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Thread: What martial arts are good and bad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    What martial arts are good and bad?

    Hey guys I have been doing martial arts for a while now and was wondering what any of you have or do. I did ninpo, BJJ, and Muay Thai. I liked ninpo until I found out it was worth less in a real fight. I started muay thai and love it. Best stand up fighting there is in my opinion. I think that BJJ is awsome to you can't win a fight if you don't know how to grapple. What have you guys done and what is good and bad for you? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    central nj
    ninpo worthless in a real fight????? have you ever been in a fight and used any ninjutsu?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    hahah Ninpo is a joke dude! Go sing up for some NHB and try that crap. If you fight any real fighter with any tallent he will mop the floor with you. I though that the wepons were useful but I don't think I will ever get in a sword fight in this life time. I practiced under the Genbukan(sp) for like 1.5 years and Jininka (Very bad sp) for like another 1.5 years. None of it worked for me. I did Muay Thai for a month and learned more then I ever did in ninpo! It is basic and works great. Yes I have been in a fight and tryed to use Ninpo...... I got rocked four times. I started Thai and am 3-0 all by ko! Not to toot my own horn but toot toot. I guess it just isn't for everone. how many fights have you won?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    sorry you didn't like ninjutsu, it is like my religion, good luck with muay tai, i here it is a very intense style, btw, i live my life to avoid physical confrontation whenever possible, and don't like to talk about any altercations i've had in a public forum, peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Correct me if I'm wrong (I've taken no martial arts) but isn't the reason for learning any of these tech. is to prepare you for a confrintation but that a fight is the very last resort? Isn't it taught that one is to avoid a fight at all costs.......even humiliation for not fighting. If you have to fight then you've already lost. Just curious bros

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    you are wise beyond your years, juggie, or from what i hear, that might be impossible....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    you are wise beyond your years, juggie, or from what i hear, that might be impossible....
    lol...he's definitely a wise old man sorry jugg...seems to be the flavor of the day for picking on jugg topics...

    and in my 2 years of tae kwon do when i was 7 years old...i learned that the best course of action is not to fight unless you have i'd totally agree with scott...

    to add into the discussion, though...i've heard krav maga was a great one to study...supposed to be based on israeli military training, focused on street fights in close quarters, basically a way to protect yourself, inflict the most damage and get away quickly...would be useful to protect yourself...anyone hear about this, or have experience??

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    Correct me if I'm wrong (I've taken no martial arts) but isn't the reason for learning any of these tech. is to prepare you for a confrintation but that a fight is the very last resort? Isn't it taught that one is to avoid a fight at all costs.......even humiliation for not fighting. If you have to fight then you've already lost. Just curious bros
    Yes..that is supposedly how it should work, in theory. It doesn't work just as often as it does work. The problem is guesed it, BUMS!! **** do I hate bums, but I digress. But many bums are smart enough to figure out that their lifestyle places them in situations where martial arts, wrestling or boxing will come in handy. So these people get involved in martial arts, wrestling or boxing so they can beat people up, ususally helpless untrained drunks who are half their size. Fighting arts + steroids + bad attitude = menace to society.

    I have only met a handfull of trained fighters in my life that will opt for humiliation over confrontation. Usually older guys who have decided that their days of fighting on the street are over. Traditionally, Chinese push the more strategically sound "run away and live to fight another day" philosophy, whereas Japanese are more of the "death in battle is a great honor" school of thought.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hey juggey first off I was talking about fights in a ring. Not street fight. Also I have been taking Muay Thai for a while and have never been told to walk away from a fight. I haven't been told to go looking for one either though. I know alot of other martial arts have the whole idea to be a "bigger man" and walk away but in muay thai it seems like they just teach us how to fight. I not sure how all gyms are run though but that has been how it is were I train. I aslo have a very short temper and i guess that is another reason I didn't like ninpo.

    Scott I was taught that ninjutsu wasn't a religion?

  10. #10
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    i prob shouldn't answer for him...but i think he meant it was "like" his religion, not that it was an actual religion - kind of the way a lot of us look at weightlifting, or basketball, etc..

  11. #11
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    yes, cb, that's what i meant, it's spiritual as well, we pray before every training session and medatate afterwards
    gonnabehuge, you're dojo wouldn't be named cobra kai, would it? j/k
    ninjutsu is japanese, but it is taught, it's better to not fight

  12. #12
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    Colbra Kia how did you guess! That is cool that you guys don't fight when I did ninpo we were told that to but I just can't seem to calm down ya know? Oh well i don't mind a little touble here and there. What branch do you train under anyway?

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I want to learn a Martial art that would be good in a street fight or a bar fight. Keep in mind that i've broke my fingers so many times that i can't really make a solid fist and hit someone without possibly breaking one of my fingers but i have a really strong grip. Throw some ideas for a art to study.


  15. #15
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    why, are you worried that you're going to be getting in a lot of fights? or you just want to learn how to defend yourself without striking? in order for any style to be truly effective, you have to completely dedicated, taking a few classes will only bump up your ego enough to take on that guy in the bar who will eventually kick your ass, anyway, you might be interested in judo

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    No, i'm looking to start a martial art to take the place of my cardio instead of running.


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdog55
    I want to learn a Martial art that would be good in a street fight or a bar fight. Keep in mind that i've broke my fingers so many times that i can't really make a solid fist and hit someone without possibly breaking one of my fingers but i have a really strong grip. Throw some ideas for a art to study.

    You can simply modify your striking to be open palm, ridgehand(thumb side of wrist), shutohand(pinky sideof wrist) and incorporate elbows alot. Check some schools in your neighborhood and speak with the intructors and ask how they will accomodate your situation. Will repeated close hand striking further injure your hand? If so, rule out boxing or muay thai and rule out TKD because it is not the most practical art around. Look into Ju Jitsu, Judo or wrestling for grappling and groundwork, and try to find a place that deals with "street self defence" if you are not accustomed to defending yourself on the street, mainly for the stategic and psychological side of things. Happy travels.

  18. #18
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    Sep 2003
    chicamahomico said it right see what is around you irst so you know what you have to choose from. If you want to know how to fight in a bar or street fight I would definitle get some form of grappling but I personaly would get more stand up because in a fight like that I don't think you want to find your self on the ground if your out numberd.

  19. #19
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    Taeki-do is the best art ive seen to real deffence and street fighting. All distances fight, floor fight, back fight, boxing and martial punchs, positional and air kicks, bones and joints breakage, projections, sweepings and inmobilizations, pain points pressures and weapon handling and deffence against. I only know of 2 official gyms in Spain and they are working too much, a lot of VIP's bodyguards are trying to learn it.

  20. #20
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    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jdog55
    I want to learn a Martial art that would be good in a street fight or a bar fight. Keep in mind that i've broke my fingers so many times that i can't really make a solid fist and hit someone without possibly breaking one of my fingers but i have a really strong grip. Throw some ideas for a art to study.

    Buy a gun.

    But seriously, chicamahomico speak alot about this kind of thing and these type of fight talk threads. I really don't think there's a style that has it 100%. You should look around Dojo's in your area, talk to the instructors and maybe attend some competitions. When you find the one that suits you'll know it.

    In my opinion none of the arts prepare you totally for the street because you'll always fight in a controlled environment and will probably never experience the same kind of violence in the DoJo as you'll find on the street. But what you will have is an edge over Mr Average on the street. Chica touched on the difference in Japanese thought over Chinese, personally I advocate a running away from the fight for the lay person. But then again primal instinct takes over too, and we enter the 'fight or flight' stage. Which ever path you choose if you go out looking for it, you deserve everything you get and some more too.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    central nj


    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Buy a gun.


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    muy thia is the best IMO, i took it for 2 years and when i was in practice i could handly myself well with 2 or 3 ppl. now im not very limber and not really young enough or stupid enough to try to fight every asshole that pisses me off, i do however have a HnK, USP .45. for all the brown belt badasses who think they are gonna attack me. id stick with bouncer, buy a gun, bc while your practicing in your head your first move im gonna put a few holes in your

  23. #23
    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the one art that you can not do with out! It was created in the streets and proven in the streets to be the most effective single martial art.

    It has been proven in many style vs. style type competitions such as the early UFC"s and Pride fights to be the most effective art.

    of course if someone is schooled in more then BJJ then he is a more effective fighter but if you are only schooled in one art and you fight someone who is versed in submissions you will lose.

  24. #24
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    Nov 2003
    muay thai and BJJ combined will make you sick. Thats what I do. Anything else is a waste of time. Been grappling for 4 years and doing NHB fingts for 1 year.

  25. #25
    LM1332 Guest
    i bet nobody has ever herd of this but here it is. Russian Martial Art (systema) here is a link for it.

  26. #26
    LM1332 Guest
    forgot to mention one more thing in russian there is a thing also known as *fighting* sambo dont know a proper term for it here but its pretty much like sambo only its more personal and it doesnt involve whole a lot of throwing. Its basicly just to kill your opponent.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy_ba
    muay thai and BJJ combined will make you sick. Thats what I do. Anything else is a waste of time. Been grappling for 4 years and doing NHB fingts for 1 year.
    I have to agree with ya there...Never hurts to wrestle either...

  28. #28
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    Brooklyn, NY
    I've been taking sambo for 6 years and find it the best technique to fighting. It's been perfected for just basically beating down your opponent and basically killing him. It's extremely tough and personalized and is actually pretty hard to learn and takes a lot of time to master. I actually was taught in Russia by a former Alpha unit spetznas officer(only a few weeks I'm no master). I never got my ass handed to me so quick. Muay Thai is a good style also but effectively has no ground game or very limited. BJJ on the other hand is 95% ground game and limited stand up. Sambo gives me the best of both worlds. If anyone wants to take Sambo as a style I highly recommend it because it's awesome and you learn so much and basically demolish opponents.

  29. #29
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    By the way those videos in that website are such horse****. If you honestly think your gonna make people pass out by looking at them your living a dream world. Also those strikes were lame except coming from the magical fat man....some of those seemed like they hurt.

  30. #30
    LM1332 Guest
    the website that i gave? no i just gave it for a reference to let ppl know what i was talking about, you know? there isnt whole a lot of good websites that can explain what i tried to say here

  31. #31
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    me personnally, i train vale tudo. its not considered a tradional fighting style, translated it means in english "anything goes". we mainly stick with maui thai and brazilian ju jitsu techniques, but we will learn some striking techniques from boxing, some take downs from wrestiling. pretty much the best way to prepare for a fight it to know alittle of everything that actually works. imo karate, tkd, and most of the other traditional arts are useless in a real street fight. 80% of all the street fights ive ever seen or been in have gone to some type of clinch, never have i seen anyone actually make it into a boxing match. someone always goes all wild and just starts swinging out of control. best thing to do is to stay calm and rely on what youve been learning. do a search on vale tudo. im sure youll love it... just go look at a vandelia silva (sp?) highlight reel and youll know why i started taking it

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Muay thai is crazy, my friend has been taking it for 3 years and he can kick anyones ass. I'm gonna start taking training with him. Other then martial arts, I took boxing for 3 years and I can tear almost anyone a new as*hole with it.

  33. #33
    Ambulance1984 Guest
    bump for bdtr and ironfist

  34. #34
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  35. #35
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Bouncer... i agree alot with what you say...

    especially the fight or flight.. the issue becomes people get a little training, and then get themselves in trouble..

    Confidence begets Confidence...

    by the way..... i have never been in a fight when i was carrying..... i always walked away... no problem.... but i have only been doing this for 26 years..

    every physical altercation always.. ends with someone going to the hospital... because that's how i go into it.. i don't stop... too much training at too young of an age... by the military........ brainwashing... .... reactive...


    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Buy a gun.

    But seriously, chicamahomico speak alot about this kind of thing and these type of fight talk threads. I really don't think there's a style that has it 100%. You should look around Dojo's in your area, talk to the instructors and maybe attend some competitions. When you find the one that suits you'll know it.

    In my opinion none of the arts prepare you totally for the street because you'll always fight in a controlled environment and will probably never experience the same kind of violence in the DoJo as you'll find on the street. But what you will have is an edge over Mr Average on the street. Chica touched on the difference in Japanese thought over Chinese, personally I advocate a running away from the fight for the lay person. But then again primal instinct takes over too, and we enter the 'fight or flight' stage. Which ever path you choose if you go out looking for it, you deserve everything you get and some more too.
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  36. #36
    LM1332 Guest
    swing like you never swinged before and i dont care what you know. IF i have crow bar or metal tube with me no karate gonna help you out

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