Goooood shoulder lift tonight. Had to cut it a tad short. Right after I got to the shop and broke the rocker switch on my big fan , my stomach warned me that I needed to go back to the house pronto, so when I finally got started, I barely took any breaks.
RC exercises and broomstick stretches
D'bell shoulder press- 2 w/u, Work-8+,drop,fail,drop,5+. Grabbed air and about .5 liters of water. Work2- 5+ reps at the last drop from my first set w/ a 10 count hold into a 10 count neg. on last partial. If I continue to improve, I'll bump this weight up soon.
Seated side laterals- 2 w/u, Work-8+,drop,2+,drop,3+ w/ painful 10 count hold on all partials.
Face pulls- 1 w/u, Work-9+ - 3+ - 2+ w/ 10 count hold on partials.
B'bell shrugs- 1 w/u, Work1(rear)- 5+, drop,5+ w/ 10 count hold on partials. Work2(front)- 5+ - 3+.
D'bell shrugs- 7+ reps.
36 minutes not including RC exercises and broomstick stretches. Really rushed it more than I wanted to, but my stomach overruled me. When I was kicking up the bells for shoulder presses, the earlier posts about lifting alone ran through my mind and I was thankful my arm didn't pull apart at the elbow.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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