I have a confession: I have no idea what RP's, DD's are. I try to interpret your weightlifting posts, NACH3, and have no f***in' clue what youre talking about

I'm sure I know by technique, just not by those terms. Please advise, buddy.
How I maximize my pumps varies from muscle to muscle:
major groups -- heavy weight, low rep failure
minor groups and traps (are traps maj or min?) -- moderate weight, high rep failure
My quads are different: leg extensions -- heavy weight, low rep
squats -- low weight (even body weight) -- very high reps
I haven't read Khazima's link yet (forgive me if this answered in there) but isn't the latest school of thought that lower weight *to failure* releases more GH than the usual hypertrophy range of failure (8-10 or 12)?