Arms ok - I wasn't working hard enough lately b/c today was epic and fvkin heavy!!
Stretching abs RC ex's rolling(ball/rumble roller) more stretching
Straight Oly Bar Curls
3 warm ups 2feelers
1w(135) 4+RP/1 drop(115) 4 drop +RP/1.5 drop(95) 2+ partials
DB Preachers off incline
1w(50s) 5+2forced reps drop(45s) 4+ 3forced 2negs drop(42.5) 2+ 3 forced into 2negs - super pumped and my biceps felt like lava inside
Incline curls
1w +RP+RP+RP lovely pain
Hammer curls
1w(50s) 7 TD - all included partials into 1-4s into no movement - best bicep work I've done in a long time felt strong
CG Bench Smith
3 warm ups 2 feelers
1w(315) 8 drop(275) 4 drop(275) 2
Weighted Dips I love these and am pretty strong on them
1w(3 45s attached) 6 TD(a plate at a time) 2plates 3+ 1plate 2+ 1plate again 1-2 Tris exploded
Hammer strength and hammer grip pushdowns - short head
3 feelers 1w(175) almost stacked 7 drop 4 drop 2+
EZ Bar Pushdowns
1w(stacked) 5 drop 4 drop 2 drop 2-3
Weights done in 42min and it was a blaster of a session drank a whole GL of water too feeling full lol
Attachment 162068
Attachment 162069

Holding some water but things are starting to come along - any comments or suggestions besides eating more
Btw - if I add any cardio atm I'll drop weight so that's something I'll start in the next wk or so(walking on steepest incline) obviously waist isn't where I want atm but im not stopping eating as Ive done before