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Thread: Two part question. Please advise.

  1. #1

    Two part question. Please advise.

    My latest CBC came back with a higher then normal Hemoglobin (18.9), which leads me to my first question. What can I do to lower this value? I am currently in between cycles so I know this number will come down as time passes but I would like to get it do to a resonable value asap. Also, what gear can I use that will not effect this value? (winney, ad)???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Their is no way to know what AS is going to effect that level(or any other). You need to be prepared for that fact.

    Your level is not that high either. Yes, it is above range(14.6-17.8) but not to the point of critical concern. Not by far. Let it recover on it's own; I doubt it will be very long at all.

  3. #3
    This is a great board.....Thanks for the information.

  4. #4
    My doc told me that giving blood will lower your number back down.

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