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Thread: back on this sub forum again despite my better judgement...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    back on this sub forum again despite my better judgement...

    Hello again. So im slowly convincing myself again to run a 500mg a week test only cycle with the proper ancillaries and PCT... my problem is that A. I am too young at 22 and B. I think im on a destructive course.

    Having been at my peak of 260 lbs i have nearly reached my goal of 185, im at 187 now. Got a dexa scan at 228 and it set me at 32% bodyfat. Im around 17% now at my weight. Having lost certain important things i held dear to me, i found the gym and now im here. So i studied and learned and broke it down to a science and for the past half year maybe less i dropped the weight and (i had lifting experience and knowledge prior but not at the level i do now, which dont get me wrong is still miniscule compared to what some of you guys know) im still hungry for more. The gym keeps me sane and its symbolic of breaking everything that has really put me down this past year, so i want to give it my full attention and resources. Other people have different passions at my age and people are annoyed that i like to talk so much about the gym, but they dont understand that its all i had when nothing else worked. Ive found something that i want to give my everything to that will reward me for the amount of work i put in.

    I dont care to look big or shredded for others...i actually hate how people treat me differently now that i look better. The more i progress, the better i feel about myself and my situation. How others view it means shit to me.

    Im a generally happy person as my post might suggest otherwise. I like to keep myself busy to keep my mind off of things that i try to not remember, which is why i chose this hobby in the first place.

    My question is, considering i run this cycle, how will my mood be effected? Again, im not depressed or suffering from some ailments, but i dont want to create a rain of problems from an otherwise small drop if you know what i mean. Second, under proper cycling protocols at my age, can i possibly not rebound to my regular test levels post cycle? Whats the worst that can happen given i cycle correctly?

    Thanks guys, and sorry for my ranting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    First of all congrats on your weight loss. That shows a lot of dedication and since you have worked so hard so far, and done everything correctly, I would also suggest waiting a few years to cycle to make sure your hpta has fully matured. But, when you ask what is the worse that can happen, I am assuming you are asking within reason. For me, cycling at your age caused me a lot of problems; first of which my body never fully recovered. I spent several years, in my early 20's with ED problems. There is nothing quite like picking up a hot woman and not being able to perform; and this was before Viagra making it even worse.
    But, when I learned I had low t, I then had to start injecting testosterone. Maybe some people love it, but when you have to do it every week for decades, it is not quite as fun as running a cycle. I am sure you will get a lot of additional answers, but I wanted to let you know a few of my troubles caused by running AAS too young and what I have had to deal with since.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    There is alot of bad sides that u can get from aas. The risk of recovery is worse for u because your age.(your body and everything is not fully developed). U should have plenty of test in u because your young. Keep training hard and diet diet diet is key to it all!

    One of my best friends ran gear at 21/22 years old and never recovered properly. No he didn't now what he was doing and didn't do a proper pct but he will never be the same. Worst part about it is he didn't even really gain much on cycle and lost all of it and has low t now(according to him he had his blood work done and everything) he is only 26 years old. Pretty much f**ked his training up for the rest of his life. He's more depressed and much smaller then me and I'm not big.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Well I want to congratulate you on your consistency and drive... & obviously your weight loss is awesome! Great to see! You did it all naturally too!

    Keep it up brother!

    I will say Oki hit the ail in the head... This is the game we play and known consequences even when we are done developing(brain/endocrine system) - most in here who've been on HRT have cycled safely and correctly it's just the way things happen sometimes(we're all different) I'd say wait til at least 25 - your working your arse off so give it time... You surely didn't weigh 260 over night - but you made it dissapear rather quickly compared!

    Please give these a read - we get kids younger and your age who still are suffering from running a test only cycle -
    These have ongoing cases that we add to it for the younger generation to see - GL and keep hitting the iron

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Congrats on joining our strange fraternity! If you state consistent over the years you should be happy and healthy into old age.
    It sounds like you are a bit depressed still and, dare I say it, self medicating with the gym. Of the alternatives, that's a pretty good way to self medicate!
    AAS can play havoc with your mood and emotions. Estrogen is the main bad guy here. Too high, and you get roid rage and a whole bunch of nasty side effects. Too low and you get depressed, no sex drive, can't get a boner. Either one really, really sucks and it's highly likely you will experience one or the other.
    Just skip the AAS for now and train like a mad man. Make food your anabolic.
    Some advice from an older guy: Go do something other than the gym. Get involved in a charity, go skydiving, little theater, etc. Whatever you enjoy or have a bit of talent for. has some groups you might enjoy.
    Son, your life is just stating. Most of us would give anything to be your age again!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    One last thing, seems as though your goals are mainly loosing fat and being fit. Doing a cycle will often cause bloat which is the last thing you want.

    As said by others congratulations on your achievement and just stay on the same road for the time being, no reason to jeopardize all you have accomplished.

  7. #7
    Congratulations on your transformation. You've made a great start. I would wait to jump in to this world until you're at or near your genetic limits for musculature relative to your desired body composition. Also I think you need to be mentally prepared for both the possible side effects as well as worst case scenario of your cycle and recovery. I would say most informed people have no problems, but there are outliers. That's why I waited until I was older, no longer married, and am pretty sure I won't ever have kids. Not saying these are markers for everyone prior to diving in, but they were for me.

    I began my first cycle about two months ago, and while the gains have been nothing short of ridiculous, dialing in estrogen and everything that goes along with that has been a challenge. I've had to take an unplanned blood test to determine I seem to aromatize test by looking at a vial.

    If you've researched some, you'll know that the fatter you are the more difficulty you’ll have managing estrogen, generally speaking. So with that said, I'd also lean up - if and when you do a cycle, you'll thank me.

    Finally, probably off topic some, but the proverbial ostrich sticking its head in the sand approach to dealing with life's low spots never worked for me. So while the gym is my psychologist too, if you're dealing with deep emotional issues, I'd probably steer clear of hormone manipulation until you’re in a better spot.

    Again, props on your work thus far.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks guy. In the back of my head, i know the risks. I have just recently developed a destructive side to my personality that makes me want to Take certain interests to the extremes. Ive sorts always been like that. This time last year i liked pot so i stayed home at college all day got high and ate taco bell and pizza all day long. Now ive found something else that im taking to an extreme and here i am lol. Doesnt help that im generally not a risk averse person.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Smoking pot and eating pizza for a day is not likely to cause liftetime problems

    Injecting hormones at a young age is :/

    You cant really compare the two, read the replies and the links posted above and take a long time to consider the potential consequences.

    And you say you have the personality to go to the extremities which me think you will cycle a lot and go on to more harsh compounds very quickly, hardly take time off inbetween cycles etc etc

    Wait until you mature a bit more and get some more life experiences under your belt before going down the AAS route
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 10-16-2015 at 04:30 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I'm right behind you..
    Congrats on your achievements!

    Everything we do gets easier with repetition. Choose wisely.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks guy. In the back of my head, i know the risks. I have just recently developed a destructive side to my personality that makes me want to Take certain interests to the extremes. Ive sorts always been like that. This time last year i liked pot so i stayed home at college all day got high and ate taco bell and pizza all day long. Now ive found something else that im taking to an extreme and here i am lol. Doesnt help that im generally not a risk averse person.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    tempest818, from what ive read it doesnt seem like you've ever been in a lean mass phase or a bulk. you said that you were very overweight and have lost a lot a fat. great job but keep cutting till you reach 10-12% body fat. once you are done cutting slowly increase your calories each week until you've reached your maintenance calorie level. then add 250-500 calories per day to start your lean mass phase. since you've never been in a lean mass phase you have a ton of potential for muscle gains. after losing so much fat your insulin sensitivity will be much better and that will allow your body to partition nutrients to muscle cells instead of fat cells. your testosterone levels will be higher because you're not overloading your body with excess calories. your estrogen levels will be lower because of less aromatase in your system. you're only 22 years old. You're body is primed for muscle gains and you should take advantage of it. bust your ass in the gym. stay on top of your nutrition. make sure you're getting enough food to grow muscle tissue but not so much that your gaining lots of body fat. try this for about a year and you might be shocked at what you accomplish. hold off on cycling for now.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Sorry double post... its not that im not mature yet, i dont like to claim to be mature at my age either because i know nothing other than going to class, going to gym, and maintaining relationships and going out with friends. I have no REAL responsibilities. If this were to happen it would be a one time ordeal ideally but i think im just looking for you guys to talk me out of it which you already have. Im not afraid to try new things which is also my problem. Ive done Clen (bs drug even with good diet, my opinion), i drove myself to the ER about 2 weeks ago because i had chest tightness and neck stiffness after deadlifting while having taken a 40mg ECA (i usually do, it might have been a badly dosed pill), and of course, ive done what everyone here rightfully hates which is a cycle of anavar only (dont kill me, i was an uninformed tool) but i think it was bunk, but then again i fear maybe that this downness im experiencing might have been frm the var..... hmm...plot twist !!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Absolutely. I cant wait until i drop enough weight where i can start a decent bulk. I have the same apetite that i had when i was 260 so eating will be no problem. And yes, ive never bulked, ive always gotten fat and slimmed down and gotten fat again. I wont **** up this time.

    Looking back on how i took var alone, it amazes me how stupid i was...and it astonishes me how people my age put shit in our bodies without doing research which is so freely available to us.

    And warrior...youve helped me before (as everyone else too) which im greatly thankful for. I did some serious thinking and i remember you told me to not be working out for hours at a time and to get my nutrition and rest in check, and i didnt want to bring it up before but ive become more accepting of it...but i only spend so much time lifting is because it keeps my mind busy. And tbh, this wasnt a 6 month progress, it was more like a 4 month thing where as i said before, i crash dieted at 1600-1800 calories and lifted for 4 hours a day. The free time i could have spent sitting around would be time spent remembering things that put me down. So i spent that time planning meals or doing work or Going to the gym. Work lasted for a small part of my day which gave me no choice but to work out for hours at a time and go even twice a day. Lifting is more of a psychological thing for me than it is physically. So i figured taking substances to help me justify my time spent lifting would be a good idea.

    Pot and drinking and partying also made me feel better but eventually the smoking and drinking started bringing memories flowing back in so i dont smoke or drink anymore. Especially smoke because it started depressing me.
    Last edited by tempest818; 10-16-2015 at 05:02 PM.

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