Anyone have scientific legs training workout for massive testosterone excretion...SUPER INTENSE...but no machines used please..
Anyone have scientific legs training workout for massive testosterone excretion...SUPER INTENSE...but no machines used please..
no one?
No but...
Have you Ever try splitting up your posterior chain(low back/glutes/& hams) one day and quads another?? Its really helped me since splitting my legs up like so... Lots of s/s's very high intensity and very short rest periods
thats a damn good idea there. hell i might try to split that up between speed day and max day. maybe split that up for assistance work.
Sure... This is a high rep posterior chain work out w/some heavy deads or volume depending on routine goals etc we're always switching up our rep schemes
Remember all this can tweaked to your goals w/reps and sets... And whatever rep range we're working in we will have to finish the reps each set so by set 3 your blasted and RPing until you get it done(never hold reps back failure is everything)
- Cables/or 150lb+ tension bands pull thrus(must be really thrusting hips hands back behind arse every time) S/S'd DB squat to smallest stool into a high row 5x 20
- deficit stiff legged deads - paused at bottom(BB) or DBs s/s'd into split legged(static lunge position) DB good mornings
5x 10 heavy as possible - 5x 20
- weighted(heavy) rev leg lifts(the machine makes it a great isolation movement) s/s'd into hypers
- deads
Heavy w/o for posterior chain
- good mornings into a 3 sec hold(in the seat) then up
Heavy 5x 5
- deficit deads w/an 8sec negative(weights never touching the floor) - note* tons of intra-abdominal pressure w/good mornings & deads w/negatives or lots of weight
5x 10
- stiff legged deficit deads BB heavy
5x 8-10
Throw in some T-bar rows as the negatives will have your back using every damn muscle(ones you didn't think existed) are on fire)
High rows, hypers, etc
I usually squat on quad day but I will still deadlift w/quads too(2x wk at most)
So many variables but short rest periods and high intensity is what we do
Last edited by NACH3; 07-03-2016 at 02:10 PM.
Nope, same as onion. BS. Possible increased testo from heavy squats and deads is just shown in a very limited timeperiod just after those workouts and from a 24 hours perspective there will be no difference.
Actually there is no such thing as a natty test increase. On guy on the net messured his test before a test. Then he tried all the advices available. Tons of eggs, squats, boosters and 10-12 other tips supposed to increase test. After 3 months his bloodtest showed no testosteron increase what so ever.
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