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Thread: Another one

  1. #1

    Another one

    So just like everyone else I would like some feedback on my first cycle before I start this off. I have been doing a ton of research for multiple months and am still 8 weeks away from starting anything.

    Stats. 26 years old. 6'02" 210lbs %11-10 body fat
    Bench: 325
    Squat: 325 (I know I'm trying to improve it with flexibility, this is one of my most desired things)
    Dead: 375
    Military Press: 225

    Goals. 10-15 lbs of lean muscle. No bloat. Maybe lose %1-2 body fat.

    Test E. 500 mgs a week. Anavar 50 mgs ED

    Pin test E Tuesday pre-workout/afternoon and Friday pre-workout/afternoon

    3650 Calories

    365 Protein
    319 Carbohydrates
    101 Fat

    1-2 Gallons of water daily

    Gat jetmass- intra workout
    Cellucor C4- pre workout
    Optimum Nutrition- post workout/needed
    Karbolyn- added to H2O
    Optimum Amino Tabs- Daily
    Multi vitamin- daily
    Fish oil- daily

    10 weeks same dosage all the way through.

    Nolva on hand if any sides show I will go .50 I believe it was EOD

    PCT: (Only part I feel very unsure of)
    Clomid. 70/70/35/35
    Nolva. 40/20/20/20

    Please give me any feedback. I'm trying to avoid any sides and future sides. Not trying to blow up but add a solid lean muscle mass to maintain after.
    Last edited by Garanimal; 07-29-2016 at 01:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Run your test 12 weeks.

    Drop the var.

    You will need an ai and hcg for on cycle not nolva which is to be used for pct with your Clomid.

    Read this beauty

  3. #3
    Should I just keep the A.I on hand or run it regardless and I attempted to get HCG but am unable to get this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Follow the thread. You should definitely run an ai.

    Hcg is easy to find almost everywhere, where are you?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Garanimal View Post
    So just like everyone else I would like some feedback on my first cycle before I start this off. I have been doing a ton of research for multiple months and am still 8 weeks away from starting anything.

    Stats. 26 years old. 6'02" 210lbs %11-10 body fat These are good stats.
    Bench: 325
    Squat: 325 (I know I'm trying to improve it with flexibility, this is one of my most desired things)
    Dead: 375
    Military Press: 225

    Goals. 10-15 lbs of lean muscle. No bloat. Maybe lose %1-2 body fat. It's possible to gain muscle and lose fat but it's REALLY hard. Don't get down on yourself if you gain 10lbs of muscles and 5lbs of fat. The best way to gain muscle and lose fat is to watch your diet very closely.

    Test E. 500 mgs a week. Anavar 50 mgs ED If this is your first cycle, drop the Var.

    Pin test E Tuesday pre-workout/afternoon and Friday pre-workout/afternoon

    3650 Calories

    365 Protein
    319 Carbohydrates You need glycogen if you're going to work out very hard everyday. I try to match my carbs and protein as the baseline. See how you feel for a couple of weeks with carbs=protein. If you're burning out towards the end of your workout, then add 20g to 30g of carbs and watch for a couple of more week. This is how you adjust your diet to fit your need. I do a lot of cardio during my working so I need more carbs. My cycle ration is about 450g carbs and 300g protein.
    101 Fat

    1-2 Gallons of water daily

    Gat jetmass- intra workout
    Cellucor C4- pre workout
    Optimum Nutrition- post workout/needed
    Karbolyn- added to H2O
    Optimum Amino Tabs- Daily
    Multi vitamin- daily
    Fish oil- daily
    Dang, I should buy stock in Optimum Nutrition, you can support a whole division by yourself. LOL

    10 weeks same dosage all the way through. If you're bulking, run a long ester like Enth. If you're cutting, run a short ester like Prop. The long ester should be run for 12 weeks while the short ester for 8 weeks. There's a lot of discussion about which is better but the general breakdown is long ester for bulking and short ester for cutting. The long ester will hold a little more water but don't worry. You should be able to work that out with a little cardio and diet.
    Nolva on hand if any sides show I will go .50 I believe it was EOD

    PCT: (Only part I feel very unsure of)
    Clomid. 70/70/35/35 I would run 100/50/50/50
    Nolva. 40/20/20/20 This is fine

    Please give me any feedback. I'm trying to avoid any sides and future sides. Not trying to blow up but add a solid lean muscle mass to maintain after.
    Why no HCG or AI? You need these. If you wanna be a big man, you gotta eat like a big man.

  6. #6
    The A.I. I understand and I will get one before I run. The HCG is just something I wasn't familiar with that I would need during the cycle. I thought it was more of a post cycle to help jump start your natural test levels. I figured since I've had my natural levels tested and they are quite high and it would be my first cycle this was not something I needed to stress about as long as I didn't overload myself and did everything the correct way.

  7. #7
    I appreciate all the feedback. Optimum has always been good to me and always has quality products. The VAR was more or less to keep bloating and water weight down and harden up a little bit with minimal side effects. Nutrition wise is right on for my body that's one thing I've figured out for the most part. But like you said if on cycle it's wearing me down I'll defenitly up the carbs and maybe even lower the protein some.

    I was sticking with running E as it was less injections and the mail goal is to try and get to around 220 lbs just a solid ten pounds or so. Not looking to blow up and not looking to get shredded just push the plateau I've been at for a couple months.

    The PCT stay the same or would you only run Clomid or Nolva? Not both?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Research wouldve told you the ai will keep your E2 bloat down.And if you take test and Var and have a bad reaction which one caused it? This is your 1st cycle you will grow the most on it.So hit the diet section and have them check out your diet to make sure its spot on.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Research wouldve told you the ai will keep your E2 bloat down.And if you take test and Var and have a bad reaction which one caused it? This is your 1st cycle you will grow the most on it.So hit the diet section and have them check out your diet to make sure its spot on.
    Research tells you a lot when you know absolutely nothing about the topic you're researching. You also have to figure out what's legit and what's BS. You can only learn so much from reading people's opinions on things. That is why in school we have what are called Teachers.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Garanimal View Post
    The A.I. I understand and I will get one before I run. The HCG is just something I wasn't familiar with that I would need during the cycle. I thought it was more of a post cycle to help jump start your natural test levels. I figured since I've had my natural levels tested and they are quite high and it would be my first cycle this was not something I needed to stress about as long as I didn't overload myself and did everything the correct way.
    It's irrelevant what your natural test levels are during cycle as they will be heavily suppressed at least during and immediately after your cycle.

    Pct is as per the link for the first cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Read the stickies! You owe it to yourself before you start putting chemicals into your body. Know what they are, for, and do. Protein should be higher I think. Have fun bro!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Garanimal View Post
    Research tells you a lot when you know absolutely nothing about the topic you're researching. You also have to figure out what's legit and what's BS. You can only learn so much from reading people's opinions on things. That is why in school we have what are called Teachers.
    welcome to the forum, but watch your attitude, stay humble and learn deep, you get what you put out, keep quality attitude on hand

  13. #13
    I appreciate all the feedback and I was not Trying to come off as an ass I was just trying to state in sure everyone at some point posted a thread before their first cycle. And I know these things may seem like dumb questions or obvious to experienced members but to someone who only has knowledge they have read about we will not understand everything.

    Protein too low at high 300's?
    Would you change anything else besides the Arimidex at .25 mg EOD and can you order this on Amazon legally? I had seen it on there but was unsure if this was legal?

    Or I have also seen the SARMS chemical testing websites as well any opinion on these options?
    Last edited by Garanimal; 08-04-2016 at 01:20 AM.

  14. #14
    I had another question regarding this cycle. I was thinking about possibly doing a month of clen in the last 4 weeks of this cycle to really drop that body fat down towards the end. Possible get it down to around %8 Any thoughts on this?

    I see a lot of posts on this as it states it cleans out receptors and can help preserve muscle loss of taken during PCT. just don't know how it reacts with Var can't find too much info on that.
    Last edited by Garanimal; 08-06-2016 at 07:52 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    If you're looking to stay clear of that stay puffed marshmallow man look, I'd definitely run an ai, I like exemestane.

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