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Thread: good sustanon cycle- need advice

  1. #1

    Smile good sustanon cycle- need advice

    Hello everone,
    I am new to the site. Ive been reading and learning a lot; there are a lot of knowledgable people participating in the discussions.
    Ok here is my situation... I'm 22 I weigh 170. I'm really just starting seriously with weight training. I am trying to eat eat 5000 calories per day but my average daily intake i estimate is about 4000.
    I eat healthy and balanced and take about 5 small meals as opposed to 3 big ones. I also takle 1 protein shake a day. I am taining 3 days a week. Monday I do Chest and Biceps Wednesday I do shoulders and triceps, and Friday I do back and legs. I do heavy weight low reps. I'm very consitant with the routine and most importantly i enjoy working out.
    I was able to get my hands on 8 vials of sust two weeks ago. I am taking one sust250 per week. I now realize that that is not adequate but since i only have 6 left im going to finish them up using one per week just to see how my body reacts and to hopefully gain a little weight. I have a few questions. First of all will i need any antiestrogen when i finish my 6 remaining vials? Also I need to know what i need to get for a good first real cycle of sustanon; how many vials; how many weeks ; antiestrogen? Also to get good results do i have to stack the sust with something else or is it ok alone?
    Thanks eveybody

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I wouldn't even finish them, cuz 8 vials of sus is going to do little if anything for you.
    You'll need clomid after you finish taking whatever but I would strongly recomend lifting for atleast a year or so before taking anything again.
    It sounds like your on the right track as far as eating, but your work-out split isn't even close IMO.
    See what you can gain naturally before turning to AS.
    You'll be glad u did in the long run.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    I wouldn't even finish them, cuz 8 vials of sus is going to do little if anything for you.
    You'll need clomid after you finish taking whatever but I would strongly recomend lifting for atleast a year or so before taking anything again.
    It sounds like your on the right track as far as eating, but your work-out split isn't even close IMO.
    See what you can gain naturally before turning to AS.
    You'll be glad u did in the long run.

    What do you think is wrong with the workout?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by zango123
    What do you think is wrong with the workout?
    Also, you think i should take clomid even though i am taking such a minimal dosage of sustanon. Why is that?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    You need to train hard for six months to a year before considering A.S. As I have said before the natural gain you get when first start working out is awsome and you have no side effects. If you stop growing then consider it from there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    2000 mgs of sus over a 8 week period will shut your natural test down so you'll need clomid post cycle.
    As far as your work out try doing 1 body part a day, monday-fri.

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