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Thread: Ex-wife of recent shooter attributes actions in part to steroids

  1. #1

    Ex-wife of recent shooter attributes actions in part to steroids

    The crazy is about to come out. In interview she says he had a history of steroids and she doesn't know if it caused it but she's sure "it had something to do with it."

    Oh boy. If you're on TRT or people know you're doing stuff, I recommend working on a good ready to go answer to the questions that might arise. The last thing any of us need is more scrutiny and the government saying "we have to do something!"

    A calm rational "Every study of well managed TRT actually shows calmer and more rational behavior from individuals who are treating their low testosterone." IF you're doing more than TRT, come up with your version but anything we can do to help the narrative is worthwhile.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    What shooting does this refer to?

    What's obvious here is she can't cope with the fact she married and loved a violent man that ultimately turned into a killer. No news here, men have been killing each other since the beginning of times, but she can't just accept it, so must come up with some kind of excuse - "he was on steroids..." oh please.

    Personally yes since I've been on TRT I'm much of a calmer and rational person. Low t turned me into a bitching, nervous wreck.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Billegitimate View Post
    The crazy is about to come out. In interview she says he had a history of steroids and she doesn't know if it caused it but she's sure "it had something to do with it."

    Oh boy. If you're on TRT or people know you're doing stuff, I recommend working on a good ready to go answer to the questions that might arise. The last thing any of us need is more scrutiny and the government saying "we have to do something!"

    A calm rational "Every study of well managed TRT actually shows calmer and more rational behavior from individuals who are treating their low testosterone." IF you're doing more than TRT, come up with your version but anything we can do to help the narrative is worthwhile.

    Some people in the world are just evil and half crazy. They are always going to have a crutch to blame for their actions whether its TRT,ALCOHOL, etc..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Here we fucking go again with this shit. The hysterical news media looking to rile people up in every angle they can find

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