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Thread: GYNO-- please HELP!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    GYNO-- please HELP!!

    I'm in my third cycle of 650mg test e per week and just finished 100mg anadrol after 5 weeks.. I stopped the anadrol yesterday and today I feel like my nipples ache a bit and are puffy. I've been taking 0.3mg arimidex eod.. I just squeezed my nipples and can feel small lumps under each nipple just above it.. I'm about 15% BF.

    I've always held more fat than usual around my man boobs so may have been genetically pre disposed.. I've had achey nipples in other cycles and just taken more arimidex but have never felt a lump..

    What should I do!? Does it sound like gyno? What should I do? I was thinking 20mg nolva Ed and 0.5mg arimidex eod until it goes away??
    Please help I'm really worried

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Anadrol is a strong compound. I would bet its from the drol. Give a day or 2 and see if it goes away now that you have discontinued the drol. If it doesn't you could run low dose of nolvadex to combat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I just took 1mg of arimidex and I'll dose it at 0.5mg eod from now because I feel a little bloated anyway.. I forgot to mention this is the first cycle I've used HCG as well at 250iu twice a week..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Junk bomb
    I just took 1mg of arimidex and I'll dose it at 0.5mg eod from now because I feel a little bloated anyway.. I forgot to mention this is the first cycle I've used HCG as well at 250iu twice a week..
    Hcg will cause some estro spoke for sure. Keep an eye on it and I bet some of the bloat will drop off quickly now that you have discontinued the drol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Did you get mid cycle BW? That's really the only way to know what's going on. You have small glands all over your chest.

    @BA Nolvadex isn't going to make the gyno go away if he already has it does it? He needs Roflex???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I got a small lump under my left nipple and it was sore, i ran 20mg nolvadex for about 16 days while also continuig to run my AI and it went, this was about 3 weeks ago and its still gone to this day

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I got a small lump under my left nipple and it was sore, i ran 20mg nolvadex for about 16 days while also continuig to run my AI and it went, this was about 3 weeks ago and its still gone to this day
    Watch that Tax... That's how mine started - b4 I was up to date on how long one should take a SERM for any type of reversal (one must catch it in time)

    I did exactly what you did and stopped the SERM way to early - next cycle when my hormones were in flux it flared up bigger... Im just sharing my experience and imho you should take low dose nolva or ralox for a couple months.... It can take up to 9 or so months with ralox... Just letting you know - usually one. Thinks and actually can't even feel a lump until it flares back up... Hope it's gtg!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Will keep an eye on that thanks nach!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Nach, Taxman ... Help me out here I always thought Nolvadex would help you not get gyno and it will not make it go away if you have it. That's when you need to run ralox?? Thanks guys.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Nach, Taxman ... Help me out here I always thought Nolvadex would help you not get gyno and it will not make it go away if you have it. That's when you need to run ralox?? Thanks guys.
    Copied from Austinites post

    Gynecomastia: Explanation and how to treat it

    This is simply the enlargement of breast tissue in males. Your body is basically adopting female characteristics. As mentioned earlier, this is caused by excess estrogen and can be aggravated directly by excess progesterone. There are several proven methods to reverse gynecomastia. Some are more effective than others. I'll mention the most common ones.

    Gynecomastia reversing drugs (ordered by effectiveness):

    1. Raloxifene
    2. Tamoxifen
    3. Lasofoxifene

    Do you notice a common denominator? They're all Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM). But why have I not listed the other popular SERMs such as Clomiphene (clomid) and Toremifene? Well, although the similarities are abundant, these other SERMs do more stimulation at the pituitary (brain), where the SERMs I mentioned are much stronger and effective at the breast tissue. This is why they are to be used in gynecomastia reduction/reversing. I'll discuss dosing for the compounds I've personally used.

    Raloxifene: Dose Raloxifene at 60 mg, up to 80mg daily. Do not go up and down with the dose. Start with 60 mg for 6 weeks. If you do not notice much difference, increase to 80 mg and stay at 80 mg until gynecomastia is reversed.

    Tamoxifen: Dose at 40 mg every day for 1 week. After that, drop dose to 20 mg and use that every day until gynecomastia is reversed.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Nach, Taxman ... Help me out here I always thought Nolvadex would help you not get gyno and it will not make it go away if you have it. That's when you need to run ralox?? Thanks guys.
    Here's the thing, Bod... We know SERM treatment is best for keeping gyno controlled/or reversed... And if caught in time both could reverse it(if caught in time - hence knowing your body and what it reacts to best)... But studies show(and Jimmyinkedup just posted one regarding the effectiveness between ralox and nolva(tamoxifen)...

    We know ralox will indeed bind to the breast tissue at a high affinity than nolva... Is it really much of a difference(well in that study I believe ralox was 80+% more effective w/a 40+% increase in ralox's binding efficiency at the mammary gland/breast tissue than nolva - if I'm not mistaken - going off memory here)

    Moral of the story you can use both - imho I'd run ralox(after reading that study) for any type of chance at reversal or even keeping it in check during a flare up... However, some respond better to low dose nolva than ralox but that would be dependent on the individual... I'd still say both are gtg but I'd use ralox for reversal especially if caught in time!

    Damn Tax I was writing lol
    Last edited by NACH3; 11-03-2015 at 12:13 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Damn Tax I was writing lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Thanks guys.

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