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Thread: Increasing compound dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Increasing compound dosage

    I'm about to begin week 8 of my 13 week Test P, NPP, Anavar cycle (just started Anavar at beginning of week 6). Doses are as follows:

    Test P: 150mg EOD
    NPP: 150mg EOD
    Anavar: 100mg/day

    Gains came along fantastic during week 2 and 6. The past week and a half, they've really plateaued. I'm not saying they're non-existent, but at a fraction of what they were earlier. If course, this is to be expected, but I'm wondering, with still 6 weeks left in the cycle, would it be worth increasing the doses to 200 mg each of the Prop and NPP? Do you think it would make a difference and allow me to break my plateau? Or is it worth it?

    TDEE is around 2800 calories a day. I'm currently at just under 4,000. Training is as intense as it's ever been and I do change my routine up a bit if I feel as though I'm stalling.

    31 years old
    220 lbs.
    about 15% body fat (guessing by comparing to other members' pics)
    3rd cycle within last 2 years, but ran a number of cycles several years before I started back up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Is your 2800tdee an estimate or an actual maintenance figure pre cycle?

  3. #3
    I would drop anavar. Run more test if anything. Caloric intake seems high

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    Is your 2800tdee an estimate or an actual maintenance figure pre cycle?
    I could maintain on 2,600 before cycle. I just estimated the 200 bump since I've put on weight while being on cycle for 7 weeks. Right now, I'm at 3,800-3,900 per day. I also estimate that I've put on about 1% or so bf, but it's very easy for me to burn fat as opposed to gaining LBM, so I'm not all that worried about it. Gains were coming along great, but have since slowed by a lot over the past week and a half.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by hooligans luck
    I would drop anavar. Run more test if anything. Caloric intake seems high
    Why drop the Anavar? I happen to like back loading with it. Ran it on my last cycle, and it seemed to 'solidify' all my gains and increase vascularity slightly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Bump. Anyone suggest I increase doses slightly? If so, by how much? And do you recommend increasing both, or just one compound?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Bump. Anyone suggest I increase doses slightly? If so, by how much? And do you recommend increasing both, or just one compound?
    Honestly bro the dosages look fine.. I would leave them. At this point ur looking at 600mg of test and 600mg of npp a week which is pretty damn good IMO

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    Honestly bro the dosages look fine.. I would leave them. At this point ur looking at 600mg of test and 600mg of npp a week which is pretty damn good IMO
    Thank you for the reply, tice. I'm not sure I understand your math though. 150mg EOD would come out to about 525mg per week for each compound.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post

    Thank you for the reply, tice. I'm not sure I understand your math though. 150mg EOD would come out to about 525mg per week for each compound.
    Let's say Monday u start. So it would be Mon,wed,Fri,sun 4 pins in a week mind u the next wee will be 3 pins then 4 pins after that lol. Week one 150mg×4pins= 600mgs EW and then week two 150mg ×3pins = 450mg EW then repeat lol.. It doesn't matter really but I would leave ur dosages alone bro.. If anything npp and test p are fast acting u can always move dosages around fast if ur not happy with the results. Good luck big dog.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Let's say Monday u start. So it would be Mon,wed,Fri,sun 4 pins in a week mind u the next wee will be 3 pins then 4 pins after that lol. Week one 150mg×4pins= 600mgs EW and then week two 150mg ×3pins = 450mg EW then repeat lol.. It doesn't matter really but I would leave ur dosages alone bro.. If anything npp and test p are fast acting u can always move dosages around fast if ur not happy with the results. Good luck big dog.
    Do you have enough sites to pin ed?? I'd go this route over your 3/then 4x a wk(if you were running longer esters I'd say pin e3d as opposed to 2x wkly(say on 600mgs of test e that would equal 700mgs for the wk)

    Ipd stick w/the var on your backload! Keep NPP where it's at(if your looking for more strength gains) up your test a tad(I've always ran my test higher than Nandrolone... Worked well for me...

    Also I'm not a fan of bumping dosages during a cycle(that's when shit goes south w/your AI - and you've already gotten bloods(I'm assuming)...

    Also this sounds very similar to my NPP run(gains wise) however, once I backloaded my winny I was good - started leaning out and gaining strength! I believe the var will indeed solidify/tighten up things at the end(what dose are you running your var at)?? Your splitting it up throughout the day, correct?

  11. #11
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    Let's say Monday u start. So it would be Mon,wed,Fri,sun 4 pins in a week mind u the next wee will be 3 pins then 4 pins after that lol. Week one 150mg×4pins= 600mgs EW and then week two 150mg ×3pins = 450mg EW then repeat lol.. It doesn't matter really but I would leave ur dosages alone bro.. If anything npp and test p are fast acting u can always move dosages around fast if ur not happy with the results. Good luck big dog.
    Thank you, Tice.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Do you have enough sites to pin ed?? I'd go this route over your 3/then 4x a wk(if you were running longer esters I'd say pin e3d as opposed to 2x wkly(say on 600mgs of test e that would equal 700mgs for the wk) Ipd stick w/the var on your backload! Keep NPP where it's at(if your looking for more strength gains) up your test a tad(I've always ran my test higher than Nandrolone... Worked well for me... Also I'm not a fan of bumping dosages during a cycle(that's when shit goes south w/your AI - and you've already gotten bloods(I'm assuming)... Also this sounds very similar to my NPP run(gains wise) however, once I backloaded my winny I was good - started leaning out and gaining strength! I believe the var will indeed solidify/tighten up things at the end(what dose are you running your var at)?? Your splitting it up throughout the day, correct?
    Thanks NACH. My Var is dosed at 50mg per cap. I take one in the morning and one in the evening, for 100 mg/day. I may just see how this week goes for me. If gains have still stalled, then I will think about increasing the Test dose.

    Why do you recommend increasing the Test and not the NPP?

  13. #13
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Thanks NACH. My Var is dosed at 50mg per cap. I take one in the morning and one in the evening, for 100 mg/day. I may just see how this week goes for me. If gains have still stalled, then I will think about increasing the Test dose.

    Why do you recommend increasing the Test and not the NPP?
    At your NPP dose imo it doesn't need upping if it's your first time w/NPP... But I should have been more clear - I prefer higher test to nandrolone - some like low test high nandrolone - you went w/the same of each - at your test dose now - the only thing I'd change is test(if anything - plus test will make you stronger as its 1:1 ratio - Deca is 80%:1(1=1000:1000 testosterone anabolic/androgenic) so anabolic promotes growth/and there the same androgenic rating - reason I'd go w/test)!

    Idk - I still think you should give the var time to do its job(50mg var - sure there real)? I saw caps(so maybe they were able to dise it higher idk)

  14. #14
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    At your NPP dose imo it doesn't need upping if it's your first time w/NPP... But I should have been more clear - I prefer higher test to nandrolone - some like low test high nandrolone - you went w/the same of each - at your test dose now - the only thing I'd change is test(if anything - plus test will make you stronger as its 1:1 ratio - Deca is 80%:1(1=1000:1000 testosterone anabolic/androgenic) so anabolic promotes growth/and there the same androgenic rating - reason I'd go w/test)! Idk - I still think you should give the var time to do its job(50mg var - sure there real)? I saw caps(so maybe they were able to dise it higher idk)
    Ok, NACH. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm going to give it one more week before I do anything. Great reviews on this Var, although I've never personally got it tested.

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