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Thread: First Cycle: 12 Weeks Test E 500mg

  1. #1

    First Cycle: 12 Weeks Test E 500mg

    Hello, haven't started cycle yet, still waiting till the new year starts just because of hectic times this time of year. I'll do it next year (typical new years resolution-er haha) Anyway...

    Current stats
    Age: 25
    Height: 185cm / 6'1"
    Weight: 95kg / 208lbs
    Bodyfat: 17%ish, Gonna cut a few % off before cycle. I burn fat like crazy...yay ectomorph
    Training Exp: 4 years (2 years with a world class athlete that competed strongman comp).

    I am keeping it pretty basic since it's the first cycle. After tons of reading for a couple months I pieced together what I thought was "best" However, I am open to adjustments and feedback.

    Week 1-12: Test E - 500mg 2x pin a week.
    Week 1-14: HCG - 500IU 2x pin a week (same day as test) ~ on week 14 only pin once.
    Week 1-14: Arimidex (liquidex) .25mg EOD. AI stops 1 day before PCT.


    Week 14.5-18 (I say week 14.5 because that's the end of week 14. I will start PCT 14 days after my last Test shot.)

    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    HCG ends 4 days prior to PCT
    AI ends 1 days prior to PCT
    PCT is 14 days after last test pin

    I will have everything on hand before I start... Absolutely do not want to start anything without having everything from the get go.

    Blood test 2 weeks prior to cycle. Then 7 weeks in, 2 weeks into PCT

    I think I covered everything here...
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 05-15-2016 at 09:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Looks like you have done your homework. Cycle looks good. I would run the ainright up to pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Keep us updated!

    I'm very interested in your cycle because your stats are very close to mine. I want to now how much u gain, lose, training, food intake(diet). Everything and anything! !!

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Looks like you have done your homework. Cycle looks good. I would run the ainright up to pct
    I tried my best, especially with something like this. Had a buddy go way down the dark road, don't want that to be me!

    Would you suggest still running AI up to PCT if I switch to Arimidex? My source seems to get these at a better price/availability... so I'll be going with Adex at .25mg EOD.

    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Keep us updated!

    I'm very interested in your cycle because your stats are very close to mine. I want to now how much u gain, lose, training, food intake(diet). Everything and anything! !!

    Good luck
    I will do my best to keep you all updated. So far I haven't gotten anything yet. I put my order in and waiting for my guy to get back to me when I can come get it.
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 12-15-2015 at 02:17 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337
    I tried my best, especially with something like this. Had a buddy go way down the dark road, don't want that to be me! Would you suggest still running AI up to PCT if I switch to Arimidex? My source seems to get these at a better price/availability... so I'll be going with Adex at 12.5mg EOD. I will do my best to keep you all updated. So far I haven't gotten anything yet. I put my order in and waiting for my guy to get back to me when I can come get it.
    yes run your ai right to pct and discontinue it when you start the serms

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I tried my best, especially with something like this. Had a buddy go way down the dark road, don't want that to be me!

    Would you suggest still running AI up to PCT if I switch to Arimidex? My source seems to get these at a better price/availability... so I'll be going with Adex at 12.5mg EOD.

    I will do my best to keep you all updated. So far I haven't gotten anything yet. I put my order in and waiting for my guy to get back to me when I can come get it.
    It could be a typo on your half but adex(arimidex) is to be ran at 0.25mg eod not 12.5mg EOD

    Any AI wether its Arimidex or Aromasin can be ran right up to PCT.

    Good luck with the cycle

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    yes run your ai right to pct and discontinue it when you start the serms
    Excellent, will do. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    It could be a typo on your half but adex(arimidex) is to be ran at 0.25mg eod not 12.5mg EOD

    Any AI wether its Arimidex or Aromasin can be ran right up to PCT.

    Good luck with the cycle
    Ah, yes it was a typo. Good catch, I had same dose in my head because of aromasin. I do mean .25mg EOD of adex. Thanks for looking out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    bro my cycle is same but instead of yours i would use arimidex 1mg every 3,5 days 1-12week
    good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by s4nchez View Post
    bro my cycle is same but instead of yours i would use arimidex 1mg every 3,5 days 1-12week
    good luck
    There is nothing wrong with running stane and if he was to run the dex most run it eod

  10. #10
    Update on this... I've got everything on hand except my Adex. will be running that .25mg EOD when I get it. Still haven't started simply because I don't have my AI. Hopefully soon... Getting anxious!! Sorry for the lame update

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Shouldn't you only run the hCG while on test (weeks 1-12)?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ocman View Post
    Shouldn't you only run the hCG while on test (weeks 1-12)?
    No, it's good to keep it going until 3-4 days prior to PCT.

    Got my cycle all here this past weekend. Today was pin #2. Did both of them in the glute switched sides. Ass hurt for a about 2 days... not too bad. I will try and keep track of my numbers and such. I actually dropped to #208. Lost a bit of fat, probably sitting at 14-16%. Not too concerned with it. My lifting numbers are not true as my previous numbers were as I've been busy with life issues. Hope to be able to run this cycle out to my fullest.

    Diet is "okay". This diet worked for me before cycle gaining about 2# a month or a bit more if I actually followed it.

    1st meal is 2 whole eggs and 2 pieces of whole wheat toast. I cannot eat anymore god do I wish I could... I've tried... I've puked so many times I just cannot eat anything else at 5:30 AM.

    2nd meal usually 1 cup carb 1 cup beef/chicken. Basically spaghetti or chicken alfredo and a banana

    3rd meal 800 cal protein shake

    4th meal usually some type of chicken or beef mix with potatoes/rice

    5th meal 800 cal protein shake after workout

    6th meal pretty much whatever the gf cooks.... Burgers with potatoes, sloppy joes and potatoes, chicken or beef tacos, bbq chicken, chicken sandwiches... ehh it's how I stay most the course and don't go absolutely insane eating the same shit every day.

    Trying to get my numbers dialed in, but I'm guestimating about 225 bench, 350 squat, 450 DL right now. Will update within a week or so with hopefully more accurate numbers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    No, it's good to keep it going until 3-4 days prior to PCT.
    If you're following Austinite's cycle, he says hCG weeks 1-12...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Subbed to follow, looking forward to hearing how it goes for you

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ocman View Post
    If you're following Austinite's cycle, he says hCG weeks 1-12...
    He also states in that thread and a few other posts that it's fine to do it either way.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    That is pretty much a mirror of my first cycle a year ago. It worked very well. enjoy...

  17. #17
    So, question for you guys. My supplier had a delay on his Adex and he told me to buy the liquidex until my stuff came. Should I continue with the liquidex or switch over to the pill adex? I just got the pills today.

    Also, pulled 455 deadlift yesterday, #30 less than I did about 3 months ago. But, I haven't deadlifted since due to an injury. But, here we are, hoping to hit over 500 when it's all said and done. Will weigh in tomorrow.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I wouldn't think changing over will cause any problem.

  19. #19
    I decided to stay with the liquidex just because I've already been using it. I did pin for the 4th time on wednesday (right glute) and I weighed in yesterday at 210. Up 2# since start. Not much change. I'm sorry this isn't the greatest thread here. I just don't see much point of putting my workout log here.

    Things I've experienced, but most likely not related to this cycle are my teeth hurt (probably from stress - from work and my injury etc), I had a terrible acid reflux flare up for about 16 hours 2 days ago (MISERABLE). Maybe a HINT of increased libido. While I'm sure the test inside me isn't actually helping my strength in my workout... I think it's helping me mentally. I'm like I GOT THE POWER IN MY BODY and such when I'm lifting... So, can't wait until it actually "hits".

    My diet has been pretty good. I don't think I've been hungrier than normal... Maybe that'll come in a few weeks. Looking forward to it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Good luck man!

  21. #21
    Day 15...

    Pinned 5th time today. In the left glute this time again. I've been alternating between the cheeks, each pin the soreness gets better and better. I'm sure soon I won't feel anything. Pins have been great, haven't had a single drop of oil come out yet. Always get a dot of blood, but never any when I aspirate. I feel pretty well, nothing major to report.

  22. #22
    Day 25. (yesterday)

    Pinned right gluten again. Pins are going pretty ok I suppose. Had a small bruise last pin. Appetite is steady, maybe slight increase. I'm up to #215 now. +7# from start. I haven't tracked much strength only because I switch workouts alot. I'm sure soon strength will come!

    Deadlifted 415x3x3 yesterday... Felt good. Keep in mind with my injury, it's slowing my progression, but oh well.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 25. (yesterday) Pinned right gluten again. Pins are going pretty ok I suppose. Had a small bruise last pin. Appetite is steady, maybe slight increase. I'm up to #215 now. +7# from start. I haven't tracked much strength only because I switch workouts alot. I'm sure soon strength will come! Deadlifted 415x3x3 yesterday... Felt good. Keep in mind with my injury, it's slowing my progression, but oh well.
    Sounds good. Things should start kicking in soon. Keep the updates coming!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Hey bud. Just curious why you're running 1000iu of HCG a week? I only ask as one of the VETs on here recommended to me to only do 250iu every 3.5 days (half of your dose). I had been at 250iu M,W,F but was advised to scale back.

    I will tell you, for me I noticed some wicked strength gains in the last 4 days. Last week weights felt heavy then this week something happened and everything jumped substantially. You're running a different esther than me though so I would think yours would kick in sooner.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by 45lb View Post
    Sounds good. Things should start kicking in soon. Keep the updates coming!
    Can't wait!! I'll try to track more stuff in my last 6 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by USVet81 View Post
    Hey bud. Just curious why you're running 1000iu of HCG a week? I only ask as one of the VETs on here recommended to me to only do 250iu every 3.5 days (half of your dose). I had been at 250iu M,W,F but was advised to scale back.

    I will tell you, for me I noticed some wicked strength gains in the last 4 days. Last week weights felt heavy then this week something happened and everything jumped substantially. You're running a different esther than me though so I would think yours would kick in sooner.
    I am actually running 500 Iu a week. My wording can be misleading, sorry about that. 500 MG test and 500 iu a week HCG!

    I'm excited about the strength! I've felt it a bit. Not much, but 2 weeks ago I dumbell should press 70 x 8... Yesterday 70 x 12 and I didn't get all my meals in... I know I know, don't be mad lol.

  26. #26
    Updated my OP.

    Day 30 today. #218 (+10) from start. Feeling a bit stronger. My bench dropped to 240 (roughly) and yesterday I put up a struggling 260. Don't laugh, my bench is terrible lol. So yea, feeling pretty good. My tongue feels a bit swollen no idea if that's a side effect? Anyway, not much concern. Definitely sweating more than normal. Libido is much higher. (though at 305 base test, can you blame me??).

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    sounds like the fun is starting to begin

    nows time to start taking advantage of the test and train your ass off as well as making sure you get thos meals in!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    sounds like the fun is starting to begin

    nows time to start taking advantage of the test and train your ass off as well as making sure you get thos meals in!
    Definitely, feeling better day by day. Feel bigger, but not big enough!!! Hah. I bet you're excited to be back on cycle!

  29. #29
    Really interested to see your results, please keep us updated!

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by natepie View Post
    Really interested to see your results, please keep us updated!
    As always, trying my best.

    Today starts week 6. Pinned left glute. Haven't weighed in, I usually weigh in tuesday. Will report back on wednesday with results. Gonna try for a max deadlift this week to see where I am at. Before starting I was at 455.

    Blood test will probably happen next week sometime, I'll post up the results. I had a blood test done before I started (Dr request for nothing to do with juice or anything) and they had sent me results, however I didn't have an e2 test. I had asked him about my estrogen and he said the results were fine. When they sent me the paperwork it wasn't on there, so no idea how he knew it was fine. Perhaps they didn't send me everything. Oh well, this time I'm using a lab locally here and getting the Test total/free, E2, CBC, CMP.

  31. #31
    Day 38 (yesterday) 220# +12.

    Gaining about 2# per week, which I think is pretty good. I deadlifted yesterday and pulled #505. That's +50# PR from 6 weeks ago! Feeling great. I am certainly feeling hungrier too (slightly). Looking forward to these last 6 weeks! Hoping I will continue my +2# per week.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Going good, keep it up...

  33. #33
    Day 45 - 221# +13. Week 7

    Yesterday I squatted 385#. I could have done a bit more but with my injury my form was just starting to break and I didn't want to risk it. I could of hit #405, had the strength for it.

    Day 1 Lifts were

    Squat - 355
    Bench - 235
    Deadlift - 455

    Total - 1045


    Squat - 385
    Bench - 260
    Deadlift - 505

    Total - 1150

    Appetite has gone up from last week. Still need to count my calories, but from the math I did in my head it's about 4k. Gonna check soon... Been thirstier too. Feeling pretty good, pumps are getting better each time! Strength is going up on everything slowly.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Awesome updates man. Sounds like you're really making some great progress

  35. #35
    Day 51 - #221 +13 Week 8

    So, got bloods done last week... Just waiting for them to send me results. Will post up once they come in... Hopefully I am not dying inside.

    Haven't gained weight in a week, evaluated my diet and looks like I am about 407 Carbs, 100 Fats, and 250 Protein. Putting me about 3400 calories. Sugar about 100 and sodium about 3,000 mg (Is that bad?). I've been getting too hungry in between one of my meals and I am going to add something in. Thinking of adding a PBJ sandwich. I should be back to gaining after I up the diet a bit. Might make my mid day protein shake double scoop instead of one. That'll add about 300 cals. Strength feels great, I feel great, feel much fuller, and more vascular.

  36. #36
    Bloodwork is here, doesn't look bad, but I am no expert.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  37. #37
    Day 66 - #224 +16 week 10.

    Coming near the end... Sad day. Pinned right gluten tonight. Going well, I usually get some pip, not as bad as when I first started though. I have been heating the oil before injection with hot water. Seemed to help too.

    My appetite is ****ing crazy, although I'm not eating an extreme amount. Probably 4k from the 3.7k I started on roughly. I didn't gain much weight for 2 weeks, but that's because appetite increased and I didn't eat for it.

    Strength is awesome, the pumps, the focus, the stamina all have been excellent. Loving it so much. Recovery has been pretty good too.

    I donated blood a couple weeks bad due to high hematocrit, hopefully back to normal now. I highly recommend blood work, you can't feel something wrong with you such as too much blood or E2 out of control. Go get a ****ing blood test!! This is your health and life you're skipping out on.

    Anyway, yesterday I hit 365x5 squats. Last week 315x12. All PR by a long shot. I've got 405 in me and I'm going to attempt it before the cycle comes to a close.

    Gained 16# and not a single compliment yet lol. I don't want people asking questions, but a 'looking good' goes a long way haha.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Looking good man! :-)

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I don't want to be the bringer of bad news but...Total Testosterone seems very low for 500mg a week. I haven't read the whole thread but are you pinning 2x a week? When was your blood work taken in relation to your last injection?

    I am on TRT (Test Cyp 100mg 2x per week) and if I get blood drawn the day after I inject I get the same Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone as you with your 500mg pw cycle. What lab is your testosterone from? Your total testosterone should be around 3000 or more.

    Sounds like you made good progress and killed your training regardless though!
    Last edited by Dj Screw; 04-23-2016 at 12:04 AM.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by USVet81 View Post
    Looking good man! :-)
    Thanks dude!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    I don't want to be the bringer of bad news but...Total Testosterone seems very low for 500mg a week. I haven't read the whole thread but are you pinning 2x a week? When was your blood work taken in relation to your last injection?

    I am on TRT (Test Cyp 100mg 2x per week) and if I get blood drawn the day after I inject I get the same Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone as you with your 500mg pw cycle. What lab is your testosterone from? Your total testosterone should be around 3000 or more.

    Sounds like you made good progress and killed your training regardless though!
    Yea, you aren't the first to say that. Everyone digests and metabolizes the test differently. After reading more I do believe it's underdosed. It is what it is though, I am still making great gains, though that could also be, because my test before was very low for someone my age IMO. It was just over the "minimum" I don't think I should be just over minimum at age 26 anyway. It is pharmaceutical grade (SOMA). My supplier uses balkan for everything except test, because he said after the years of using balkan he found SOMA better. I don't believe him though, balkan is the bomb. I am gonna see if he can get me balkan test on the next go around.

    I took the blood test at 0800 friday. Last injection was 2100 wednesday. I was fasted too. I do inject 250mg 2x per week making it 500mg.

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