Low sugar detour bar 30g protein 33g carb
Low sugar detour bar 30g protein 33g carb
never heard of that bar. Were do you get it?Originally Posted by Igifuno
Also forgot to mention that I often get flutters or what seems to be spasms in addition to sharp pains in the hear area fairly often. I've been paranoid about my heart for years (heart disease runs in my fam).
Spoke to docs about it off and on probably for over 15 years and docs always say there's nothing wrong. I've gotten a few on the spot EKGs and they always tell me I'm just paranoid and not to give myself panic attacks. Lol.
On line, gas station, grocery stores, etc. it's pretty common over here on the east coast.Originally Posted by Bio-Active
Probably!Originally Posted by NACH3
Wawa's are pretty awesome.Originally Posted by NACH3
Here's a link to the detour site, can get them on Amazon too
Jesus man.. What did they have to do?Originally Posted by NACH3
Nothing.... Just said I have a heart murmur... at the time I was prescribed Adderall which has also induced a seizure and was way over-prescribed & it was during one of my first cycles and obviously didn't know what I do now(I also can feel things & am in tune so much more with my body) which helps tremendously!
They did another a couple wks later and again nearly a-fib -- had a seizure and found it was an overdose on Adderall in which I was prescribed(taking only what I was supposed to)! Scary!
Since I obviously dropped that crap(docs just prescribe. That stuff if you say you can't concentrate(said I had ADHD - yet the medication was making me speed) the opposite of what effect it should have I a person with ADD/ADHD... I've had no problems(knocking on wood) since then - it was very scary - my now ex... Had caught my head right b4 it hit the crack of a step(we were walking up the steps) when I wen into a full blown seizure! Legs locked up and I just fell back(about 10 steps + up)
well I'm glad to hear it worked out and your not taking that crap!Originally Posted by NACH3
I'm getting ready to eat again it's never endingOriginally Posted by NACH3
Good lord man. Really glad you're in tune now and that's behind you. Incredibly scary.Originally Posted by NACH3
Nice back/rear/delt/trap session. Mrs. Igi has chicken, salad and rice waiting for me at home.
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 200 grams sweet potato
U got some war story's Nach... Damn bro u been they a lot to be where ur at today! Very impressive
If he were a wrestler, he'd be the Ultimate WarriorOriginally Posted by bsh
Nothing that I'd wish on my worst enemy - but I look at like this - I could be eating pain killers at high doses just to lift but instead I've learned that the mind is oh so powerful - and the accident coupled with a few other things have got me to this point now... I thought it'd never happen but once I put it out in the universe I had no choice but to follow thru... And it wouldn't have ever happened if I didn't come here(to this forum an the dungeon and the many friends I have come to 'meet') and learn what my problems were prior to getting into this lifestyle!
I wouldn't change it for anything now(well maybe a new shoulder)lol
I throw rear delts in a lot with chest.Originally Posted by NACH3
I work traps with shoulders and sometime I do rear delts with back it just depends on the gym that I am at and the equipment. I like that reverse peck deck for rear deltsOriginally Posted by Mp859
Me too. Although I'll switch it up from time to time, I feel the same and will usually do traps along with back.Originally Posted by NACH3
I'd hit tris along with chest as opposed to delts. For me anyway, my delts (RCs) can get tender as it is with chest so I'd naturally choose tris.
I think the reason I like doing them with shoulders is cause I can get shoulders done so quickly I need something elseOriginally Posted by Igifuno
5.93 oz grilled chicken breast and 249 grams sweet potato
I hit this with chest, Igi and it was a good one! I also hit delts w/chest here and there b/c my RCs are warmed but not today :/
Chest & tris threw in a minor and kept intensity super high!!
Stretching rolling walking RC ex's
Pre-exhaust Flys into presses
incline DB flys/pressesheavy
3 warm ups 3 feelers
2w)90s) flys 8+ presses 6ish/flys 6+ presses 4
dropped(80s) flys/7+ drop(70s) presses 6
Flat hammer strength press S/S'd w/cables down sides/+ crossovers
3w to failure - 3w failure(holding first 7 reps 3-5sec @ peak contraction
Pec Dec one arm unilaterally pronated grip
4w slightly turned to side of contraction hitting upper inner - lighter to failure sticking the static hold for 3+sec
CG bench smith S/S'd w/skull crushers
3w each - both to failure
V-grip pushdowns
4w 12-15 or failure whichever came first then RPd till got to 15
One arm rev grip pushdowns
1w DD(by starting back where grip & elbow are at 90* and stepped in 2x w/same weight for drops(DD) X 3!
Super high intensity and was a great session guys! Very pleased! Anyone have anything they want to point out please do so, thanks!
AAB recovery drink 30P/40C 8sug but had a lil Gatorade for simple sugars too
Ground beef jasmine rice & asparagus
I've been doing delts and traps for a while now... After hitting back w/traps I came to really love it! And try starting with shrugs(heavy) behind the back s/s'd w/upright rows(band work keeping constant tension on the muscles) - then shrugs(front) off a rack pull s/s'd with upright rows from the floor each rep pulling high and hard... Then we hit back(targeting lats) fried!
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