Opinion needed ,first of all my experience and stats 5'9 224lbs 19%bf 6 year lifter this would be my 4th cycle i have always used deca,dbol,test,winnie,and eq in the past all with small dosage cycles. My question is this, i want to do a large cycle in january, and this i what i have on hand now, any help please......................... i have some idea already i just want to compare ideas.
2 10ml bottles of homemade fina 75mg ml (made it myself)
60 10mg dbol tabs by tokyo
1 bottle of test 400 400mg ml 10ml bottle
1 bottle of test prop 100mg ml 10ml bottle
5 bottles of test enathate 200mg ml 10ml bottles
40 50mg clomid tabs
30 nolva tabs
Goal is to pick up at least 25lbs of mass