1-2 yrs. ago I found a doctor that ran a blood panel and the results showed that my testosterone levels were well below a woman's normal lower bound of testosterone. My doc started me on 10g/day Androgel (transdermal, 100mg of testosterone). which was affordable with my insurance. For every 5g packet of gel, I first targeted where my skin was thinnest or palest, and squeezed every last drop to any surface I didn't cover. 2-3 months later, my doc ran a blood test, and it showed that my Testosterone was over 1000 ng/dL. Then I switched from Androgel to Testosterone Enanthate for less hassle and to avoid transferring Testosterone to anyone through touch.
Testosterone replacement doesn't bother my psychologically, so I don't have a problem staying on it over my lifetime. Because of the exogenous testosterone I'm taking what little endogenous testosterone I have is going to be suppressed permanently I'd guess, and it looks like I'm free from one of the biggest worries AAS users have about taking anabolic steroids - to restore their endogenous testosterone production.
I'm feeling ready to try stacking or replacing my prescribed Testosterone Enanthate with Sustanon 250, Testosterone Propionate, or Turinabol a.k.a. the "weak Dianabol" (says the Oral Turinabol article). I also got a hold of some Arimidex.
Can cycling other steroids for someone on permanent TRT work well without adding new, dangerous risks? Are there any special precautions a TRT user should use vs. a non-TRT user?