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Thread: Gyno flare up I'm right nipple

  1. #1

    Gyno flare up I'm right nipple

    Hey guys. I'm all my years of juicing using AIs on and off and what not I've never noticed any nipple issues. But now I've noticed my right nipppe isn't round like my left it seems to have a dent then a bit of a lump in it. Perhaps it's always been like that and I've never noticed. Maybe I cut the area shaving my body in the shower as I run a razor to remove nipple hairs.

    I' squeeze and nothing comes out so I'm not lactating thankfully.

    Atm I'm on just 250 test (cruising) I started on adex today .

    What are the appropriate protocols these days for perhaps a right nipple gyno. Flare up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    If you have a lump then you probably have gyno and need to run nolvadex or raloxifine to combat it (keep running your AI during this time)

    You say you stared adex today, you should have been running that in the fisrt place to avoid the gyno from occuring. Make sure you stay on your AI and run a SERM as mentioned above to combat the lump, when the lump is gone id suggest keep runnig the SERM at a low dose for a while to make sure it doesnt return.

    Read that sticky i posted.
    Its very informative

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Hey guys. I'm all my years of juicing using AIs on and off and what not I've never noticed any nipple issues. But now I've noticed my right nipppe isn't round like my left it seems to have a dent then a bit of a lump in it. Perhaps it's always been like that and I've never noticed. Maybe I cut the area shaving my body in the shower as I run a razor to remove nipple hairs.

    I' squeeze and nothing comes out so I'm not lactating thankfully.

    Atm I'm on just 250 test (cruising) I started on adex today .

    What are the appropriate protocols these days for perhaps a right nipple gyno. Flare up?
    Roger only thing I am getting out of this is your saying your right nipple isn't round like your left??

    But your palm of your hand behide your head with your elbow straight up and squeeze on each side of your nipple. If you feel a lump then I would do what tax man said. If not then you don't have gyno. Is it sore or anything?

  4. #4
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    Any blood work done?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why was my name awkwardly shoved into the title? lol

  6. #6
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    Maybe you know quite a bit about his nipples that you arent sharing with us Bona?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post

    If you have a lump then you probably have gyno and need to run nolvadex or raloxifine to combat it (keep running your AI during this time)

    You say you stared adex today, you should have been running that in the fisrt place to avoid the gyno from occuring. Make sure you stay on your AI and run a SERM as mentioned above to combat the lump, when the lump is gone id suggest keep runnig the SERM at a low dose for a while to make sure it doesnt return.

    Read that sticky i posted.
    Its very informative
    Thanks mate I'll start on nolva. Is 10mg ed enuf? Never used nolva before but mates have.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Roger only thing I am getting out of this is your saying your right nipple isn't round like your left??

    But your palm of your hand behide your head with your elbow straight up and squeeze on each side of your nipple. If you feel a lump then I would do what tax man said. If not then you don't have gyno. Is it sore or anything?
    I'll try that when I finish work mate. But yeah it was quite sore squeezing it last night when I wanted to see I'd I lactated or anything compared to squeezing my left. Also seems to have a lump/dent a tad to the right of the centre of the nipple.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why was my name awkwardly shoved into the title? lol
    Sorry man. Just wanted your input.

    I'm gonna start on nolva . like taxman saidd. Do u agree!?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Sorry man. Just wanted your input.

    I'm gonna start on nolva . like taxman saidd. Do u agree!?
    I agree... You can frontload the first wk at 40mgs ed... Then drop down to 10mgs ed and run it for a while(not just until it starts to 'go away' b/c it's not really gone) if caught in time you may be able to reverse it!

    If you go with ralox 120mgs the first wk... Then 60mgs thereafter(can take months to reverse if it's reversable) if your not getting the desired results up it to 80mgs...

    I've ran both and though studies show that ralox is stronger and binds to the breast tissue at a higher affinity than nolva... I'm doing better with nolva... Obviously we're all different so just wanted to share my experience with a flare up...

  11. #11
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    I'd just use 20 mg of nolva to get it under control, then taper to 10 mg for a few weeks.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I'd just use 20 mg of nolva to get it under control, then taper to 10 mg for a few weeks.
    Why only a few wks, Bona? I thought your not supposed to stop when it feels ok/or gtg(b/c it's still not actually gone)... Or are you just stating to get it under control(and it's most likely too late for reversal)?

    Btw - I'm not disagreeing with you either... Several approaches...
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-05-2016 at 06:47 PM.

  13. #13
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    Im glad you told me to keep running at 10mg Nach, i stopped it for a few days and my left nipple started hurting underneath again (no lump) but i went back on 10mg Ed and the pain subsided in a couple of days, im just staying on 10mg ED along with my AI, probably run 10mg ED post PCT as well just to make sure

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Im glad you told me to keep running at 10mg Nach, i stopped it for a few days and my left nipple started hurting underneath again (no lump) but i went back on 10mg Ed and the pain subsided in a couple of days, im just staying on 10mg ED along with my AI, probably run 10mg ED post PCT as well just to make sure
    thats reasurring, ill have nolva here hopefuly tomorrow.

    i guess ill just keep dosing adex on 250 test at 0.25mg EOD or sohuild i use more? Dropped 1mg yesterday but figured thats probably too much lol.

  15. #15
    Ill upload some pics, , not sure if they will be of much help but better than nothing i guess,

    im offseason atm and not real lean.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  16. #16
    Those are all of my right nipple, (the sore one)

    left one seems fine. again maybe i nicked it shaving and theres miniscule cuts but its quite sore.

  17. #17
    my right nipple seems to have a little white lump that looks like a whitehead just to the right of the bit that protrudes.

    ill try upload a photo and circle it

  18. #18
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    I wouldnt be increasing or decreasing your AI with out bloodwork brother. And stop freaking out and dropping 1mg of arimidex, last thing you want to do is completley kill your estrogen

    Your nipple is quite puffy, it actualy looks like bodyfat, is the other nipple puffy at all?

    is there a hard lump in the sore one or is it just puffy and sore?

  19. #19
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kkkkk.jpg 
Views:	254 
Size:	174.1 KB 
ID:	161131

    i have circled where there is a little white looking lump.

    assume thats whats causing me a bit of tenderness and pain.

  20. #20
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    Sep 2012
    Gyno lump is on the inside of the pec/breast/nipple whatever you want to call it

    Gyno lump isnt a lump/growth on the outside.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I wouldnt be increasing or decreasing your AI with out bloodwork brother. And stop freaking out and dropping 1mg of arimidex, last thing you want to do is completley kill your estrogen

    Your nipple is quite puffy, it actualy looks like bodyfat, is the other nipple puffy at all?

    is there a hard lump in the sore one or is it just puffy and sore?

    i assume bodyfat bro, im offseason atm and not very lean, nope other nipple is fine, just a small lump and sore/tenderness on righht one.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Gyno lump is on the inside of the pec/breast/nipple whatever you want to call it

    Gyno lump isnt a lump/growth on the outside.
    im confused,

    is mine on the outside?

  23. #23
    my right nippled isnt smooth and rounded, it has a tiny lump protruding like ive circled, left one is fine.

  24. #24
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    Any gyno lump ive had has been about the size of a garden pea under the skin. Behind the nipple on the inside of the body.

    A painful firm lump.

    The thing you have circled is a small growth on the actualy outer part of the nipple yes? Like a skin tag? I wouldnt say that was gyno

    Hopefuly someone else can chime in
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 01-06-2016 at 05:27 AM.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Any gyno lump ive had has been about the size of a garden pea under the skin. Behind the nipple on the inside of the body.

    A painful firm lump.

    The thing you have circled is a small growth on the actualy outer part of the nipple yes? Like a skin tag? I wouldnt day that was gyno

    Hopefuly someone else can chime in
    Correct bro. Sounds right I reckon(hopefully) haha

    Would starting on 10mg of nolva anyway do any harm?

    I've never used nolva does it have any sides?

  26. #26
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    You have never used Nolva!? Not even during PCT?

    I dont get any sides from Nolva, not that im aware of anyway.

    10mg shouldnt harm you, but unless you have gyno theres no point in taking it?

    The lump you are describing isnt gyno (ive never heard of a gyno lump on the outside of the nipple) hopefuly someone with more knowledge can confirm this before you make a final decision

  27. #27
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    Hi Guys

    I have had gyno twice and both times it has been outside of the nipple. First time I used nolva to settle it down which worked well but took some time, second time tried Nolva again and wasnt't working so jumped on Raloxifene and this stuff is magic. If you squeeze the lump does it hurt like **** afterwards? I would say it is defo Gyno and it is trial and error my friend on what will work for you.

    Good luck bro..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetaxman View Post
    gyno lump is on the inside of the pec/breast/nipple whatever you want to call it

    gyno lump isnt a lump/growth on the outside.

  29. #29
    did i missunderstood reading because i see he is taking 250 mg test per week,if so why? your body naturaly produces 200 to 250 a wekk already

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kkkkk.jpg 
Views:	254 
Size:	174.1 KB 
ID:	161131

    i have circled where there is a little white looking lump.

    assume thats whats causing me a bit of tenderness and pain.
    If you grab your nipple and feel behind it(or press down) is there a lump on the inside of the nipple(internally just under the nipple)??

    If not and no lump(pea sized and hard) then it's not gyno... I looked at your last pic... If it's a tiny white head it may be staff infection(are you running a fever - does it hurt all around that little white head)? Or just a pimple?!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by adatar View Post
    did i missunderstood reading because i see he is taking 250 mg test per week,if so why? your body naturaly produces 200 to 250 a wekk already
    Just a bit high there lol(roughly 50-60mgs wkly/6-7mgs a day)
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-06-2016 at 08:34 AM.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Just a bit high there lol(roughly 50-60mgs wkly/6-7mgs a day)
    that low? yes i read it now online,i thought it was a bit higher.. my bad

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Just a bit high there lol(roughly 50-60mgs wkly/6-7mgs a day)
    Mine jumps to 750 per week occasionally. It can't help itself.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Mine jumps to 750 per week occasionally. It can't help itself.
    Idk how... But mine seems to do the same 'occasionally'
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-06-2016 at 09:56 AM.

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