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Thread: My ephedrine might be Speed?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    The ephedrine I got from the pharmacy is little white pebbles inside a capsule. It probably comes in different forms though.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Go get Liftmode Synephrine alternative to Ephedra. Who takes that crap anymore? I mean I wouldn't with better alternatives.

    Take it and you will be flying but it is not nearly as bad, it says a micro scoop but I take a lot more but it is still not much. Shit will have you powered.

  3. #43
    The side-effects I were experiencing the first days have probably gone down by 80%, I don't feel so jittery and wierd on it anymore.

  4. #44
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    The side-effects I were experiencing the first days have probably gone down by 80%, I don't feel so jittery and wierd on it anymore.
    You still taking it?

  5. #45
    I have direct contact with the store and the person who sold it to me, he knows exacly what it is, a lot of people are using it. It's E C A Y, and it works. I'm taking it 2x a day now, and having less sides than I had with just ONE dosage, upping it to x3 a day, next week, as you normally would with a ECA stack.

  6. #46
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    I have direct contact with the store and the person who sold it to me, he knows exacly what it is, a lot of people are using it. It's E C A Y, and it works. I'm taking it 2x a day now, and having less sides than I had with just ONE dosage, upping it to x3 a day, next week, as you normally would with a ECA stack.
    I am looking into ephedrine, caffeine, yohimbine hcl. What are the doses of each in yours?

  7. #47
    I am shredding fat like never before, but It's most likely not the ECAY doing all the work. I do cardio 2 times a day, walk everywhere (As I have no need to drive at the moment) and follow a very strict diet with low carbs and low fats. And I'm also on a cycle.

    As mentioned above, one of these pills contains: 40 mg Ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, 30 mg asperin, and 3mg yohimb.

    I split one pill to two dosages. The first 3 days the sides were terrible, now I don't feel anything special, maybe some cold sweats now and then.

  8. #48
    Also, my workouts are insane on ECAY, I have so much energy that I'm afraid I'll do to much lol.

  9. #49
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    Ok OK stop trying to convince us. You started out having no clue what was really in it and had a bad reaction. No you know so just be safe and enjoy the extra boost. Be careful though because you can easily get dehydrated or cause undue stress on your heart so do it in moderation if your going to continue doing it.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ok OK stop trying to convince us. You started out having no clue what was really in it and had a bad reaction. No you know so just be safe and enjoy the extra boost. Be careful though because you can easily get dehydrated or cause undue stress on your heart so do it in moderation if your going to continue doing it.
    I am just answering her question.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post
    I am just answering her question.
    Ahh OK, sorry I didnt see her post.

    Carry on.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post
    A few months ago I went to a shady supplement store in my neighbor country Sweden, and the person there sold me what he described as an illegal fat burner behind the desk. The pills are organge and black and there is a powder inside, everything is unlabeled.

    When I take them, I shake extremely much, my pupils get wider and I've been told my eyes look blank. My body temperature goes through the roof and my heart races like a horse.

    I am extremely worried because I don't want to go anywhere close to narcotics.

    How can I find out what this really is? I am having a hard time writing this because of it.
    You are a fool. Money over possible death or who knows what and then on top of that your dishing them out to friends like smarties. Could be anything at all. There is so many fakes and frauds out there even when buying with labeling from an unknown source how can you be sure there lajit? What you've done is foolish and young. If your continue to take these for the sake of money. I hope it's you they get and not your so called friends.
    Don't be a Wolly. Sort ya head out

  14. #54
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    The ephedrine is twice the dosage recommended for a stack.

    I am going to run ephedrine caffeine and Yohimbine hcl. But I am going to buy the ingredients.

  15. #55
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    SwoleViking - You are 18 years old, you are on a caloric deficit diet with minimal carbs and fats. You do cardio twice a day. In one post you said you trashed these shady pills and then 2 posts llater you said you were glad you didn't trash them. Not to mention, you said you were on cycle also. All this shit your doing to your body at 18. This is not healthy man, at all!!

    Who helped you come up with your cycle and your diet?

    I believe you are really hurting your body, maybe you need to step back and evaluate where you are and where you want to be in 12 months.

    I am really intersted in what your diet consists of and what your cycle consists of. Maybe this forum can help you get dialed in a little better and you can shed some of your fat while maintaining muscle and not kill yourself trying to do it.

  16. #56
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    Careful with the yohimbine hcl, I love the stuff but in my experience anything over 2.5mg per 40lbs-50lbs of bodyweight = borderline anxiety attack, Not fun!

    at close to 200lbs I can take 12.5mg and feel great, but as I drop sub 180lbs, I have to take it down to 10mg.

    My favorite is Caffiene, Yohimbine, ECGC and Chromium Picolinate when im on that fatloss train.

    Never tried Ephedrine, as what I mentioned works great for me.

    ~my 2 cents

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ
    Careful with the yohimbine hcl, I love the stuff but in my experience anything over 2.5mg per 40lbs-50lbs of bodyweight = borderline anxiety attack, Not fun! at close to 200lbs I can take 12.5mg and feel great, but as I drop sub 180lbs, I have to take it down to 10mg. My favorite is Caffiene, Yohimbine, ECGC and Chromium Picolinate when im on that fatloss train. Never tried Ephedrine, as what I mentioned works great for me. ~my 2 cents
    Very informative and alternative. Drew. Can you provide your dosage for each ingredient, pretty please (eye lashes batting)

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Very informative and alternative. Drew. Can you provide your dosage for each ingredient, pretty please (eye lashes batting)
    Sure basically its austinite's fatloss protocol but replacing Synephrine with Yohimbine.
    200mg Caffeine,
    800mg Chromium,
    600mg ECGC(that's 600mg of EGCG, not to be confused with total green tea extract),
    12.5mg Yohimbine HCL(Above 185lbs)

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ
    Sure basically its austinite's fatloss protocol but replacing Synephrine with Yohimbine. 200mg Caffeine, 800mg Chromium, 600mg ECGC(that's 600mg of EGCG, not to be confused with total green tea extract), 12.5mg Yohimbine HCL(Above 185lbs)
    Thank you Drew (eye lashes batting again)

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