I have never experienced any negative sides from nandrolone, mind you I have never ran it higher than 400mg per week or ran it in prop ester.
I have never experienced any negative sides from nandrolone, mind you I have never ran it higher than 400mg per week or ran it in prop ester.
T - this ^^^ is what I meant about the dosage change in a shorter amount of time... I like the above doses to start(sp,it the difference 450 ha
If you feel comfortable w/running it then by all means go for it!just wanted to bring up some other points too... Like I said it's def doable... BW would be the only thing you'll need to be safe!
@Zemp I didn't experience negative sides either(I just waited till my mids to make any adjustments - which were dex and started prami)...
Anyone else get /feel lerthagic when bulking?
I say I only have 8 weeks as my blast ends its 12 week scheduled end by then. I am a month into it, although I was at 500 and jumped to750 last week. I wasn't getting much from the 500 this go around. So, maybe, I can extend a bit. Plus, I could probably run the NPP a couple weeks longer since my blast is a cypionate ester.Originally Posted by NACH3
I am donating a double blood this week to help with hematocrit. I have been religious with my Anastrozole and my Estradiol is never high to date. I haven't done any blood work this cycle as the cost is high. What's the bare minimum to get tested before continuing?
Disregard the confusing items you bolded, figured those out.
Since I am starting later in the blast, what ester is best for the NPP? 8-10 weeks should be descent for it, no?
Thanks again Nach.
222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
Thanks ClarkyOriginally Posted by clarky.
222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
I would likely be at 400 throughout. Does the ester matter that much?Originally Posted by zempey
222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
Sounds good! I meet with the coworker Monday. He was looking to order more NPP anyhow.Originally Posted by NACH3
222.5, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
I don't think it does really, short esters are easier to control, long esters can get put of hand if you get impatient and bump them up too high as they tend to build up a bit. I would be doing tren a but my guy didn't have any and it would have taken about the same time to get as it will take the e to kick, so I just went this route.
Yes.... NPP is definitely the way to go as it's short acting!
Your BW(E2) maybe ok on TRT(but you upped your test) and you should pull BW b4 to see where your E2 is and prolactin since adding the NPP as it's a progestin! Just a thought
£175 gets everything covered except prolactin(you could add in) the woman's doesn't have E2 sensitive assay and that's what you want(still have to add prolactin but it's way cheaper add E2 sensitive and see how much) you can play around it's private md labs .com one word...
If you don't test prolactin(I'm not saying you shouldn't) but I'd run the DA(prami or caber) from the start and titrate up to .5mgs ed b4 bed... Until u can get everything tested! Only if E2 isn't in sweet spot... Then hold off for 5wks if your running it 10 and see what your prolactin E2 is again(but E2 should be fine if it's already dialed in on the blast)
Try to b/c blasting is much different than TRT - .25 is a standard dose but everyone I know who takes dex while on use .5 EOD - .5 e3d may work(myself included now I know how I react - it may be different for you - only BW will tell... When introducing a 19nor - or any other compounds(test etc) - you need to learn how your body reacts to them at those dosages(so once we've found our sweet spot test(which is changing cycle to cycle - making it important to write/remember these things(AI HCG DAs dosages etc) so we know what to expect)... I know you know these things but a reminder helps me go through it mentally... Any ?'s ask away... If I can't help obviously the others will![]()
Last edited by NACH3; 06-06-2015 at 09:00 PM.
Just catching up on posts. Working tonight, but tomorrow will be legs.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Bi's are fried the dayappetite is coming back so great. This virus thing is over i hope and it will be tri's the mora after work.
Legs are still sore lol
Tmrw is chest n bi's - will be getting cardio in today.... In the form of mowing the lawn. Better get to it before it gets hot outside
Had to train fast to get back on the road for softball
Incline press superset wide grip press
Peck deck superset incline press ups
Cable crossovers and done
Back/bis this morning.
Stretch n' warm up on elliptical. They rearranged all the equipment at the gym last night so I had find everything. Bunch of us were walking around in there looking lost lol.
Had a party last night but didn't drink anything. My workout partner bailed on me this morning. F*ck him, he slows me down anyway.
Pre-exhaust straight bar pull downs.
Wide grip barbell rows
Close grip seated rows
Bent over one arm DB rows
Pull-ups to failure
Standing barbell curls
Seated incline DB curls
Hammer strength one arm curls, heavy
Rope hammer curls
DB hammer curls to failure
25 mins cardio
That's what I thought too!Originally Posted by clarky.
Igi, nice session Pisan!! You ever use heavy DBs for bent over rows... And pull and twist into a neutral grip at top of concentric movement??
I've tried these last time and I like em - different - almost like the reverse grip BB bent over rows but elbows in(hits lower back and lats nicely)
My back is in bits love it... Going in for legs(Gonna have to split arms w/chest and delts) I want to see if I can really get these arms to explode(major w/a minor) to get my split back! Will report when done fellas!
Last edited by NACH3; 06-07-2015 at 04:57 PM.
That's a lot for bi's..... Especially with the hammer grip.Originally Posted by Igifuno
How's the back?Originally Posted by NACH3
Yea but I don't know if its necessary. The bi's are small muscles - you can really tear em down with 12-16 sets. The other exercises can be used to change up the routine.Originally Posted by NACH3
Also true - I usually go that amount of sets(16 max)... Idk my arms always responded well to overload(maybe I'm not working them hard enough - but I can't do anymore reps if my life depended on it lol - so I'm kinda thinking of trying a major and minor or just switch up some exercises(I know when I leave that gym there's no doing anything more lol
@ RC doing much better, Thx for asking(got pretty heavy w/squats today and it felt good!!
Legs and I can not walk already - Haz was doing the penguin waddle out lmao
Seated calves to start
V Squat - 2 warms 2w(new weight) DD
SUPPERSETTED W/more calf raises
Reverse Hacks - 1 warm up - 3w to failure(8-12)
Stuff legged deads(DBs) - 2w 8-12 failing
Extensions heavy - 10-15 failing
Leg curls - 10-15 failing
Man after Vs and Reverse hacks my legs were shaking lol I literally took 10 min to walk to car - maybe 60yrds lmao - will be feeling these for days![]()
Legs today.
Finally drug myself to the sports Store and bought a belt. It's cheap, but it's leather with a double buckle.
Holy crap what a difference. This is what I've been missing in my squats. I never felt like my legs were the limiting factor, it was always stabilization. Being able to flex my core against the belt made a huge difference, i was able to greatly increase the weight and add a few reps.
I'm excited to build from this
By all means if its working - that's what counts! My bi's tend to get thick but developing the peak is tough for me. Upon the advice of a staffer here I started doing a goose necked concentration curl....Originally Posted by NACH3
Yeah the peak is hard for me(im starting to get more thicker) had to build the outter head more so, now I'm gonna start hitting seated incline curls to thicken up inner and get em to pop more... I had to build up my rear delt(R) to be able to do that exercise w/out any pain!
I've always like lifting my arms together(but I'm thinking if I did say back and bis I'd be more sore and really tear em down) but the way is working - I went from 15.5(175 lol) to 17.5 not pumped now so in 5months 2"... I think to much lmao
Dang, everyone has been busy while I slept. Headed to the shop for legs as soon as I finish off my shake.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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I love seated incline curls..... Been doing them a lot lately. Havnt hit hammers in a bit - might give em a go for the next few weeksOriginally Posted by NACH3
That's what I'm going to be doing w/the seated incline curls... Starting as soon as I hit bis - Ive always like push pull(if 2BPs) not sure if I want to go w/chest tris or bis - back bis/or tris... But the kicker is trying to really destroy my bis/& tris and right now doing them together(although I love em together) - Im not getting the DOMS I should be - what about concentrating more on time under tension, tempo, etc?? Or am I iverthinking this?? Lol - try a major and minor for a few wks(4-6 I'll know by then or shorter) I mean I did make some great gains(and I know it's a marathon) and I know they slow just trying to stay ahead of my body(adapting)...
Really trying to keep rest periods as short as I can. Got a couple of good cases of the "staggers", but I think my tolerance level for the humidity is getting better and I feel stronger. It was 76°, but throw 91% humidity at it and it's a whole new challenge for me.
Was trying to replay the lift in my mind on the way to work and just kept getting flashes/ snippets/bits. Watching the sweat fall off of me to the floor, watching my hands load plates, looking at the floor while stumbling around. Kind of cool.
Lower body and back stretching. 2 sets of crunches. Back really appreciated it.
Leg extension- 2 w/u, Work-10.5,drop,4.5,drop,3.5.
Hack squats-1 w/u, Work-7-4-2. Added on a couple of plates and jumped right back into:
Reverse hacks-7-5-3. New weight on these and will nudge it up again next time.
Seated calf raises-Work-17-3( failure). Will bump up the weight on these next time.Jumped/stumbled straight over to the leg press for:
Standing calf raises-2 w/u, Work-9-5-3. Real slow negative on the last 3 reps.
Leg press-1 w/u, Work-7-5-2
Leg curl-Work-11,drop,5,drop, 6.5 w/ a long hold and slow neg. on the partial rep.
39 minutes not including stretches and crunches and feeling very good about it.
Edit: Really liking this layout for legs. Everything seems to flow together if I load up the machines for the first few exercises and just jump into it.
Last edited by almostgone; 06-08-2015 at 05:08 AM. Reason: details
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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I believe that's probably true. This is a 4" (which is perfect" but narrows down to maybe 3" at the buckle?
I needed a medium, but all they had were large and xl
the shortest holes are perfect, for now. I figure I'll just add holes if needed.
I can't wait to dead lift with it.
Yesterday I did legs and really stacked some weight on, lower back issues are feeling better for once in 20 yrs
Been hitting some decent squats
Things are going well, feel like I am building some tissue and hitting a little growth spurt
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
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