Okay so I may go ahead and start a first cycle. I'm 5'9 177 lbs 16-17%BF. Goal 180lbs 10%BF.
Here's the cycle I'm looking at. Please let me know how it looks or if I might want to tweak anything. Two things I really want to prevent are gyno (I've tried pro hormones and already had sensitive nips to those) and gonadal shutdown.
Weeks 1-10
400mg Test E – Taken twice weekly
0.5mg Arimidex – Taken EOD
Week 11-12
Week 13-14
50mg Clomid Every day
Week 15-16
25mg Clomid Every Day
Also my guy has test E 200 for sale. Is the 200 denoting the strength of the product or is that how much is in a vial? How many vials of that do I need?
I also have slightly high cholesterol genetically. I'm not overweight but it runs in the family. Should I be worried about this or should it be fine with just one cycle? I plan to eat extremely clean on cycle.