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Thread: HRT confusion and 'newbie' advice

  1. #1

    HRT confusion and 'newbie' advice

    I'm a 42yo male, and I've been on family doctor prescribed Androgel for 10+ years due to an injured testicle. It's just not working as well, and even with 4x 1.62% pumps a day my total T was 142ng (300-890), and free T is 12pg (47-244). T % free is 1.4% (1.6-2.9%). My insurance won't cover more than 4 pumps a day. I do have great insurance, in that I have no co-pay or deductible so my Androgel is 100% free. A couple of years ago I saw an Endo Doc, and he kept me on the same treatment although my T levels were then in the low range of normal. I also want to get leaner/shredded, and get a bit more bulkier to maybe 175-180# and 8-10-% BF. I don't want to "juice" to get monstrously big.

    I'm a bit confused about these anti-aging/HRT by-phone outfits that work outside of insurance and you basically subscribe to one or more injectable/pills for a fixed fee. In my mind this almost sounds "shady" and for those that want some type of oversight for juicing to be a bodybuilder. I mean why not see a local doctor and get the drugs through a traditional pharmacy?

    I live in San Diego, and did call one outfit that has local doctors. But I have a heavy travel schedule so not sure when I can get in. I have contacted a few by-phone outfits. One charged $500 for a 10 week program that includes:

    (10) 3CC X 20G SYRINGE
    (10) 23G NEEDLE TIP
    (1) ALCOHOL SWAB 100CT

    I have no idea if that's a "good" deal or protocol. Like I said, my Androgel is literally free. I'm also scared/semi-terrified of needles so stabbing myself a couple of times a week is v-e-r-y unappealing.

    Any advice for a solid HRT outfit, either in San Diego, or by internet would be appreciated. On the same note, can't I just find a regular Endo doc that would do the same thing?
    Last edited by SoCal91; 06-01-2016 at 06:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hello SoCal. You must tell your doctor that you want to go with injections. Gels stop working after about one year. My gosh, after 10 years it's amazing that you have any detectable Test! I don't see how he can deny you injections of test cyp. Just tell him. Good luck!

  3. #3
    I just don't think I can get up the courage to stab myself in the glutes twice a week. I get even a bit faint at getting my flu shot. Aren't there less painful options?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal91 View Post
    I just don't think I can get up the courage to stab myself in the glutes twice a week. I get even a bit faint at getting my flu shot. Aren't there less painful options?
    The other option is still not available in US as far as I know. Nebido is a testosterone shot that lasts 10-14 weeks.

    You can of course pay a nurse to inject you. Optimal is twice a week, but maybe you dont feel the difference doing it once a week.

  5. #5
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    Hey SoCal, I'm in the Los Angeles area myself. I found a clinic that gives me pretty much what you listed, except HCG, but with some basic blood work - for $200/month.

  6. #6
    I just called my insurance, and they will cover Depo Testost and Novarel (HCG), and with my insurance they will be free. They also said I could have a walk in clinic or my Dr. perform the injection. Now I just need to find a San Diego doctor that knows about these therapy combinations and can correctly prescribe them. My family doc has no clue. The "T" clinics I've found thus far do NOT work with insurance, which seems funny.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal91 View Post
    I just don't think I can get up the courage to stab myself in the glutes twice a week. I get even a bit faint at getting my flu shot. Aren't there less painful options?
    Many of us are doing subcutaneous injections - piece of cake.

  8. #8
    For T injections? The two clinics I've talked to said they are intramuscular only. subcutaneous injections I think I could do....stabbing my self in the ass with a big needle...not so much.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal91 View Post
    For T injections? The two clinics I've talked to said they are intramuscular only. subcutaneous injections I think I could do....stabbing my self in the ass with a big needle...not so much.
    Yes, for T, really is easy. My insurance was to oconservative with their range of "normal" levels of T, that's why I go to the outside clinic, BTW.

  10. #10
    Which T injection are you using?

  11. #11
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    Check out the "share your protocol" thread in this section.

    I personally do .75 mg. of Test c 2 x/wk.

  12. #12
    What size needle do you use and what is the associated pain level?

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    SQ injections are very simple, effective and easy to handle:

    Subcutaneous administration of testosterone. A pilot study report. - PubMed - NCBI

    Also IM test injections do not always have to be in your glutes. Delts, quads, etc all work as well. For small amounts of T as used in HRT, you can get by with a 1/2" syringe for IM injections basically anywhere. Once you do it a time or two you'll realize how simple it is.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal91 View Post
    What size needle do you use and what is the associated pain level?
    Sorry I missed this, apologies. What the big guy ^ said. Haven't tried the IM as he mentioned, but will soon.

    Regarding pain - none. Apologies again.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal91 View Post
    I just called my insurance, and they will cover Depo Testost and Novarel (HCG), and with my insurance they will be free. They also said I could have a walk in clinic or my Dr. perform the injection. Now I just need to find a San Diego doctor that knows about these therapy combinations and can correctly prescribe them. My family doc has no clue. The "T" clinics I've found thus far do NOT work with insurance, which seems funny.
    After years on testim, I found a Urologist who allows me to self-inject. Call some Urologists in your area and ask them specific questions. Also, compounding pharmacies will often tell you the names of Dr.s who allow their patients to self-inject, and who precise Hcg and an AI, if needed. Good luck.

  16. #16
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