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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #34721
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    I know a good spot deep in the swamp, full of gators. Just saying
    If you don't want to turn them into gator bait out of respect for.the gators, I know where some nice, old, abandoned wells are here in SC. I know for sure that one of them will hold quite a few more. I've only used it once or twice.

    Edit: These are old hand dug wells, so it's an easy drop.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-31-2016 at 12:25 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  2. #34722
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    Got up and ate a cup of FF Chobani yogurt. Laying back down now.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  3. #34723
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    One hour fasted cardio!

  4. #34724
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    Trashed shoulders this morning

  5. #34725
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Did tri's this afternoon good heavy fast session.

    Incline lying db tri ex 1 working DD (no rest)

    Rev one arm pd 1 working 1 drop. A side

    Tri pd stack plus 5kg plate 1 working DD sbar

    Behind hrad tri ex 1 working DD. Vbar

    Dips 2 sets


  6. #34726
    Join Date
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    Had to throw in tri's with delts and traps today. Absolutely killed it.... Muscle are popping again. Can't wait to get to it with HIT and a blast.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  7. #34727
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    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Had to throw in tri's with delts and traps today. Absolutely killed it.... Muscle are popping again. Can't wait to get to it with HIT and a blast.
    Nice big fella!

  8. #34728
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    Chicken All Day
    Just got done stuffing my face with some fish and chicken also .5 cup of rice and greens.

    Just been catching up on the board. Hope everyone is doing okay.

  9. #34729
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Let me guess women?????????
    Everyone has women issues at some point, mine are definitely not short of agony right now.
    But it more involves me having worked myself to where I was bleeding and couldn't walk for a company that let me go. I made mistakes there that can't be ignored, without doubt, but almost everyone else's were ignored. I stayed up for over 50 hours straight and helped off the clock, felt it right and I enjoyed working alongside my coworkers. Was doing the same the next weekend, only at the 26 hour mark or so of being awake to help-went home between shifts as I had an hour and a half break, risked a nap-alarm didn't go off, I woke up an hour late, called immediately to apologize-told me not to come in.
    I made mistakes while I worked there, but I really did try to give them more than what they deserved. Learned a lot of lessons tho. Live, learn. Gotta make the lesson worth it

  10. #34730
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    Fvk yeah fellas & GGR! Well done!!

    /glutes/hammies/hips/little quad work
    Stretching RC ex's walking on treadmill more static/& dynamic stretching

    Wide stance standing hip thrusters shooting hips back as far as possible with a deep hamstring stretch(2 75lb tension bands w/handles between legs between legs - S/S'd w/DB split static lunge into a good morning(chest high back arched
    1warm up
    3 x 30/12-15 respectively

    Sumo deads chest up & shoulders behind bar b4 lifting - hips are tight
    Warm ups
    4 x 8-10 staying real tight

    Stiff legged deads w/50lb tension band around waist thrusting hips and squeezing glutes at top of movement - S/S'd w/SSB weighted squat sits(60sec 135#) collapsed during a set lol
    3 x 15/60sec -- this fvking fried me

    Big Split static lunge position(w/50lb tension band around front leg) with Oly bar w/weight between legs and pulling straightening/flexing front leg to max very isolated movement
    4 x 12-15 each leg

    Guys I've never been exposed to my weaknesses like I have lately... These bands and weight are very humbling as well as the Intensity(30sec between sets/60sec between ex's) and im filling out/thickening up and shaping very well! Conditioning is getting better, too! Feeling great guys - it's going to change my life when this shoulder opens up more and more!
    Weights done in 48min
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-01-2016 at 05:49 AM.

  11. #34731
    Crushed legs tonight
    Extensions to failure, 5+dropsets to as close to marcus' failure as I was able to push myself ;-) for 2 sets
    Leg press, 1 set: 8 reps to failure followed by six or so rest pause sets to failure at 2 reps each
    Lying leg curls: keeping the toes flexed downward (like doing a calf raise) 6 or so dropsets to failure. Squeeeeezzzin it out!!
    Had fun, need to do better.

  12. #34732
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    Crushed legs this morning! Happy Friday Hitters!!

  13. #34733
    Join Date
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    Morning HITers!

    TGIF fellas/& gals!

    Very sore today - glutes/hammies/low back are torched... I Wonder what's in store for today! Have a kicka$$ Friday all!

  14. #34734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    You guys making me feel guilty with all this talk about cardio
    I make my cardio fun and something I look forward to doing. Most of the time with a partner or partners, sometimes by my self but it's not nearly as fun or as intense. I make up my own HIIT (high intensity intercourse training) training or sometimes just watch some videos and follow along
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  15. #34735
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    Legs are marginally functional today. . Arms are on tap for tonight. Not starting my small blast until after I have my Dr. appointment Weds. I'm decently stocked on things but want to wait until she gives me a date for my next labs. :l
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  16. #34736
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    Chest yesterday

    Decline BB: First set to failure at 7 reps. Second set was for 3, then RP, and didn't get it (haha), dropped for 2.
    Weighted pushups: First set was for 7. Second set was for 4 and I added negatives after failure.
    Slight Incline DB press: First set got 6 tehn failed. Second set I got 3 and RP'd a single grueling rep.

    Shoulder work:
    Seated lat raises: I'm a bit in between DBs on thsi exercise so I got 10 and took 30 sec and called it a prefatigue: got 8 full reps and did a few partials. RP'd and got 3 full and then partials.
    Cable lat raises: Used heavy weight and focused on negatives. Did 5 negatives as slow as I could on right arm, then left arm, then back to the right arm and could only do 2, then over to the left arm.

    Really quick and super intense session. Felt sick as hell after the chest routine and I was a bit winded. Happy with my strength after taking a bit of time off and my chest is already hurtin a bit this morning.

  17. #34737
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    I think I like going to failure in my first working set, but then grabbing a 30-60 breather and going for failure and beyond failure techniques in a subsequent set. I suppose that may not be optimal, but I think I prefer that set up for myself mentally. I can prepare for the beyond failure after I hit failure a minute before. Maybe that will change with experience, but right now, I'm happy with that. Just have to keep rep numbers in check, but I'm usually pretty dialed in.

  18. #34738
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Fvk yeah fellas & GGR! Well done!!

    /glutes/hammies/hips/little quad work
    Stretching RC ex's walking on treadmill more static/& dynamic stretching

    Wide stance standing hip thrusters shooting hips back as far as possible with a deep hamstring stretch(2 75lb tension bands w/handles between legs between legs - S/S'd w/DB split static lunge into a good morning(chest high back arched
    1warm up
    3 x 30/12-15 respectively

    Sumo deads chest up & shoulders behind bar b4 lifting - hips are tight
    Warm ups
    4 x 8-10 staying real tight

    Stiff legged deads w/50lb tension band around waist thrusting hips and squeezing glutes at top of movement - S/S'd w/SSB weighted squat sits(60sec 135#) collapsed during a set lol
    3 x 15/60sec -- this fvking fried me

    Big Split static lunge position(w/50lb tension band around front leg) with Oly bar w/weight between legs and pulling straightening/flexing front leg to max very isolated movement
    4 x 12-15 each leg

    Guys I've never been exposed to my weaknesses like I have lately... These bands and weight are very humbling as well as the Intensity(30sec between sets/60sec between ex's) and im filling out/thickening up and shaping very well! Conditioning is getting better, too! Feeling great guys - it's going to change my life when this shoulder opens up more and more!
    Weights done in 48min
    Nice nach..

  19. #34739
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    Sep 2012
    Did back this morning went in for a early session.

    Wg pd 1 working DD ,, D handle

    Cg pd 1 working DD

    Seated row 1 working 1 drop wg sbar

    One arm row 1 working 1 drop a side. Cable

    Bent over bb rows 1 working 1 drop

    Straight arm pd 1 working DD

    Done and out of there.

    Came up to loch ness this afternoon after ma session. Staying the night and sat so no training over the wk end, back to work on monday so training will be back to normal.

    The weather is ok for here kilt on so cold b@lls hahahahahaha

  20. #34740
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Did back this morning went in for a early session.

    Wg pd 1 working DD ,, D handle

    Cg pd 1 working DD

    Seated row 1 working 1 drop wg sbar

    One arm row 1 working 1 drop a side. Cable

    Bent over bb rows 1 working 1 drop

    Straight arm pd 1 working DD

    Done and out of there.

    Came up to loch ness this afternoon after ma session. Staying the night and sat so no training over the wk end, back to work on monday so training will be back to normal.

    The weather is ok for here kilt on so cold b@lls hahahahahaha
    Nice session Clarky!

    Cold ball$ lmaoo! Put some underwear on buddy

  21. #34741
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Good job guys. Nice to see you going again Haz and for the newer guys stick around.

    Monday killed hams again, awesome work out, but pulled a small something in my right inner quad doing extensions. Deaded with my boy, I wasnt paying attention, we were just putting plates on pulling singles, last pull I counted it up, tied my PR, such bull shit if I knew I would have put 10lbs on, dumbass Wed my elbow was hurting bad, I slept on it so I had a crapy upper body workout, but great abs and cardio lol !

    Tonight squatted, felt that pull but worked through it, working set with a drop. Real good leg press, kept putting on a plate fast, limited break just to catch breath and went to failure finally on 5th set. Calves and then I was satisfied, 2 miles of interval cardio and I was out.

    Hoping to have a better upper body work out tomorrow. Good thing is I may have figured out part of my arm issue, I stopped doing pull ups when my shoulder hurt, I think my forearms are weak, they are small so Im going to go back to my normal pull up routine. Keep grinding guys!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  22. #34742
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    pre-exhausted Forearms into bis(peaks) crazy session and super intense!

    Tri-set -- behind back wrist curls(all the way to the finger tips and squeezing the hell outta contraction)-->rope w/heaviest KB(hand over hand up/& down=1)-->KB arm flat rotating side to side
    4 x 20/5/15 to 20 or failure first respectively

    rope hammers(leaning over elbows out in front starting each rep from dead stop/ S/S'd w/Swiss bar hammers up to chin
    4 x 15/15 then drop setting(each to failure) w/5+ force reps into negs both

    Using hyper machine - DB palms up to chin/ S/S'd into Axle bar(fat bar) curls in chain starting from dead stop(all bis)
    4 x 15/15 respectively or failure first but I got to 15 regardless with 5-8forced reps into a slow negative until reaching <--- number w/forced and negs!

    Truly a fvkin game changing w/o(freaky forearms are on the agenda) - my arms looked and felt like they were ripping through the skin! Hell fvkin yes! Weights done in about 45 give or take a few! I
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-01-2016 at 08:45 PM.

  23. #34743
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Did back this morning went in for a early session.

    Wg pd 1 working DD ,, D handle

    Cg pd 1 working DD

    Seated row 1 working 1 drop wg sbar

    One arm row 1 working 1 drop a side. Cable

    Bent over bb rows 1 working 1 drop

    Straight arm pd 1 working DD

    Done and out of there.

    Came up to loch ness this afternoon after ma session. Staying the night and sat so no training over the wk end, back to work on monday so training will be back to normal.

    The weather is ok for here kilt on so cold b@lls hahahahahaha
    If you get a chance to snap a pic or two of the Loch, post them up Clarky. Have seen it on TV and the Internet, looks like a cool place.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  24. #34744
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    If you get a chance to snap a pic or two of the Loch, post them up Clarky. Have seen it on TV and the Internet, looks like a cool place.
    Will do mate, was out on the loch this morning lovely day. I got some nice pics i'll post them when i get home on sunday.

  25. #34745
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    Morning HITers!

    Wow are my forearms and bis are crippled! Something Very interesting happened yesterday... We're always talking about form, right!!? Well, as been stated my R arm is not firing up to par with my L for obvious reasons... Well this is where your body wants to start taking the path to least resistance and start recruiting other stronger muscles to compensate for 'more' reps... No Bueno... I'm trying my damnedest to not do this, however, today I noticed that my lats/teres minor/& upper back were recruited but in that locked in position... I'm assuming it's from my week shoulder... Is this normal or not when locking into a lift correctly? Or was I recruiting too much other muscles? Thx fellas

    @ BG well done... I'm looking forward to some freaky arse forearms myself now(have good size ones from all others lifts and grip) but I want 18-19" forearms ) how's your upper body? Whats nagging(elbows/shoulders)? Looking forward to seeing you at sub 10% brother! Great plan man!

  26. #34746
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Morning HITers!

    Wow are my forearms and bis are crippled! Something Very interesting happened yesterday... We're always talking about form, right!!? Well, as been stated my R arm is not firing up to par with my L for obvious reasons... Well this is where your body wants to start taking the path to least resistance and start recruiting other stronger muscles to compensate for 'more' reps... No Bueno... I'm trying my damnedest to not do this, however, today I noticed that my lats/teres minor/& upper back were recruited but in that locked in position... I'm assuming it's from my week shoulder... Is this normal or not when locking into a lift correctly? Or was I recruiting too much other muscles? Thx fellas

    @ BG well done... I'm looking forward to some freaky arse forearms myself now(have good size ones from all others lifts and grip) but I want 18-19" forearms ) how's your upper body? Whats nagging(elbows/shoulders)? Looking forward to seeing you at sub 10% brother! Great plan man!
    Thanks buddy. Damn elbow shoots lighting bolts up my arms.

    I really think the pull ups are going to do it with getting my arms back. I always did them, now I dont and my forearms are so small. Its got to be that.

    Big forearms are cool but make sure they dont start over powering, you will be pissed

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  27. #34747
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    Hopefully can hit arms this afternoon. Bi's then tris then forearms.

    I'm hoping to start hitting them on a separate day to help take then to the next level.

    2 exercises each should be a good start.

  28. #34748
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    They were nice there......
    Fvk yeah big guy!! Good to see a pic :-p not that you needed to prove a damn thing lol -- you look awesome brother!
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-02-2016 at 01:40 PM.

  29. #34749
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Thanks buddy. Damn elbow shoots lighting bolts up my arms.

    I really think the pull ups are going to do it with getting my arms back. I always did them, now I dont and my forearms are so small. Its got to be that.

    Big forearms are cool but make sure they dont start over powering, you will be pissed

    For sure brotha... If I had 18" forearms I would hope my arms would be 20+

    Your forearms looked good in that pic for damn sure! Back And arms too

    I hear ya on the lightening bolts - mine start up my occipital down into rear delts --> down arm into hands :/ sux arse
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-02-2016 at 10:58 AM.

  30. #34750
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Hopefully can hit arms this afternoon. Bi's then tris then forearms.

    I'm hoping to start hitting them on a separate day to help take then to the next level.

    2 exercises each should be a good start.
    Depending what you have access to I'd try for 3 tri ex's...
    CG bench
    Weighted dips(really widens the tri imo)
    Pushdowns and or rev one arm pushdowns(hitting short head - lateral head)

  31. #34751
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG
    They were nice there......
    you look great brother! I torched back today. Lots of forced negs and pause reps... Happy Saturday hitters

  32. #34752
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    The pain was real!!! Took yesterday for recovery and opted for 1 hour fasted cardio. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  33. #34753
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    Chest today total waste of time.

  34. #34754
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Depending what you have access to I'd try for 3 tri ex's... CG bench Weighted dips(really widens the tri imo) Pushdowns and or rev one arm pushdowns(hitting short head - lateral head)
    I don't have an optimal dip setup at all here, and just my opinion, but I don't like the mechanics of dips and don't believe them to be optimal for tris.

    But I appreciate the advice my man.

  35. #34755
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    Standing DB curls, got 6 then get 3, each arm actually which was a surprise. Should have den them on the preacher thigh, standing s great for a change but I don't think my posture is great.

    Isolation DB curls, hanging. Got 5 then 3 assist then 3 negs. Really held the squeeze and it was all mental. Really difficult to push through.

    Rope pushdowns. First set I got 8 and stopped so I added 10 and started there. Got 6 then dropped for 2 full reps then added 20lbs and did 3 negs. I'm going to start going with over 100% of first working set weight on negs, it really freaking hurts.

    DB overhead ext. got 10 at failure so counted that as warmup. Then got 7, rest paused and squeaked out 2. Dropped and got 1.

    Bb forearm curls. 12, 12, then failed on third set at 10.

    Cable hammer curls. Failed on 5 then do 3 assisted reps. Dropped for 3 and 3 assisted. Then added weight and did 3 negs.

    Next time I do arms I will work more BB movements in, ez bar curls, preachers ( flat bar and DB), cg bench, skulls, and rev grip tri pulls. This way I have two diff routines.

    Didn't feel any elbow issues today, but will take ibuprofen before bed to make sure I'm good tmr. Need to find that NSAID gel soon.

  36. #34756
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    Standing DB curls, got 6 then get 3, each arm actually which was a surprise. Should have den them on the preacher thigh, standing s great for a change but I don't think my posture is great. Isolation DB curls, hanging. Got 5 then 3 assist then 3 negs. Really held the squeeze and it was all mental. Really difficult to push through. Rope pushdowns. First set I got 8 and stopped so I added 10 and started there. Got 6 then dropped for 2 full reps then added 20lbs and did 3 negs. I'm going to start going with over 100% of first working set weight on negs, it really freaking hurts. DB overhead ext. got 10 at failure so counted that as warmup. Then got 7, rest paused and squeaked out 2. Dropped and got 1. Bb forearm curls. 12, 12, then failed on third set at 10. Cable hammer curls. Failed on 5 then do 3 assisted reps. Dropped for 3 and 3 assisted. Then added weight and did 3 negs. Next time I do arms I will work more BB movements in, ez bar curls, preachers ( flat bar and DB), cg bench, skulls, and rev grip tri pulls. This way I have two diff routines. Didn't feel any elbow issues today, but will take ibuprofen before bed to make sure I'm good tmr. Need to find that NSAID gel soon.
    Before I read the whole thing through, I was going to ask about elbows. I need to build up my extensor muscles more to help them overall as I've had bad tendinitis in the past. I think Kel likes to use DMSO to help relieve some and I have used it some. Nice workout by the way!

  37. #34757
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Chest today total waste of time.
    Hey big guy there is always tomorrow!

    Keep your cheeky chin held high!

  38. #34758
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Fvk yeah big guy!! Good to see a pic :-p not that you needed to prove a damn thing lol -- you look awesome brother!
    Thanks that was on my revoery when training at PF. My arms are small, I just cant train them hard, they just wont take it. I can do a big arm work out but then I have to take it easy on back. Im trying to get some pic to post up, but I cant find decent lighting here at home.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  39. #34759
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    Ok, what'd I miss?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  40. #34760
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I wanted to go heavier but I talked myself out of it.

    That's progress BG. Can't train when you're hurt.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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