Absolutely love lifting in the cooler temps.It was 37°F in the shop tonight.It went well although I almost decided to lay back down instead of lifting. The wife reminded me I would hate myself later if I didn't go lift.
Getting less and less discomfort from my quad so I figure I MIGHT try some light leg extensions, calf raises, and maybe some moderate leg presses later in the week. It's been about 3 weeks.since the sh!t hit the fan and the bruising is really starting to clear up.
RC exercises and broomstick stretches
D'bell shoulder press-2 w/u, Work1-6+,drop,3+,drop,fail,drop,4+. Short minute rest and then Work2- 5+ reps @ the weight I failed on the second drop of the first working set. Did a 5 count hold on the positive portion of all of the partial reps.
Seated side lateral-2 w/u, Work1-4+,drop,3+,drop,3+. Minute rest. Work2-4+ reps. Painful 10 count hold on all partials.
D'bell rear laterals/rev flyes- 2 w/u, Work-7+,drop,2+,drop,3+. 5 count hold on all partials.
B'bell shrugs- 2 w/u, Work1(front)- 8+-3+-1+. Did a long 5 count hold on last partial. Work2(rear)- 8+,drop,3+ w/ a 10 count hold on last partial.
D'bell shrugs from the side- grabbed the 80s and repped to failure.9+ reps w/ a very painful 10 count hold on last partial. My whole upper body was shaking on that long count hold.
A little slow, but I did throw 2 working sets at a few muscles and I'm still respecting the quad until it is fully healed. Ended up 41 minutes total including storing bells and stripping plates.
I texted the wife when I was done and she came.down to the shop to help me round up my stuff so I could get ready for work. She commented that lifting must have gone well. Said I was grinning and my face was shiny as a spanked baby's @ss.
Last edited by almostgone; 01-19-2016 at 02:45 AM.
Reason: So many typos..
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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