Hello everone,
I am new to the site. Ive been reading and learning a lot; there are a lot of knowledgable people participating in the discussions.
Ok here is my situation... I'm 22 I weigh 170. I'm really just starting seriously with weight training. I am trying to eat eat 5000 calories per day but my average daily intake i estimate is about 4000.
I eat healthy and balanced and take about 5 small meals as opposed to 3 big ones. I also takle 1 protein shake a day. I am taining 3 days a week. Monday I do Chest and Biceps Wednesday I do shoulders and triceps, and Friday I do back and legs. I do heavy weight low reps. I'm very consitant with the routine and most importantly i enjoy working out.
I was able to get my hands on 8 vials of sust two weeks ago. I am taking one sust250 per week. I now realize that that is not adequate but since i only have 6 left im going to finish them up using one per week just to see how my body reacts and to hopefully gain a little weight. I have a few questions. First of all will i need any antiestrogen when i finish my 6 remaining vials? Also I need to know what i need to get for a good first real cycle of sustanon; how many vials; how many weeks ; antiestrogen? Also to get good results do i have to stack the sust with something else or is it ok alone?
Thanks eveybody