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Thread: This Is For All The Teens On This Board

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Acupuncture
    Sitting in your shoes I realize what you see: You see a teenager that wants nothing but size gains, but doesn't want to work for them in the gym....just simply to take a "magic pill" to gain size. Well I've worked my ass off in the gym for the last 2 years straight, going 6 days a week, and have noticed incredible gains that I never would have thought possible. But you know what? Like anyone, I noticed a plataeu, that no matter what I did, I couldn't increase my size or strength. And isn't that supposed to be the time to take AS?
    No - you plateau over and over. And that is when you switch up - not add AAS - you see THAT IS exactly the problem. You THINK you know what it takes - but you don't. Simply adding AAS will not only fuck with a fragile endocrine system at an adolecent age - but it will cause you to never really learn how to train correctly and the only way you will keep gains is to stay on large stacks. Not good, nor healthy...

    When you plateau you need to look at the entire picture and ask yourself a few questions:

    - Am I simply overtrained?
    - Have I outgrown my current split?
    - Have I actually plateaued in strength or hypertrophy (still gaining weight)?
    - Have I been properly prioritizing for hypertrophy, strength or deffinition?
    - Have I figured out my supercompensation curve - did it change?
    - Have I acatually plateaued - or am I doing the same work in a shorter period of time (Power Indexing)?
    - Does my diet suck right now - does it match up correctly with my training goals?
    - Have I been eating correctly?
    - Have I been sleeping enough?
    - Are there too many external stressors in my life right now?

    AAS IS NOT A WAY TO BRAKE THROUGH A PLATEAU! Especially not for a teen under 225lbs. AAS are supplements used by athlete's with mature endocrine systems to increase protein synthesis and recovery time, decrease cortisol and likeliness to overtrain, as well as fuel workouts.
    Last edited by Warrior; 01-19-2003 at 12:45 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    thanks warrior..i was hoping you'd reply..always somthing extremely intellegent to contribute....later bro...Madmax..

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Madmax that is an awesome poem, , and i wish every teen on this board reads that and realises that it's the truth.

    Great post bro.

  4. #44
    well i'm certainly a teen and most of you probably know me.

    i stopped juicing, i have 17 inch arms cold....ripped. and i;'ve been clean for 2 months. i started growing again even though i'm natural. the only side effect was hair-loss. but i had massive hair loss going on naturally for me because of my genetics.

    so i say fuck this poem. i say that shit only happens to dumb people with shitty fucked up genetics. i say in 2 months time i'll have 18 inch arms cold and i'll start juicing again. probably reach 20 inch arms by 19 years of age. i bet 99% of the juicers on this site don't have 20 inch arms no matter what their age is, and they also have suffered more side effects than i will.

    i also say the "poem" is shit. madmax, start reading. i'd suggest reading Walt Whitman or Williams for "inspiration". That is if you only want to read americans. if not, european and african literature or poetry may prove fascinating. they really could, you know. but i gotta tell you, what you "created" isn;t a poem. it's far from one. it;s a childish half-baked mass of words that has no connection whatsoever with art.

    and you're calling me a teen.

  5. #45
    ok...sorry for being agressive...i just had a discussion with some wannabe artists and i was a bit wound up.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Can a Mod please do something with this idiot "Setsthesun". Yes, I called you an idiot and that is being nice. I have ready many, if not all of your posts, and it amazes me that you have the audacity to come back time and again to run your mouth. I have kept my mouth shut because everytime you open your mouth, you show your lack of maturity and ignorance.

    Your interpretation of Mad's poem is your business. It serves an excellent point and like he said, if it stops one teen from using,then it was well worth the effort. Do you not realize that you only make our point that much more profound when you rant and rave like you do. As if anyone cares that you have 19 inch guns-cold. The size of your guns, legs, shoulders, really means very little in the larger picture of life. Stop and just listen to what is being said to you. Nobody started off flaming you until you started firing back at them. If you don't want to follow advice, then that is your business. But don't continually undermine what advice that is posted to teens who really care about there well being and future well being.

    As a medical professional, I can tell you that you are going to suffer adverse effects from AAS use at your age. It may not be today or tomorrow, but when it shows its head, you'll know. So now we have established that you will not listen to senior members, mods, doctors on this site, so my request is that you "Go Away".

    And one last thing. You said you are losing your hair, but your picture reflects a young man with an entire head of hair minus a little temporal recession. What condition do you have that has caused your recent excessive hairloss?? Hmmm..I wonder if your abuse of AAS at such a young age has anything to do with it!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by setsthesun
    well i'm certainly a teen and most of you probably know me.

    i stopped juicing, i have 17 inch arms cold....ripped. and i;'ve been clean for 2 months. i started growing again even though i'm natural. the only side effect was hair-loss. but i had massive hair loss going on naturally for me because of my genetics.

    so i say fuck this poem. i say that shit only happens to dumb people with shitty fucked up genetics. i say in 2 months time i'll have 18 inch arms cold and i'll start juicing again. probably reach 20 inch arms by 19 years of age. i bet 99% of the juicers on this site don't have 20 inch arms no matter what their age is, and they also have suffered more side effects than i will.

    i also say the "poem" is shit. madmax, start reading. i'd suggest reading Walt Whitman or Williams for "inspiration". That is if you only want to read americans. if not, european and african literature or poetry may prove fascinating. they really could, you know. but i gotta tell you, what you "created" isn;t a poem. it's far from one. it;s a childish half-baked mass of words that has no connection whatsoever with art.

    and you're calling me a teen.

    bro you got a lot of balls talking shit through a computer...your just full of yourself aren't you...on the playground you might be the biggest..but this is the real world and in the real world your just another face with a big mouth.....17 inch arms...i had those when i was your age also bro..when you get to 19 and 1/2 come talk to me...your body fat is to high...your unproportioned...and you'll never be a talk to much shit...and most important your uneducated..i was the only person on your thread that didn't bust your balls..i tryed to show you that there are other ways at your age to get big...if you think your ahead of your class just remember if another 17 year old did the amount of juice you did they would be the same size you are..people like you are a dime a have alot of maturing to do if you want people to take you serious...

    and as for the poem..i never said i was walt whitman...i was trying to bring a serious message with a little humor...i achieved exactly what i wanted to do with my poem.. i got 3 people to stop juicing...soon i'll post some pics and show you what real body builders look like...until then keep juicing and when you loose all your hair and your shit ain't working...come talk to me and i'll write a new poem for you....have a good one kid...Madmax..

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    bump ... great poem!

  9. #49
    well....i'm real glad you had 17 inch arms when you were my age. bf isn;t too high now. i lost about 6% bodyfat i;d guess. that's why i only have 17 inch guns. than and the fact that i'm not juicing anymore.

    when i'll hvae 19 inch guns? told you...i plan to exceed that by the age of 20. i never said i even want to be a pro. but i'll certainly be a lot bigger than you are. no, i don't think anyone my age taking what i took would be my PAST size. i do not reflect now what i was two months ago, as i was on cylce then.

    plus, isn't AAS a choice? i choose to accept the side effects as well as the positive effects. you make it sound like steroids are something that happens by accident, and when it does it's not actually the user's merit.

  10. #50
    you know why your poem is bullshit? setting aside all artistic aspects, for you to write such a poem you'd have to be either a keen observer of human nature, or a psichologist. the first one of the two would be better. i am ready to bet that you are none.

    you're writing "funny poems" about something you don't seem to understand. juicing in your teen years may seem dumb. in a broader, social perspective, it probably is. and if you're trying to be objective (i wouldn't advise you to try that), and to judge them from a social point of view, yes, they probably seem dumb to you. most of them probably are dumb, shallow individuals. i'll get back to that later, since it doesn't matter as much as some may like to think.

    i fail to see the fun in teens juicing. i know that irony can sometimes be a good weapon, but this is not the case. teens juicing is tragic. it's fucked up. just like teens taking drugs, or teens fucking themselves up with alcohool. or adults. adults juicing and taking drugs and drinking and living their empty lives right until that early grave is just as tragic. but do you remember what it was like when you were a teen?

    who the fuck are you to criticise? who are you to try to help? are you his father when he shouted at him when he was younger? are you his classmates who never really welcomed him? are you his brother who just didn't give a fuck? are you the girl that rejected him? are you the books he never read? are you the word that simply wasn't what he had expected it to be? i ask you again...just who are you? you're some guy over the internet that, unwillingly, is pretending to be the all-seeing all-knowing eye in the sky. you weren't near the teen. you weren't in his head. so don't fucking judge him.

    there is a line in Apocalypse now. don't remember the exact words, but it sounded something like "You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me "

    i'm going to tell you a bit about myself. i might not be like every other teen, but the essence of a story, the essence of a man lies not in the actions themselves, but in the feeling it leaves behind. we can play with words forever, but it will never matter as much as the lack of equilibrium in a man's sould, that pushes him to juice or take drugs or whatever. so it doesn't matter what i am, my story is anyone's story.

    i never really was normal, becuase i inherited it. my parents are writers, so i grew up in a house full of books and good music, and painting and all you can imagine. i grew up there, and belive me, when you go out into the world after reading as much as i had read during the early years of my childhood, it doesn;'t look nice. it doesn't look nice at all. so i never liked people. most people are dumb. empty. they have no fucking meaning. i have every fucking reason to juice. because i don't care about myself. because i don't really care about living 70 more years. i spend my days reading, writing, bodybuilding and training in contact sports. who are you to understand me? who are you to tell me what's wrong?

    i am unbalanced. i have no peace. and bodybuilding helps me with that. i sometimes wake up at night, having this "fucked up" feeling, and i have to go and look in the mirror. i have to stare at myself for 15 minutes, and that gives me a bit of confort. but the next day i have to be a bit bigger, and a bit better, otherwise that fucked up feeling won't leave me.

    i used to think there were reasons for this. i used to think that being unbalanced and having no peace makes me somehow unique. that's not true. everybody is unbalaced. there are no happy people. and there are no reasons or explanations for that.

    and that dumb teen, who starts juicing so he can pick up some dumb blonde chick, he's got just as much reasons to juice as i have. or as you have. he's just as unbalanced and just as unhappy. the fact that he can't think about it, that he can't look for answers and that he's a dumb fuck doesn't change anything. don't try to help him. if you tell him all about the side effects and the bad things that can happen, you'll scare him. but for how long? for a month. for a year. then he'll come back. it's a need, and it's obsessive. when he'll need it bad enough he'll come back, and then what do you tell him to scare him? he will already know about the side effects.

    the world needs stories, don't try to prevent men from writing their own. stories of war, stories of love, stories of loss and of death. stories of stupidity, or plain aberrant stories of nothing. stories of childhood and storied of old age. stories about writers and stories about fighters. stories about men who grew huge because they had huge gaps in their lives that they simply had to fill with something. why would you like to stop this? they will write their stories, in blood or puke or smiles or whatever, no matter how many poems you write here.

    i think i'll end my rambling with a quote from chuck palahniuk:

    "She said, "It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of any interest."

    That's why I wrote Choke.

    I'm sorry if this all seems a little rushed and desperate.

    It is."

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    great poem.....BUMP!!!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Madmax firstly a good poem - nice job

    Literature is intended to make the intelligant man think it is not a mass of words that orders anybody to do anything.The true art to reading is that it is interpreted by everybody in a different way that is why reading is interesting.Ever read the same book twice with a couple of years between it? It won,t be the same emotions envolved reading the second time.Words only mean anything when we read them because of the way we feel when we read them its that simple.

    There has been many posts written about teens juicing and despite all the advice offered here many go on to juice and do their cycle without any sides and if they can truly get away with it than fine that is their choice but for some others it does bring unwanted sides as does anybody who uses steroids.We are consuming or injecting chemicals into our bodies that were never intended to be there and after time I believe everybody will aquire some unwanted side effect.

    Society has pushed us as men the exactly same way as women have been pushed for many years to try and look our best to try and beat the person standing next to you.We see the pictures in magazines selling us these perfect bodies bulging muscles but for the majority of us it will never be a reality that is the harsh fact.

    I think you were hard on Madmax he is on the board and is a member the same as anyone else and if he has advice to offer each and everyone of us should show him the respect that he deserves whether we agree with that opinion or think it is a total pile of shit.He does deserve that respect as does each and everyone of us.

    You and I share one particular trait when I grew up and was about 19 I fought everybody the people at work the people in the club the people in the pub and my parents why I,m not really sure I think it was from an anger that had built up within me over many years.I would fight for the sake of fighting and soon aquired a reputation that I excelled in.10 years later its a reputation I wish I did not have because bro the past catches up with you you have kids and the last thing I want is for my son to do the things I did to hurt people the way I did.These days I teach contact sports and try to control my anger and aggresion.Just like you sometimes I look in the mirror and think what the fuck am I doing?

    Peace is a hard thing to find and there are not many people find it those that do have in my opinion very little desire or wants from life and sometimes I wish I was one of those people.As for not caring whether you live for another 70 years thats an imature comment to make there are people around you that care what if you have kids do you think they would care? I know your young and think you have your whole life ahead of you and you live for today and not tomorrow just as I used to but life catches up with you and when it does it will give you a kick up the arse trust me on that your reading a post by an old fart lol

  13. #53
    i know what you are saying about the interpretabiliy of literature. and of any other art for that matter. if you simply think of the words "perception" and "subjectivity" it should become obvious to anyone. then again it might not, depends on their perception.......

    this is what people around these parts don't seem to understand. subjectivity. you can't understand me unless you are me. and you can't be me. so don't criticise me because i juice, because you DON'T know better. you certainly know what's good for yourself, but you don;'t know what's good for me.

    we can all be friends. we can all give each others advice. tell stories.
    as i said i spend my days in a way that for most would be boring. i read and write, i draw and sculpt. that's my world. i am also prepared to be friendly towards anyone ready to accept my world. but when you call me stupid because I CHOOSE to juice, well, in my book, that's when i've got to take the hands out of my pockets. or wherever it is that they are resting.

    i know the 70 years thing may sound immature. but i'll ask you a question. does immature mean fake? does immature mean "less reasonable". simply shows that the ideea it describes often belongs to a certain social group (that would be teens in this case).

    i outgrew it in a way. like you always outgrow yourself. it also stuck to me, like all things do once you've felt them once. the thing is i can remember, i can go back to any stage in my existance and be that person again. and sometimes i do it unwillingly. very often i do return to that time when i didn't give a fuck. and i know it was a close call, and it might always return. you know why?

    because more often than not people are mistaken into calling "immature" something that is simply different. different from what they know and what they are used to. not giving a fuck agbout yourself or anything else isn't a "teen" thing. great men have ended up there. it takes a certain amount of intelligence to realise it. when i was even younger, i think about 11, i was obsessed by my own death. i said something then that most people don't realise in their whole lifetime. i think it's best translated into english as:
    "time isn;t running out, time has already run out".

    so right now i am trying to build something in my life. it doesn;t mean i don't know that whatever i will create, it will be nothing. everything and anything is nothing, and fuck, you've got to be an idiot to belive otherwise. in the end, everything is nothing. that doesn;'t mean you don't have to live it. that doesn't mean teens shouldn't juice because it might fuck them up.

    one of Ernesto Sabato's characters was wondering about the nature of death. he was amazed about how people dread wars, and disease, and murder, and how they fail to see the hundreds and thousands of billions of men that have died with time. they just did. juice and teens with fucked up livers? i'd say leave them be, it;s nothing.

    Ghost Dog: There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No one can truly be understood by anyone no matter how much you try and to be honest I wouldn't want anyone knowing how I would react all the time or how I would feel this is me who I am and my life it keeps it interesting so yes I agree with you there.

    There have been many "stupid" people who have juiced who have not researched who just stick the needle in their ass and hope for the best to me those people are stupid.Anybody that researches and learns about steroids how they effect their body their organs and can put to one side that they may get bigger whilst using them are the people that i have respect for whether they are teens or not.I personally don't think it is wise for teens to juice but that is my opinion from articles I have read and from research I have done.I used to tell teens not to jiuce all I advise them now is that they understand the cons as well as the pro,s if you do that than at least you can make an educated choice.

    You ask if imaturity means fake? That bears no reference to the context of the statement in which I used it its like me asking you if love is fake because we never truly own it and its a borrowed emotion.

    Not giving a fuck about yourself or anybody else is a strange attitude and one that many of us posses at one time or another.I,m not sure how old you are but as your experiences of life multiply you will find that different aspects of you as a person grow things you were intolerant of you become aware of but do not act upon people who crazed you become tolerable (just even i struggle here lol)

    "time isn;t running out, time has already run out".
    You confuse me with this quote why has time run out and for what reason has it run out? As for death sure its the only thing we are ever guranteed in life why fret about it its going to happen one day to us all whether we can accept it or not.For me its the fear of getting old dependant on your kids and losing your dignity and pride.Thanks but no thanks thats when i want to go.

    Everything is nothing that depends greatly on how you look at your life and I guess would come down to religion.I,m not a religous person and believe that materialistic things no matter how much you have when you die it becomes nothing it means nothing however having children doesn't become nothing for me they are everything.

    I think one lesson than can be learnt here is that everyone has an opinion no matter how intellectual it is or absurd we all have a duty on this board to listen to others opinions to respect them and to allow people to have their say just as you have.Madmax was giving his opinion on a very controversal subject and everyone has given you room for your thoughts in this thread all I would ask is that you do the same.

  15. #55
    isn't that what i am doing?

    by arguing with someone i am giving them room for their opinions. the longer my posts the more room i give, the more i expose myself to answers.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Setsthesun..Check Your PM's..I just sent you one.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by setsthesun
    isn't that what i am doing?

    by arguing with someone i am giving them room for their opinions. the longer my posts the more room i give, the more i expose myself to answers.
    Yes it is what you are doing but there is a way of using some tact within your replies as not to offend the author of the original post.

    The thread is getting off what it was sussposed to be about if you want to discuss this any further feel free to e-mail me on [email protected] or pm me and we can debate this further

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Some of the best bodybuilders in the world starting juicing when they were 18 or younger, Flex Wheeler although he is now clean, started juicing around the time he turned 18. I think if your gonna start juicing at a young age, do the right roids, Primobolan tabs or injectables(Schering), Oxandrolone-Anavar(SPA), or maybe even some Nandrolone. I went to the doctor and although he assured me he couldnt prescribe me anything, he was more than happy to help me through my use. He said to stay away from all test ethers, and substances that are hard on the liver. He also said the use of Oxandrolone, and Primobolan have been used in studies on children with good results, and low occurence of side effects

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by Italiangod65
    Some of the best bodybuilders in the world starting juicing when they were 18 or younger, Flex Wheeler although he is now clean, started juicing around the time he turned 18. I think if your gonna start juicing at a young age, do the right roids, Primobolan tabs or injectables(Schering), Oxandrolone-Anavar(SPA), or maybe even some Nandrolone. I went to the doctor and although he assured me he couldnt prescribe me anything, he was more than happy to help me through my use. He said to stay away from all test ethers, and substances that are hard on the liver. He also said the use of Oxandrolone, and Primobolan have been used in studies on children with good results, and low occurence of side effects

    what's your point......Madmax..

  20. #60
    Agreed. I thank God that I could not find any gear when I was a teenager. I would have fucked myself royal.

    The bitch of it is, that you teenagers aren't going to listen to us. Shit... I wouldn't have listened to us either.

    All I can say is... stay away till you are at least 25. Better yet, 30.

    You teenagers need to do a search of this site for the words "balls" or "testes" or "dick". Maybe that will scare you enough. Maybe.


  21. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Seems like we have had a large amount of recent teen juicers, lets bump this to the top.


  23. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Right on the money again Pain, thats what I figured...

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

  26. #66
    Well you can make that 4 people you stopped madmax, I am 17 years old and I WAS almost done with a cycle of sust 250 and primo. I gained 20 punds alerday I guess thats enough unil i am 21. Thanks for the info madmax. Please tell me I was taking 1 sust 250 shot and 1 primo shot every monday and 1 primo shot every thurs. for the last 8 weeks do you think i mesed myself up alerday? my balls did not shrink but I got pimples on my back alot none on my face.

  27. #67

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Madmax
    I keep seeing all these teens asking questions about juicing.. i figured i'd write a peom for all of them....Madmax...

    A TEEN TRAGEDY by Madmax....

    Here is a story…. It’s sad but it’s true
    About a teen tragedy…that could happen to you
    So please listen up…and take my advice
    I’ve done told you I’ll tell you twice

    I once knew a teen…who thought he was right
    So he started his cycle….one winter’s night
    He didn’t listen....and I don’t know why
    Now his dick isn’t working…. and he’s starting to cry

    At first it was great…he felt he was strong
    But the gains that he made…didn’t last long
    He cried and he cried…because he lost all his gains
    And he wonders why… “We tried to explain”

    But hey that’s o.k.…go press your luck
    Keep using juice…and you will be fucked
    Your hair will fall out…your face will get zits
    And if you don’t use nolva…you might grow some tits

    Your muscles will grow…right to the end
    But when you are done…there’s stretch marks my friend
    Your body can’t handle…what you have in store
    I thought you were smart…BUT, NOT ANY MORE

    For all of the teens…that have decided to juice
    Your bodies not ready….for that kind of abuse
    So please try some protein…or a weight gainer shake
    I’m being real…I’m not being fake

    Why waist my time…I guess none of you care
    Your balls shrivels up…you loose all your hair
    It’s for your own good…so please listen to me
    It saves me a thread….that I have to reed

    A thread that describes….the symptoms you’re getting
    The problems you have….and why you haven’t been shitting
    Why your energies gone…why you test levels are too
    Why your workouts are shit…and your sex life is through

    Why your nipples are itching…why your voice is now low
    Why the only girls you lay…are trailer park ho’s
    So please take my advice…stay clean for a bit
    And you will soon see…that I’m not full of shit….


    I did my first cycle when I was 18. Test/fina. I ended up at 235, with abs starting to poke out. My balls didn't shrivel, I didn't grow titties, I didn't get acne, I didn't lose all my hair. Oh yeah, I did get some stretch marks though, lol. And ever since, I've loved steroids.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    that was great.. I almost made the mistake when i was in h school but a couple of guys i know told me the reasons not to and i listened . no regrets here i gained 40 pds moreof pure muscle and alot of strenth naturally

  30. #70
    WOW!!! Very good!! i loved it...
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    You don't have to be the Biggest to be the BEST
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  31. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Madmax

    you always see these post about how teens shouldn't juice..well they never listen..since teens never listen to anyones advice and after their cycle they ask questions about wierd **** thats happening to them. i figured that i might as well make fun of the fact..if you want a good example of what i'm talking about look at every thread "michi" has ever written or responded's just not him but also the other teens who juice on this board and don't listen...i'm still a tough guy..i just wanted to put out a serious message and bring a bit of humor to this board..i could always write you a rap song, sort of like an eminem type song...i have tons of those i have written...have a good one Palme, later bro...Madmax..
    Hey thats not true! I came to these boards intent on juicing (at 19) but after reading everything and using the /search button I decided to wait til atleast 22.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pumped99
    Hey thats not true! I came to these boards intent on juicing (at 19) but after reading everything and using the /search button I decided to wait til atleast 22.

    Smart decision bro, I applaud you!!!!

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    good decsion

  34. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by painintheazz

    Very impressive. Serously though I support the feelings expressed. I took my first cycle when I was 17 and then after researching I decided to wait until now. (I just turned 22) Trust me it was very hard, esp. after seeing what type of gains I could get on the juice.

    so did you take the juice at 17 or what? <~~~ deffinately a good read

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