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Thread: caber verses adex for tren test cycle.

  1. #1

    caber verses adex for tren test cycle.

    hey guys so im trying to figure out a few things when it comes to on cycle support, lots of conflicting reads on this matter. Im about to run my first tren ace, test cyp cycle, fairly low dose of each.
    75mg tren ace eod
    125mg test cyp twice per week
    so from what ive read is that adex will not stop the conversion of tren into prolactin and therfore gyno conversion, i know adex works fairly well with test and is great for drying out on cycle as well. my question really pertains to dosing of caber in detail, as well as should i take both caber and adex while on cycle? or just caber? thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

  3. #3
    Adex slows down the amortization of Test into estrogen. Keeping down estrogen is a factor in controlling prolactin. If you're running Tren, you should run prami or caber just in case running just adex isn't enough. I have run a Test/Tren cycle without caber or prami in the past. I got slight gyno toward the end of the cycle and it went away over a few weeks. I'm not taking anymore chances.

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