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Thread: Some advice

  1. #1

    Some advice

    Hi folks,

    Im new to the forum and Im after a bit of advice and knowledge. Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I cant see the titles on the app as it shrinks and doesnt fit the iPhone 6 screen.

    Anyway.. Im new steroids, and have no experience taking them. I did abit of research and decided to do a 6 week cycle of Var only at 50mg ED. I do abit of kickboxing K1 so my main aim was to gain strength and clean gains.

    Now Ive seen countless posts on alot of forums slating var only cycles but if u can withold judgement on this occassion. I have my reasons and Im testing the water so to speak.

    My stats:

    Clean high protein/low carb diet.
    Supplementing with Creatine mono

    Now the thing is im 2 weeks today into this cycle and Ive yet to notice anything. The only pumps I get are in the arms but this is most likely down to creatine which I would have got before taking the var.

    I am vascular in the arms but have been anyway as Im fairly lean.

    Should I be seeing more than this at this stage? Im assuming so as Ive read it kicks in around now.

    Ive attached a pic just for the craic and I havent changed in 2 weeks at all but I dont expect to. I just expect to feel it or see a difference in the gym?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	160064  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Hello and welcome to the forum.
    Last year i did the exact same cycle of var.The only "good" result i had from that cycle was a vein in my right biceps,that's it.Side effects were: Totally dead libido,erection problem that lasted for 6 months or more,depression,cholesterol through the roof( i did blood test before and after var),very emotional etc.. In my opinion,that's a waste of money and health risks to do a var only cycle!

  3. #3
    Did u not do a PCT then?

    Ive read so many opinions about var only. Its hard to know for sure untill u do it urself and Ive another 4 weeks to go before I can make judgement.

    Ive read alot of good things from a var only cycle and alot of pinners slating it for obvious reasons.

    I thought it would be ideal for my goals.. I do sport so want addedspeed and power, fat loss and to generally shape up.. not any mad bulking expectations. I guess Ill have to wait and see.

    Thing is alot of athletes use var only. U have to wonder why.

    Hopefully my gear is legit. Not sure if I should post the labs or if thatll break the rules?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I did PCT of Nolva for 4 weeks.Everyone reacts differently to steroid use,but one thing is for sure,anavar shuts down HPTA,even if it's known as a mild steroid.
    All those side effects i had,started at week 4,that's why i stopped the cycle and started PCT.
    You can post the lab,but not the source.

  5. #5
    Im planning some clomid at the end to combat those issues. The lab is Cambridge Research.. according to winos its legit. I just wonder if 50mg is enough or if it hasnt kicked in yet after 14 days.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mesutozil11
    Im planning some clomid at the end to combat those issues. The lab is Cambridge Research.. according to winos its legit. I just wonder if 50mg is enough or if it hasnt kicked in yet after 14 days.
    My cycle was 30/40/50/60. I noticed strength gain and pumps at 2nd week.
    But definitely it's not worth it,you'll see it!Testosterone should be a base for any cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    See us 21 year olds are scared of test and other injectables so we think anavar or oral only cycles is a little loophole we can use to not **** ourselves up by injecting test...nit that we should at our age
    But i dont see your reason for not wanting to use it! Test is cheaper too and u get better gains!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If your goal is to just add a bit size, look at your training and diet, train to true failure to stimulate muscle growth and eat more. I think if you do a strict regime for 3-6 months you could probably achieve your goal without any steroids.

    What is your honest daily diet like?

    You cant post your source or where you bought it from due to forum rules, but we can discuss the lab that made it, what lab is it? I ask this as there is a LOT of fake anavar out there.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 10-17-2015 at 03:28 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
    If your goal is to just add a bit size, look at your training and diet, train to true failure to stimulate muscle growth and eat more. I think if you do a strict regime for 3-6 months you could probably achieve your goal without any steroids. What is your honest daily diet like? You cant post your source or where you bought it from due to forum rules, but we can discuss the lab that made it, what lab is it? I ask this as there is a LOT of fake anavar out there.
    To be honest I find it hard to develop muscle and strength thats why Ive decided to use Var. Its too late now that Ive started anyway so ill have to see it through.

    I do train to failure and adding weight each session so im hoping to progress.

    Cardio consists of steady runs for 20 mins, HIIT sprints, rope climber etc

    My diet consists of porridge to start, turkey omlete for lunch, chicken brown rice veg for lunch, steak and rice and veg for dinner, 2 protein shakes, 10g creatine and other things throughout the day.

    The lab is cambridge research who ive read are legit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A cycle of testosterone would have been better than var. but you have started so its too late for that. I hope you manage to get something out of the var.

    You should be eating more than that imo to try and gain weight. I dont know the size of your meals but it doesnt sound a lot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by mesutozil11 View Post
    To be honest I find it hard to develop muscle and strength thats why Ive decided to use Var. Its too late now that Ive started anyway so ill have to see it through.

    I do train to failure and adding weight each session so im hoping to progress.

    Cardio consists of steady runs for 20 mins, HIIT sprints, rope climber etc

    My diet consists of porridge to start, turkey omlete for lunch, chicken brown rice veg for lunch, steak and rice and veg for dinner, 2 protein shakes, 10g creatine and other things throughout the day.

    The lab is cambridge research who ive read are legit.
    How do you feel - libido? Energy? Focus? Etc... If any of these are down significantly stop and run a proper pct... Oral only cycles are a waste of time and $$$... You won't retain any gains due to either full shut down or very high suppression rate(80-90%) -- that's no test in your system - how can you gain w/out testosterone in your system?

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