Testosterone Enanthate for less hassle and to avoid transferring Testosterone to anyone through touch.

    Testosterone replacement doesn't bother my psychologically, so I don't have a problem staying on it over my lifetime. Because of the exogenous testosterone I'm taking what little endogenous testosterone I have is going to be suppressed permanently I'd guess, and it looks like I'm free from one of the biggest worries AAS users have about taking anabolic steroids - to restore their endogenous testosterone production.

    I'm feeling ready to try stacking or replacing my prescribed Testosterone Enanthate with Sustanon 250, Testosterone Propionate, or Turinabol a.k.a. the "weak Dianabol" (says the Oral Turinabol article). I also got a hold of some Arimidex.

    Can cycling other steroids for someone on permanent TRT work well without adding new, dangerous risks? Are there any special precautions a TRT user should use vs. a non-TRT user?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Yes, there are risks.

    Are you primary or secundary?

    Whats the reason for the low test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yes, there are risks.

    Are you primary or secundary?

    Whats the reason for the low test?
    I have to get a hold of my doc because I don't remember. Not to go off-topic, but the report with my Testosterone results, showed I was hypothyroid (T3, T4, don't recall TSH). Maybe that helps answer if I'm Primary or Secondary.

    Me and my doc never figured it out the cause. I called an ancestor on my father's side, and she said this could be genetic. One of them has fibromyalgia, another has Alzheimer's in late 40's.

    Could you go into more details about these risks, bro? Are you also on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and since when?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicsqa View Post
    I have to get a hold of my doc because I don't remember. Not to go off-topic, but the report with my Testosterone results, showed I was hypothyroid (T3, T4, don't recall TSH). Maybe that helps answer if I'm Primary or Secondary.

    Me and my doc never figured it out the cause. I called an ancestor on my father's side, and she said this could be genetic. One of them has fibromyalgia, another has Alzheimer's in late 40's.

    Could you go into more details about these risks, bro? Are you also on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and since when?
    The risks are the same as someone who is not on TRT, except there is no regular PCT you just go back to trt protocol. But as a TRT patient there is an underlying condition that lead to the TRT, and it can happen that the risks of cycling being greater because of this condition.
    For example, testicular cancer patients will have low T but they should not cycle, at least until it is completely fixed. Not trying to spook you as it is quite rare, nonetheless the reason for low T should be thoroughly investigated and diagnosed.

    Yes, hypothyroidism can cause low T, are you supplementing T3 or T4 by prescription?

    You should go to the HRT forum and post your situation there, many more experienced users in TRT there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    The risks are the same as someone who is not on TRT, except there is no regular PCT you just go back to trt protocol. But as a TRT patient there is an underlying condition that lead to the TRT, and it can happen that the risks of cycling being greater because of this condition.
    For example, testicular cancer patients will have low T but they should not cycle, at least until it is completely fixed. Not trying to spook you as it is quite rare, nonetheless the reason for low T should be thoroughly investigated and diagnosed.

    Yes, hypothyroidism can cause low T, are you supplementing T3 or T4 by prescription?

    You should go to the HRT forum and post your situation there, many more experienced users in TRT there.
    Yes, my doc prescribed my Cytomel (liothyronine) 50 mcg/day. I asked specifically for T3 not T4 because from what I read, T4 has 2 fates: either convert to T3 or reverse-T3. I took quick look at the TRT forum.

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