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Thread: 4ekp's Training Strategy Room

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    4ekp's Training Strategy Room

    I've been training 5x5 compound lifts 3 days a week for a few years now.

    My current workout plan follows an AxBxAxx BxAxBxx protocol (x being a day off).

    Workout A:

    Squad (255 5x5)
    Standing Overhead Press (150 5x5)
    Pull Ups (Body weight + 30 5x5)

    Workout B
    Barbell Row (225 5x5)
    Bench Press (225 3x5)
    Deadlift (335 5x5)

    I add 5 lbs to each lift for every session I am successful. If I fail, I deload by 20% and build the weight back up over the next few sessions.

    On cardio days, I run the treadmill with an incline and toggle between a run and sprint. Currently I am reaching 2 miles in 20 minutes. Running 1-3 times a week, trying to hit all 3 a week.

    I am thinking of how to improve my training and would appreciate input.

    My current strategies (which have not been put into practice yet) are to push low rep high weight (5x5) on one day of the week and run 4x10 the other two days to incorporate more volume.

    I am also planning on adding curls, skull crushers, and calve raises (4x10-15) after the primary workout (one of these exercises per session).

    I'm wondering if I should keep my program the same while I lose weight for the next 5-8 weeks and then change to a higher volume program when I add weight.

    I'm reluctant to give up the whole body workout aspect of what I am currently doing to target muscle groups instead.

    I would certainly like to read what the members of the forum think about this topic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    What are your goals?? That's the biggest ? Imho....How has your progress been over the yrs of doing this type of training?

    splitting your Body parts up to either a heavy low rep scheme w/high intensity/or a high volume high intensity protocol could both work well(as its your nutrition that will dictate your weight loss/BF loss)... Intensity, is something I believe, that truly helps with sticking points in one way or another(more rest is usually needed/taken by PL, Olympic lifting etc) wheras BB is much more high intensity combined with volume training - however, HIT is my preferred approach and if this sounds like something you'd be interested in(progressive overload, heavy, and extremely intense) check out

    It seems you've gotten too comfortable in your routine, hence now wanting to add more 'accessory' type work along with the big three etc... I would certainly change it up or get your routine to mirror your goals... (only you can do this through trial and error will you know) - you can surely get stronger using other protocols... Don't be afraid of change(and cycling your training is very important as you'll come to a point of your return gains will diminish) change is good - our bodies are extremely smart and need to be a few steps ahead of it to keep progressing(at the same time know when your body/& CNS needs to recover(a pullback/de load wk if you will)...

    Hope this helps some and keep asking ?'s... And check out that link - I just figured out what and how my body reacts best to training... It took me 15yrs and I'm still making little tweaks(based off working around injuries)...
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-20-2016 at 12:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Thanks for the considerate post NACH3, I figure I'd make a quick reply just to let you and everyone else coming to the thread know. My current goal is losing weight (5-8weeks) before returning to gaining size. I will spend the rest of the day digesting what you have wrote and give Marcus's HIT Dungeon a thorough read.

    I've certainly grown stronger with this training, I think my diet has played a large role in preventing me from achieving my size and definition goals (I would like to be 185 and 10%bf), I am rectifying that now.
    Last edited by 4ekp; 01-20-2016 at 12:44 PM.

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