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Thread: Acne on cycle, any tips?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Acne on cycle, any tips?

    Any tips for dealing with acne on cycle (without accutane)?

    My cycle, dbol 30mg per day, 500mg test-c.

    I've heard of taking apple cider vinegar, panthoneic (sp?) acid. Anybody tried that?

    My body is super clear, it's my face that's breaking out this time. Last time it was the complete opposite.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by gymrat702 View Post
    Any tips for dealing with acne on cycle (without accutane)?

    My cycle, dbol 30mg per day, 500mg test-c.

    I've heard of taking apple cider vinegar, panthoneic (sp?) acid. Anybody tried that?

    My body is super clear, it's my face that's breaking out this time. Last time it was the complete opposite.
    So I learned that you can use coconut oil. Here's how it works: use a small amount (less than a teaspoon) on your fingertips and massage onto your face. Then use very warm water to moisten a wash cloth, wring it out so it's very warm and damp and wipe away the coconut oil from your face. Essentially, coconut oil will dissolve oily clogs in your pores (like dissolves like). Plus it'll moisturize your face as well which also prevents acne since it's oil AND dry skin that accumulate to clog pores. This has worked pretty well for me, good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by gymrat702 View Post
    Any tips for dealing with acne on cycle (without accutane)?

    My cycle, dbol 30mg per day, 500mg test-c.

    I've heard of taking apple cider vinegar, panthoneic (sp?) acid. Anybody tried that?

    My body is super clear, it's my face that's breaking out this time. Last time it was the complete opposite.
    There's also a makeup remover called albolene, which is just a fancy title for the main ingredient mineral oil. Pretty much the same thing. I've been using that since I had it already. And i started using another facial moisturizer in addition to that process just because I live in a very dry climate and i was still breaking out a bit because of dryness. Hope this'll help

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisgirllifts View Post
    There's also a makeup remover called albolene, which is just a fancy title for the main ingredient mineral oil. Pretty much the same thing. I've been using that since I had it already. And i started using another facial moisturizer in addition to that process just because I live in a very dry climate and i was still breaking out a bit because of dryness. Hope this'll help
    Wow we live in the same place lol, I'm in Vegas too but I have naturally oily skin.

  5. #5
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    I have pretty naturally oily skin too lol which is what prompted me to stop using a moisturizer for a week after doing the whole mineral oil thing. big mistake! and I'm paying for it now cuz I broke out just that fast lol so I'm back to using the moisturizer so I think it's clearing up better. And cool for being in Vegas too!

  6. #6
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    Jun 2015
    Have you tried an AI? I wound up cycling with test this time around and got the usual acne, but the last few weeks I added anavar and epi andro to cut. The epi andro, though a prohormone, also works as an AI. Once I added these all my acne disappeared. Now, no one on here will recommend the use of a prohormone, but after noticing it's AI effects, I think I'll add this, or another AI to my future cycles.

  7. #7
    I use Accutane and Tetracycline to stay clear on cycles. And if I happen to get a zit, I put Epiduo on it to remove it. Drink a shit ton of water and def dont forget to use an AI. And obv stay away from sugars, that's the most important advice I can give you.

  8. #8
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    sun works great belive it or not I sit out about 20-30 mins a day whenever it is sunny and it works wonders

  9. #9
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisgirllifts
    So I learned that you can use coconut oil. Here's how it works: use a small amount (less than a teaspoon) on your fingertips and massage onto your face. Then use very warm water to moisten a wash cloth, wring it out so it's very warm and damp and wipe away the coconut oil from your face. Essentially, coconut oil will dissolve oily clogs in your pores (like dissolves like). Plus it'll moisturize your face as well which also prevents acne since it's oil AND dry skin that accumulate to clog pores. This has worked pretty well for me, good luck!
    This is a form of oil cleansing. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

  10. #10
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    I read somewhere on here a while ago about using a mild dish detergent! I had problematic "Bacane" as a result of my last cycle and let me tell you that worked awesome!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    I read somewhere on here a while ago about using a mild dish detergent! I had problematic "Bacane" as a result of my last cycle and let me tell you that worked awesome!!
    I believe it was dawn dish-washing soap that was used.

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