Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Now if you could just get those traps to grow that would be something else!
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Id say you needed to bring up your back thickness to compete with your chest. Your chest is a strong point for you, if i were you i wouldnt even work chest anymore id work on bringing up the traps and thickness. I think a cutting or lean bulk cycle would be best for you next round. You need to even out your physique youve got potential but somethings missing. You will have to adjust and bring those weak points up. Youve made good progress thus far.
Why are you using cjc with DAC? isn't that for more slow bleed release like for a female? Why are you not stacking with ghrp or ipam? peace
Lets see the back double biceps
Because i have never used peptides or growth before and i wanna start with something easy. Just one shot a week.
Ipam was mi first choice but really i dont bother to inject 4 times a day. Escpecially not when im new to this. Maybe nest time, but lets see how this simple cjc works first. (CJC is always with dac, if the dac isnt there its not cjc)
Got this Attachment 165398 but its a weak shot from for me. Fatlevel is also destroying the layout.
But havent been training much back lastely cause it was al about chest. Because of my chestinjury and trying to find workarounds for that damaged pecfiber. (which is now much better).
But believe me, back is my strongest bodypart. 20 years ago guys called med "The Back" at ProGym Trondheim and when i hit it hard soon it will be ok.
How tall are you? Dropping some bf would help you tremendously imho
181 cm. Isnt that 5 ' 11?...not sure.
Yes...i will try to drop as much as possible now the next 6 weeks. Then 1 november i start my SBC. Easy the two first weeks before it all happens, sus dbol and tren a.
But its not the summer and it will be a bulk. Clean bulk.
So i guess i will not try to get below 10% before the spring next year. Because in june we go to GC and marcus said he would try to meet me at Olympic Beach Gym Playa del Ingles around the 20th and make a vid. But i guess he chickens out....but i wont.
Silabolins shit castle. Lol. Sorry i couldn't resist.
Good news guys...letter from xxxpeptides.xx arrived in my mailbox today. So lets get this party started![]()
Trained thighs today. They are pretty much gone now. But gotta start somewhere. Have trained them once since june.
I guess. i start my cycleprep today. Waiting another week wirh the tb500 and cjc but dropping som fat in diett. And salt.
Please bully my pic. I need the motivation.
Attachment 165436
Why the belt? Squat day?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Hey Sil, why would don't you start training harder throughout(like off cycle as well) yiu don't need to run SARMs to get ready for a cycle?! Use cardio and intense training to open up a growth window / seems you only train hard when 'on' therefore, going in circles - not being a dick this time Sil - trying to help!
That's real constructive critism I've heard multiple people tell you sil..ppl are not trying to pick on you there being real..sometimes you gotta be open and humble yourself and accept feedback..you got a muscular frame if you trained as hard as you do off cycle abd kept it up on cycle you would blow up and reach your goals much quicker..keep eating and training 100 percent all year long!!
Well spotted.
Since you are interessted in norwegian strongmen i can tell you this. Im a deadlifter, never was a squatter. Back in the days when we moved weigths, not muscles, my maximum was 200 kg for reps. I think i never even had 230 kg on the bar.
Well, for the deadlifts there was another story. I repped 300 kg an 1MR was 335 kg. Today is a complete other story and i try to lift muscles, but i have deceided to end each thighsworkout with deads. Where i try to move the bar with as much power from the thighs as possibel. Started out with 140 kg today and i should be repping 270 kgs when im at my strongest in december. I guess i never see the number 335 anymore cause i dont think i will train deads that way anymore. It gave me backwidth and core and that is not a problem for my today.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-14-2016 at 10:22 AM.
I know ur a good guy Nach and i have never thought u were a dick, even when welldeserved bashing were up.
Im not using much SARMs in my cycleprep this time. I will try out peptides. Like 500 mgs cjc and TB500.(stil little pecinjury) I know this isnt the most effective way to use`em but i never used them before and i like to start off easy with just one to two shots a week (cjc) Guess i will continue those throughout cycle. But i will start Cardarine and i possible wanna start my SBC with two weeks with Rad140.
Stil on mk677 from the summerpct but i guesss i will stop that when starting peptides.
Training, well, i have been nazi in the gym for 30 years. Stil love it but now i prefer to take a little Levrone 1-2 months beetween cycles for not prioritized musclesgroups and cardio and to save bucks. This makes it easier to grow when fireing up and to stay progressive each workout when its on, which is so important.
Thanks for input man but i have been doing that for 30 years. When i started to follow the levronereport back in 2009 when he had his transformation years, i was one of his critics. I said why??..u just loose it when u take a break?
But transformations are much more fun and its easier to stay progressive each workout.
And its fun to watch the body how little it really needs to keep 90% of it.
And i think some low periods will increase the gains in the cycle. I think that a oral/tren a/test/mast SCB will work like hell after preparations after an easy period and my primelevel mid december will be just as good or better than if i was giving it 100% all the time.
Its an expensive sport and if you are not putting all the rigth stuff in your body, there is no use in going all in in the gym.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-14-2016 at 10:26 AM.
Ok guys, new order today. 4 vials 5mg TB500. Preload 2,5 mg twice a week for 4 weeks. Then 1-2 shots a month.
And 100 ml 10 mg Cardarine.
So, i guess October will be like this: 500 mcg cjc1295 and 5 mg TB500 each week. 15 mg Cardarine each day.
Cardio 3-4 times a week, weigths sun mon wed and fri.
3 meals and fooddrinks from blender 4-6 times a day (oat, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, apple, cottage cheese, skimmed milk, eggs, oliveoil, proteinpowder, spirulina and most of the other arteriecleaning foodtypes)
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-15-2016 at 07:23 AM.
Attachment 165474
Yo Castle Knigths!!
Started my prep for the cycleprep yesterday. Meaning, back to 2-3 meals and superdrink foods 4-6 beetween. Dropping salt and fat.
Guess i will start cycleprep end next week with the peptides.
Pic is from todays training, shoulders without rearhead and biceps. Felt good. Man i have big expectations for this one...
Just training biceps once every 14 days know and to be honest, dont notice any difference. Maybe a little better actually. Its a small musclegroup and its involved when you train back too.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-16-2016 at 03:54 AM.
No man, 1. august. So completely off august and september (pct ofcourse), then peptides october, peptides/sarms/trtdose/ 2 first weeks in november...then SBC 6 weeks. (sus/trena/anadrol/mastp/dbol-crazyblast) pct-january if i live:-)
And pay respect, Rich got skincancer.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-16-2016 at 02:49 PM.
Yo Castle Knigths!!!..pics from todays training:
Attachment 165495Attachment 165496
Flatbench strengthincrease, like 22 pounds. Felt good, pectear almost gone. Cred to the mk677. But will run the TB anyway.
Stil natty all day but restarted the meals. If everything goes well and health and sides dont figth against me, i guess i will be at my prime ever this december.
I will beat Kevin Levrones Olympia level at least. Seriously....yeah...u just laugh and think im living on another planet...do that...ill show your skinny asses.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-18-2016 at 06:52 AM.
I seen a YouTube video and in the morning rich penis took some Arimidex. I'm sure it's cuz he's on a cycle but he said that " it keeps me lean" is that just because it will lower his estrogen and in return keep his natural test raised. PS: I'm sure this guy isn't natural / synthol lol
Good thighs workout today guys. One plate up on the hack, legpress and deads (4 plates now).
And used Arnolds old trick. Showed up in shorts so everybody could see how skinny they are. Only way to get motivated. It sure worked. And with pump they werent quiet that bad.
When i start im dreaming of putting in two in a row. Thirsday also. Hacks and stiff deads f.i. Thighs are so important for overall look. Like Levrone. Mass and flow and shape in the upper body are useless if the thighs are gone. Everybody nails your ass then. Not gonna happen to me. Not me lads, not me.
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