Last edited by tice1212; 02-09-2016 at 11:11 AM.
I think your looking great man. Keep it up!
Whats your bodyfat in the pics tice?
Im interested as im 5ft8 202lbs 14%. current goal is 212ish lbs 10%
Pretty similair heights so your stats interest me, we also same age lol
Out of interest how many cycles you done buddy?
Are you on TRT? If not what is your cruise dose?
Im crusing on 150mg test e for 10 weeks then blasting at 600mg test with either nandrolone long ester or tren e. Im thinking of one more blast and an aggressive PCT and see where my blood are at, it will mean a full year on for me after my next blast which is in 7 weeks time. I started end of july 2015 and plan to come off end of june 2016. I have also started my first prime after reading marcus' thread, im interested to see what priming has to offer.
Your looking like a beast man, legs look great!
Cant offer much critique, i think your well in proportion, maybe post some back shots?
Only critique i can offer is get your tattoo filled in
What were your stats in your avatar? You look big but very lean in your avi, be interested in your current stats compared to your avi stats
What are your goals? You in a competition soon?
Cheers and keep up the great work!
Last edited by TheTaxMan; 02-09-2016 at 03:58 PM.
Great pics man
i am the same height, weigh 220 and look like shit compared to you! LOL. you look solid, keep up the good work. how long you been lifting?
Very solid man...thick quads.
Nice ink...
I would say my bf% is between 13-14%. I don't really hold much fat besides my face and love handles.
No I'm not on trt I just figured where I wanted to be and I knew cycling and pcting wouldn't have got me to my weight. So I started blasting and cruising.
I've done 2 short burst (4weeks) 1 (16 seeker for a show) and this one with has been about 24weeks but blasting and cruising. Blasting for 4 weeks then priming for 4 and repeat.
Here is couple of other shots. I can't seem to find a recent back picture but i have one with somewhat of s front lats spread I will get one up soon big dog
Ur diced the Fvk up in your avi(what are you 185ish in that) you've put on great size... I always thought you would try and stay super diced and It's great for me to see when we bulk we need to fvking bulk! You look great brother! Keep it up and keep in touch(ima send you a pm real soon)
I'm starting mine as well and its starting out great I'm constantly hungry and I'm eating even adding shakes(1-2) on top of all the food)... I was scared to start knowing my BF will rise(I've learned I've been holding back gains by trying to stay too lean) FFS man I'm going big - I just have big and full stomach bellies so I'm hoping it just adds to my size up top lol
Great work brother.... I'm glad you shared this!
Ain't that some shit - I'm right at 210 as of this morning
Looking solid man!
I'm looking to bulk up to 215 by the end of April then start a 12wk cut until Aug. I'm looking to get to the light heavy bb class but if I can't hold at the top of that weight class (197) then I'll go for the new classic physique class. But honestly I'm a fvcking bodybuilder so my proud will probably keep my in the LHW BB class be honest with u kelkel I haven't . I didn't have insurance and I live in a state that I can't just go and pay for it. I just got insurance but my question is how do I approach my doctor about blood work. Just tell him I feel like sh*t (which I don't lol) or tell him I just want to make sure everything is in working order?
Tice u can't do online bw?
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