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Thread: Injected a single time, realized I could not handle the potential sides. PCT or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Injected a single time, realized I could not handle the potential sides. PCT or not?

    Hey guys,

    I'll be completely honest. I'm sorry if this sounds dumb or like something you've already heard, I just need advice and to share my thoughts right now.

    I'm 21 year old, have been training for a couple years, not as muscular as is naturally possible, but fairly lean (around 13-14% body fat by my own estimates, my rectus abdominis muscle is clearly visible), I've lost 100 pounds in recent times so I definitely have a good grasp of nutritional science. I also study Biochemistry and Pharmacology, so my theoretical understanding of drugs in general is also good, I like to think.

    I'm interested in bodybuilding, and I'd been thinking about starting AAS use for a while. I finally gathered everything (injection equipment, injectable test, hCG, nolvadex and clomid) that I need and actually injected for the first time last night, at about 7:30 PM.

    I injected 500mg of testosterone enanthate, the injection itself went well (no pain in the area, no visible infection, etc), but immediately after doing it, I started feeling really anxious and the feeling never wore off completely, even when I went to sleep. I managed to fall asleep fairly quickly, but 2 hours later, I woke up feeling anxious again and not able to fall back to sleep. I'm feeling nervous, unusually warm all over my body, my stomach is experiencing weird sensations (like if it was constantly 'full') and I'm just generally having weird sensations all over my body.

    To tell you how nervous I am, I keep checking and touching my balls to see if they're getting smaller, and I actually believe that they are, and I also keep touching my nipples to see if they're hardening... even though I know in theory that my hormone levels are very unlikely to be significantly affected this early into the process and after a single injection.

    All those side effects are probably mostly caused by anxiety and the placebo effect, but I can't sleep at all and, long story short, I've come to the conclusion that I'm simply not ready mentally to be self-administering any kind of androgen receptor drug. So I decided to call it off entirely, but I'm not sure how to proceed regarding PCT. Should I do any PCT at all? That's basically my question. Like I said, I have clomid and nolvadex on hand, but I'm not certain if taking them any point would be necessary, or worse, potentially endangering my health further by causing additional undesirable changes to my hormone levels.

    In all cases, I will make an appointment with my doctor in the morning to get my testosterone, estradiol, LH and FSH levels checked via blood sample testing and see whether a single injection actually affected them and to what extent. I feel like you can never be too safe with these things.

    Thank you in advance for your time, and again, sorry if this comes off to you as dumb.
    Last edited by jay94; 10-15-2015 at 01:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I doubt its anything to do with the test enth
    I think its all in your head and your worrying yourself/suffering from bad anxiety.

    My main concern is if your worrying this bad now, how will you react when your balls shrink later in the cycle (because they will temporarily) or your nipples become puffy etc, your going to freak out big time

    I dont think your ready to cycle yet and should discontinue use.
    Train hard and natural, get your diet in check perhaps come back when your older and more mentaly stable.

    I dont think you need to run PCT but if it made you feel more mentaly stable maybe run nolva/clomid at a low dose for 3 weeks 10 days after your shot of test e

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    No need to run a PCT from a single shot of test E. None of the side effects from AAS would come on that quickly, it would be weeks from now. You are right though, if you are experiencing so many phantom symptoms and anxiety at this stage, you are not ready for AAS. As Tax said, you could run a low dose PCT, but it really isn't necissary. Going to the doc and getting bloods at this stage will not help to prove anything. To ensure you have made a full recovery (which is very likely if you do no further AAS) go to the docs in about 6 weeks time and get bloods then.

    Don't let this discourage you from going to the doctor if your symptoms persist, but it is very unlikely that the symptoms you are experiencing are AAS related, they are most probably anxiety related.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    You will be fine. 500mg of test e in one injection?what site did you use?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Those are all psychological symptoms. You're just nervous.

    I wouldn't bother with PCT after just one shot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    All of the symptoms you are feeling are due to placebo effect. your testicles will not shrink from one shot of test and you wont get gyno that quickly. My advice would be to hold off on the anabolics for a few years. you should post your blood work. I would like to see what happened to your levels after your first shot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    With the enanthate ester (depending on your metabolism) your body probably did not even absorb the test by the time you where feeling these side effects. Keep calm mate you will be fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Really man? Doesnt your body start really absorbing it at around week 3? Youll be fine. Dont go to the doc and dont put any extra compounds into your body. You freaked out. Plain and simple. Doesnt kick in that fast unless you shot it into your jugular in which case youd be dead.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Your body starts to absorb it to some extent relativity quickly. Esters are attached to drugs to slow down the release over a period of time. The half life Test C for instance is between 8-10 days depending on the individual's body metabolizes it. I think most Endocrinologist and pharmaceutical companies say that it is 8 days.

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