Day 51 - #221 +13 Week 8
So, got bloods done last week... Just waiting for them to send me results. Will post up once they come in... Hopefully I am not dying inside.
Haven't gained weight in a week, evaluated my diet and looks like I am about 407 Carbs, 100 Fats, and 250 Protein. Putting me about 3400 calories. Sugar about 100 and sodium about 3,000 mg (Is that bad?). I've been getting too hungry in between one of my meals and I am going to add something in. Thinking of adding a PBJ sandwich. I should be back to gaining after I up the diet a bit. Might make my mid day protein shake double scoop instead of one. That'll add about 300 cals. Strength feels great, I feel great, feel much fuller, and more vascular.