This is my protocol:
100mg Test. Cyp. - twice per week (day 1 and day 4)
Anastrozole 0.5mg - twice per week (day 2 and day 5)
HCG 500 IU - twice per week (day 6 and day 7)
This is my protocol:
100mg Test. Cyp. - twice per week (day 1 and day 4)
Anastrozole 0.5mg - twice per week (day 2 and day 5)
HCG 500 IU - twice per week (day 6 and day 7)
I pin on thursdays and inject 100 mg test c. I've had varying doses but honestly I like it on the "lower" side.
This gets my total T in the 500~ range in trough (tried pinning twice a week splitting doses in half but caused terrifying acne. I think my mood might have been better but not always)
So you have a prolactinoma? How big is the thing? I remember the first time I had PRL checked, my hope was an elevated reading rather than being diagnosed with "idiopathic" LowT.
Does cabergoline help with libido? I experimented with a drug that enhances dopamine (selegiline), although it works in a different way. In a couple of weeks, the libido enhancing effect was really noticeable. As a word of warning, I don't recommend anyone reading here to mess DA agonists and the sort, as these drugs can have unpredictable sides.
Last edited by hammerheart; 06-03-2016 at 12:41 AM.
I don't recall the initial MRI reading, but the caber brought the size down to very acceptable levels according to the second MRI. Initially my prolactin was over 400 and the docs were surprised I wasn't producing milk or I wasn't losing vision.
Can't say the caber helped with libido or anything else that I can recall, been on it going on 3 years now.
I've been taking low dose Selegiline (Deprenyl) daily for about 8 years or so. Good stuff. Big believer in the life extension applications of this drug.
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I've been on for about 3 years now.
Started out at 100mg/week Test Cyp which brought my total Test levels from negligible (<20) to around 200 ng/dL (Reference 250-1100)
Bumped me up to 150mg/week Test Cyp which brought them up from 200 to 400 or so.
After 3 months on the 150mg/week, doc bumped me up to 200 mg/week. 6 months later my levels were:
Total Test 859 ng/dL (Ref 250-1100)
Free Test 236.2 pg/mL H (Ref 35-155)
Sex Hormone Binding$Globulin 14 nmol/L (ref 10-50)
I've stuck with this dose ever since which is going on about 6 months now. Don't have my estrogen results handy but I was in the normal range. No AI, no HCG.
I inject IM once per week and have had no issue with it that would warrant me wanting to increase the frequency
Last edited by Noles12; 06-03-2016 at 09:17 PM.
I use the 1mg pill and cut it into two halves.
Those are a bitch to split (tiny and smooth), but I manage to cut'em into quarters.
I am feeling feebler as the weeks passes; something is not working as it should. Perhaps thyroid is worth an extra check.
I usually have an hard time with drugs but selegiline relieves my symptoms (especially brain fog) like nothing else. I might consider taking it again once stabilized with TRT.
I've done a good bit of reading on it and it's interesting stuff. Life Extension is real big on it and there are finally studies toward the life extension aspect instead of diabetes. I'll probably end up trying it in time. Hopefully the FDA approves it for this purpose and it doesn't take 20 years......
problem solved.
Hey man, could you share more on what measure units was it in 400? I have my last reading as 394.30 mlU/L
I have one of these too and I find it to be waste of a few bucks, what I use is a well-washed razor blade and a small wooden chop board so pils dont slide and cut pretty nice this way. It may have been I just got a bad quality pill cutter.
IM, my prolactin was 487 with a range of 2.0 - 18.0 mg/ml
Regarding the pill splitters, I'm fine splitting those little Arimidex into halves, but any smaller, forget it. I prefer a very small scalpel. I use them to shave the callouses off my hands - of course I use a different one for pill splitting. I found I can cut the Adex into eigths that way (.125 mg.)
I have a hard time thinking a doctor would put you on T-Prop for HRT as it requires more pinning
and has such a short 1/2 life...the idea is to replace your T and maintain levels, not to
overload and replenish.
I take T-cyp 100mg a week,
250 Hcg the day before T
200 mg DIM morn and eve
600 mg NAC morn and eve
T 38nmol....1100 total
estriol ...114
bump for people to share their protocol.... TY
I dont want to spam bumping it empty-handed, so I may as well share my protocol that I have started from today on:
75mg Test-E + 250iu HCG E3.5D
Cant say where it will put me, about month in I will have bloods and will see from there.
100 mg Test Cyp Sunday and Wednesday. 250 iu hCG eod. Currently on .25 Adex 24 hours after pinning. Previously I was at 1100 total t and 9 E2 with .5 adex 2x per week. I have redone bloods since dropping the Adex down to .25. My E2 was low to start. All my other number looked good. Hemocrit was maybe 1 or 2 points high.
I'm not sure why but sometimes I feel so weak I have trouble breathing...I'm starting to wonder whether I've crushed cortisol.
Two weeks ago, HCT 43%. No way I'm going to develop high hematocrit due to an hereditary genetic defect (beta thalassemia minor) that shortens the average life of red cells, in fact I was dealing with mild anaemia until last december.
Everything else (liver, renal, electrolytes) is OK. The issue isn't likely "physical"...
Ive been on 160mg/wk with .25dex 2x a week and 350iu hcg 2x a week. Put me over 1200 with e2 around 25.
I cut myself back to 80mg/wk, no adex and no hcg. Sit around 800, e2 still around 25.
I actually feel better on the lower dose
Im an odd case for sure. Hcg actually caused me shrinkage, and i felt worse taking it. I dont care much about fertility.
My initial values for TT, FT, E2 were 302, 12.0, 19.1.
Initially my TRT protocol was 105mg test-cyp twice per week, 1000iu hCG twice per week, 1mg adex twice per week. Following that for about 7 weeks my T levels were astronomical and E2 fell even further to 2645, 37, 17.5. I was beginning to have low E2 sides - achy joints, dry skin, itchy scalp, etc. so I lowered by adex dose by half and immediately my libido went from completely nonexistent to wanting to f*** inanimate objects.
I've since cut my hCG dose in half and changed adex dosing to 0.5mg EOD. Trying this out for a while, and haven't gotten new blood work yet but I feel great and the acne and oily skin issues as well as low E2 issues I saw initially have disappeared. Libido is still extremely high but not completely unmanageable like it was before. Will probably get blood work again in 3-4 weeks after my levels stabilize since switching to sub-q injection.
In the future I also plan to drop to between 100mg and 150mg per week of T, depending on how my next labs look, but right now I'm recovering from a major surgery so the healing benefits of higher T are very much welcome at this phase. I'm also enjoying some much needed fat loss, with little to no effort.
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