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Thread: ancilleries

  1. #1


    how good is aromasin to have during cycle? its what i have, also ill be running tren soon and im wondering what to get for hair loss prevention? arimacare pro for liver support? im getting caber or letro incase also. feedback appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Stane is great to have during cycle, but what's even better is to take it everyday.

    No offense but these questions that you're asking are alarming for someone planning to run a tren cycle because they show signs of inexperience.

    As far as I know the only way to prevent hair loss from tren is to not take any.

    Arimacare pro looks like some good stuff but it's way overpriced. You'd spend more on that then for everything else in your cycle including BW. All you need is NAC.

    Caber is a DA and letro is a powerful AI. They serve two completely different purposes on cycle. This hints that you are not ready to use tren.

    What are your stats and previous cycle experience?

  3. #3
    I don't disagree numbere and I do absolutely appreciate your feedback. I'm asking these questions to gain knowledge and understand what i'm doing of course. I have test e, tren a, dbol, just bought it today from a reliable local source. Anyways, my cycle exp is test e + mast e / deca + test e +eq / test e + primo/ test e + eq + anadrol/ test e + dbol. Few prohormones and DS cycles. I have my cycle laid out, that's no problem. I had to ask these questions because not only have I done my extensive research but lots of things say different stuff as do people. At this point I think the best thing for me to do is find out how my body responds and what works, as far as on cycle support and pct, everyone says different things on that too. I have an idea of what i'm going to run, but i'm not 100% yet. Stats are 5'8 200lbs 12% bf 10 yrs lifting exp.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    5'8", 200lb, 12%, 28 years old

    Those are nice stats.

    Three years ago, when you ran your first cycle, you had 3 years of training experience and had the same stats.

    Two weeks ago you said that your past cycles were test/mast and some PHs.

    Look man the guys on this forum will help you with whatever you want, as long as it's within reason.

    All we ask is that you tell the truth.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by xLrdFrgvMe View Post
    how good is aromasin to have during cycle? its what i have, also ill be running tren soon and im wondering what to get for hair loss prevention? arimacare pro for liver support? im getting caber or letro incase also. feedback appreciated.
    AROMASIN is a great AI,,it's perfect to run during a cycle.

  6. #6
    Yeah I didn't think I had to put every single thing Ive done in here, but now I know. I'm naturally a stocky muscular guy, I don't think I've ever been below 190lbs and more than 12% bf. I appreciate the feedback guys.

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