5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 250 grams sweet potato
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 250 grams sweet potato
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
Rtd muscle milk
Quest bar
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast greens and 2 oz roasted cashews
Quest bar
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
6 eggs oats banana apple juice
Yesterday's w/o
Low back/glutes/& hammies
Cable pull thrus s/s'd into one legged hip thrusts(3sec hold at top of movement) then 10more & RP'd to failure
4x 20/10(3sec hold) +10 each leg
Zercher squats
Heavy 4x 8-10 hitting failure & beyond on last 3 sets w/spotter(increased weight 2x)
Good mornings(SSB) s/s'd into rev leg lifts(heavy hitting 10-12)failing on rev leg lifts into partials etc
4x 10ish(when low back came out of arch I stopped - form was compromised)/10-12 into partials --> lil movement
Split legged lunges w/bar between legs(forget name) lol
4x failure each set RP'd to get about 2-3 more max
2x Max reps
Done in 48min already shaking standing when I piss lol
Pre workout shatter and then headed to the gym. Traveling for daughters softball after
Just finished training back.. 40 minutes cardio and done
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 300 grams sweet potato
Turkey sandwich
Chicken and rice
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
Pre workout shatter
Hammer strength press
Incline press
Incline Peck Deck
DB flies
No Cardio today its time to get back on the road after post training food
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 200 grams sweet potato
Yesterday's arm session
standing Straight bar curls(heavy 6-8) - s/s'd w/wide grip seated strict curls(sitting w/feet flat on floor out in front
4 x 6-10(RPd past failure) - 10-15 strictly only core holding me up
CG EZ bar(heavy 6-10) s/s'd w/seated hammers
4x 6-10(RPing to beyond fail) 12-15 but last 5 reps were partials and no movement
DB Preachers(8-10) s/s'd lying short bar peaks @ 90* then to forhead
8-12 w/forced reps & negs 20 squeezing the hell outta my peaks in lying seated row cable machine
CG smith 10-12 then dropping 3x w/one burnout
Warm up - 2x heavy then dropping 3x to failure racking short -
Weighted dips
2plates - 6-8/1plate 8-10/no plate 15 done right after each other
Skull crushers heavy - s/s'd into lying rope extensions
4x 6-10 - 10-15 partials w/big stretch of long head
Burned out w/straight bar push downs/rev grip push downs & cable curls 10-20
3x sets max reps
Great session arms were torched / tris are striated and popping! 55min
2 apples raspberries melon in a shk
2 grilled chicken breast, zucchini, sweet potato
thanks brother! They played some tough teams yesterday and won both games. Today's games will be tougher cause they will be playing in the gold bracket. I'm always proud of her no matter win or looseOriginally Posted by NACH3
lol ya I do like to brag about herOriginally Posted by NACH3
Chicken breast on DKB
Cheat meal at the ball game. Polish hot dog and baked lays BBQ chips with a fountain Diet Coke. On the edge![]()
Quest bar
more like a cheat snack bioOriginally Posted by Bio-Active
no such thing as snacks in my meal planOriginally Posted by Mp859
I need some advice.
I'm waking up around 415am eating breakfast around 430am. I usally get to gym around 515 - 530. I slam a shake after workout. Then around 730am I eat a high pro high carb meal. Then about every 2-3 hours I do another one. Until 12pm then I cut out carbs.
My question is about the first meal of the day breskfast. I usally do 2-4 eggs, and a bagel with some cream cheese spread or I substitute the bagel for mini pancakes with peanut butter and light surup. I usally get anywhere for 30-50 carbs. Should I alter this on harder days? More carbs? Should I increase pro,and lower carbs?
Thanks in advance.
I would change meal one completely. I would do the eggs a couple yolks and 6-8 whites with oatmeal and fruit before training
8 whites 2 yolk 2.5 slices Ezekiel bread and sugar free syrup
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast 250 grams sweet potato
Can you please explain why you would do this before training opposed to what I been doing? Why the added whites? Am I not getting enough pro from just eggs? When you do oatmeal are you talking plain or do you add sugar. If sugar is added why is this a better selection than the bagel or mini pancakes. Please explain? And thanks in advance.
your body needs the carbs in the morning to break the fast. The whites have more protein yes and no sugar with the oatmeal if you want to sweeten it either put done whey protein in it or use just a little honeyOriginally Posted by thall1
5.76 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
Rtd choc muscle milk
5.75 oz grilled chicken breast and greens
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
Quest bar
8 whites 2 yolk 1 Ezekiel muffin and oj
Coffee, mixed fruit, eggs(6)
Pre workout shatter
Bb skull crushers
Incline db curls
Hammer strength standing tri push downs
Preacher curls
Cable tri pull downs
Seated hammer strength ISO curls
40 minutes low intensity cardio and done
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