I've been training 5x5 compound lifts 3 days a week for a few years now.
My current workout plan follows an AxBxAxx BxAxBxx protocol (x being a day off).
Workout A:
Squad (255 5x5)
Standing Overhead Press (150 5x5)
Pull Ups (Body weight + 30 5x5)
Workout B
Barbell Row (225 5x5)
Bench Press (225 3x5)
Deadlift (335 5x5)
I add 5 lbs to each lift for every session I am successful. If I fail, I deload by 20% and build the weight back up over the next few sessions.
On cardio days, I run the treadmill with an incline and toggle between a run and sprint. Currently I am reaching 2 miles in 20 minutes. Running 1-3 times a week, trying to hit all 3 a week.
I am thinking of how to improve my training and would appreciate input.
My current strategies (which have not been put into practice yet) are to push low rep high weight (5x5) on one day of the week and run 4x10 the other two days to incorporate more volume.
I am also planning on adding curls, skull crushers, and calve raises (4x10-15) after the primary workout (one of these exercises per session).
I'm wondering if I should keep my program the same while I lose weight for the next 5-8 weeks and then change to a higher volume program when I add weight.
I'm reluctant to give up the whole body workout aspect of what I am currently doing to target muscle groups instead.
I would certainly like to read what the members of the forum think about this topic.