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Thread: Lets make our pics.....

  1. #41
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    True, kai is no more and I doubt will ever be back, there got to be bad blood between him and Mr.O stage, lots got thrown in the mix over the years.

    Talking about wolf, there is I heard some documentary film online about wolf , called "gains lost" or something like that, anyone watched it yet?
    Wolfe is out indefinitely it seems... I'm not sure what the injury was but he sure as hell shrunk quickly

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Wolfe is out indefinitely it seems... I'm not sure what the injury was but he sure as hell shrunk quickly
    He obviously had to drop alot gear nutrition and training. Thats the only problem i have with the sport but hey...he'll get it back next year

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    He obviously had to drop alot gear nutrition and training. Thats the only problem i have with the sport but hey...he'll get it back next year
    I'm sure he will plus it was like 6months later they took a pic of him - fo you remember what he injured, Cuz?!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Wolfe is out indefinitely it seems... I'm not sure what the injury was but he sure as hell shrunk quickly
    He had neck surgery, let him heal, he will be back.... humm maybe not to his prime tough.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I'm sure he will plus it was like 6months later they took a pic of him - fo you remember what he injured, Cuz?!
    Apparently part of his spine had fractured

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    He had neck surgery, let him heal, he will be back.... humm maybe not to his prime tough.
    Ok thx... That'll explain the quick loss, too! My Father broke his and he nearly wasted away to nothing - gained it right back(probly due to being more sedentary) :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Apparently part of his spine had fractured
    Damn - imagine the load or just being off mechanically for that split sec... Scary!

  8. #48
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    Since this pretty mixed and messed up thread, can I just throw this in for all of you fuckers here, Big Ramy :

  9. #49
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    Damn... Ramy can be amazing - size, thickness, dense, wait till that muscle maturity kicks in... Watch out!

  10. #50
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    News update. Back from a recent break in training. The new competitor MARSOC is back. And I seen him taking home the out RAMY!!! Your Polish American hybrid is here
    Last edited by Marsoc; 09-13-2016 at 04:51 PM.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    News update. Back from a recent break in training. The new competitor MARSOC is back. And I seen him taking home the out RAMY!!! Your Polish American hybrid is here
    ya dafty...

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    I would have liked to see kai win it at some point. Shame that, the guy was/is a beast he really did deserve it.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    There were some leaked pics that were taken down of phil recently, and one little bird told me that nobody will come close to him this year, so, monster version 2.0 like that of dorian? I hate rumours but if its really eye popping gravity bending transformation - why not? bring it on lets have a crazy show! Anybody else seen these?
    flashback, flashpoint:

    PHIL HEATH, just sitting there, chilling ...

    Look at that, he's just merely sitting there with two days out, I guess that what was the rumours about, gets me thinking how difficult will it be to push him off the #1

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Since this pretty mixed and messed up thread, can I just throw this in for all of you fuckers here, Big Ramy :

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #56
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    When, what time, and will this be on TV?

    Been a while since I've watched one

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    flashback, flashpoint:

    PHIL HEATH, just sitting there, chilling ...

    Look at that, he's just merely sitting there with two days out, I guess that what was the rumours about, gets me thinking how difficult will it be to push him off the #1
    What in the fuck are they talking about. "Anabolic chicken". Like this believes that he's that big cuz of chicken lol

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    1. Phil Heath
    2. Dexter
    3. Ramy
    4. Rhoden
    5. Winklaar
    6. Levrone (if his legs show up too)
    7. Compton
    8. Victor Martinez
    9. Bonac
    10. Dallas
    Very much agree with BB.
    Wanna switch Ramy and Rhoden though.
    And i think Levrone beats Roelly and Ramy if his legs are ok because of politics.
    He is really doing a brilliant job as a ifbb lobbyist and that can pay off, as it did for Cutler.
    And yeah. I think Compton beats Martinez too.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-14-2016 at 11:17 PM.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tovarasu View Post
    1.silabolin 2.silabolin 3.silabolin
    Nope, you have to wait for the year after next year. Have to win the european championship first, then top 5 in a proshow 2017....but i doubt mr O top 6. But just outside top 10 should be within reach if my body can deal with the trensides in the long run.

  20. #60
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    Will there be a stream for the press conference in a few hours?

  21. #61
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    Im pulling for kevin although im not sure he will make top ten.

  22. #62
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  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Nope, you have to wait for the year after next year. Have to win the european championship first, then top 5 in a proshow 2017....but i doubt mr O top 6. But just outside top 10 should be within reach if my body can deal with the trensides in the long run.
    You re going to need alot more than tren to make the Olympia stage.

  24. #64
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    00:50sec, his legs dont look very massive :/

  25. #65
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    Dallas is dwarfing evryone

  26. #66
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    Dallas is dwarfing everyone? Hmm i honestly wouldnt have thought that

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    00:50sec, his legs dont look very massive :/

    His legs are gone...fuk fuk fuk...outside 10...fuk fk fuk...also his upper body looks outside top ten.
    Actually i think he looks very small:-( Im bigger:-(

  28. #68
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    After 1st stage:

    1. Phil Heath
    2. Rhoden
    3. Dexter
    4. Ramy
    5. Winklaar
    6. Bonac

    Have to say to whoever was directing the cameras on amazon stream can go fuck himself
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 09-16-2016 at 11:14 PM.

  29. #69
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    I think it could get to something close as this:

    1. Phil
    2. Bonac
    3. Winklar
    4. Dexter
    5. Rhoden
    6. Ramy

    its hard to say but Bonac looks competitive to Phil and in many ways better and fuller than Dex or Winklar

  30. #70
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    I like Bonac!

    He won't win but a top 3 maybe?!

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I like Bonac! He won't win but a top 3 maybe?!
    Yea by the looks of things he got good legs and to me it even looked better than those of phil and shoulders arms man they were so serious.

    One thing is that the tone of their skin is so dark after oiling up, the darker guy even if he's bigger may seem opposite due to lights/colour at play. Why don't they do it all in contrasting background in a good lights setup, its like casino manipulation at the times, hope politics don't get in a way and set the right winner to take his place. I feel phil didn't oil up sufficiently with a purpose so he came out brighter tone playing light colour game, to me he looked not the biggest of them all this time, not legs not bis nor delts, something was off

    Sent from my eyePhone

  32. #72
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    1 Phil
    2 Rhoden
    3 Dex

    After that I'm not sure. Roelly top 6 along with Bonac and Ramy. Roelly can't hold his gut.... If his waist was smaller he'd do so much better. He's bigger than Phil lol.

    I loved Nathan DeAsha. I really hope he keeps adding size - this guy was impressive! I'm afraid he'll get robbed of a couple spots.

    My friend won't place well I'm afraid. I knew that with him going in though.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    1 Phil
    2 Rhoden
    3 Dex

    After that I'm not sure. Roelly top 6 along with Bonac and Ramy. Roelly can't hold his gut.... If his waist was smaller he'd do so much better. He's bigger than Phil lol.

    I loved Nathan DeAsha. I really hope he keeps adding size - this guy was impressive! I'm afraid he'll get robbed of a couple spots.

    My friend won't place well I'm afraid. I knew that with him going in though.
    Wnklaar is sooo saturated and dense...,. I knew he'd have trouble holding his tricep pose(stomach in) it's out lol
    He's big as brick wall tho

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    After 1st stage:

    1. Phil Heath
    2. Rhoden
    3. Dexter
    4. Ramy
    5. Winklaar
    6. Bonac

    Have to say to whoever was directing the cameras on amazon stream can go fuck himself
    Further comments and ideas:

    Nº1 is finished, Phil is way ahead of competition.

    2nd and 3rd is between dex and shawn, I liked Shawn Rhoden better yesterday on 1st stage, dex is great dont get me wrong but it is more or less a repetition of last year, Phil was way ahead and dex and shawn were very close (if you guy want I can post last year scorecard). We will have to see today at finals, still a lot can happen, last year dex improved from friday to saturday and shawn went in opposite direction.

    4, 5 and 6th is difficult, personally I have Ramy in 4th, way smaller but much better condition, a few more carbs and if it doesnt spill he will come in better today. 5th I give to Winklaar, his condition is not as best as previous 4 guys and his mid section is out of control, he is also having difficulties holding poses, his side triceps pose is a joke (will be penalized for that) and his face and symmetry are negative points. 6th to Bonac, very good freaky muscles but back lacks width, shoulders too narrow, see a comparison comparison between him and Winklaar and you will see what I mean, overall very good for a small frame.

    7, 8, 9 and 10th will probably go to the group of aussie Josh, Cedric, Victor Martinez, Dallas and Nathan, dont know which one and I think the rookies will suffer from politics. Nathan was who impressed me the most, but I dont think is a judges favorite. Justin messed it up condition and even size wise, he used to dwarf Dallas and now is the other way around.

    Dead last will Ben Paku (does he only train legs??), Akim Williams forgot to diet or something, Kevin legs hold him back, but if you look at some photos his top is not bad still not his prime (as expected).

    So something like this:

    1. Phil Heath
    2. Rhoden
    3. Dexter
    4. Ramy
    5. Winklaar
    6. Bonac
    7. Cedric
    8. Josh
    9. Victor Martinez
    10. Dallas
    11. Nathan
    12. Levrone
    13. Kuclo
    14. Akim
    15. Lukas
    16. Ben Paku

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    Further comments and ideas: Nº1 is finished, Phil is way ahead of competition. 2nd and 3rd is between dex and shawn, I liked Shawn Rhoden better yesterday on 1st stage, dex is great dont get me wrong but it is more or less a repetition of last year, Phil was way ahead and dex and shawn were very close (if you guy want I can post last year scorecard). We will have to see today at finals, still a lot can happen, last year dex improved from friday to saturday and shawn went in opposite direction. 4, 5 and 6th is difficult, personally I have Ramy in 4th, way smaller but much better condition, a few more carbs and if it doesnt spill he will come in better today. 5th I give to Winklaar, his condition is not as best as previous 4 guys and his mid section is out of control, he is also having difficulties holding poses, his side triceps pose is a joke (will be penalized for that) and his face and symmetry are negative points. 6th to Bonac, very good freaky muscles but back lacks width, shoulders too narrow, see a comparison comparison between him and Winklaar and you will see what I mean, overall very good for a small frame. 7, 8, 9 and 10th will probably go to the group of aussie Josh, Cedric, Victor Martinez, Dallas and Nathan, dont know which one and I think the rookies will suffer from politics. Nathan was who impressed me the most, but I dont think is a judges favorite. Justin messed it up condition and even size wise, he used to dwarf Dallas and now is the other way around. Dead last will Ben Paku (does he only train legs??), Akim Williams forgot to diet or something, Kevin legs hold him back, but if you look at some photos his top is not bad still not his prime (as expected). So something like this: 1. Phil Heath 2. Rhoden 3. Dexter 4. Ramy 5. Winklaar 6. Bonac 7. Cedric 8. Josh 9. Victor Martinez 10. Dallas 11. Nathan 12. Levrone 13. Kuclo 14. Akim 15. Lukas 16. Ben Paku
    Honestly it sucks Nathan won't place higher. He's awesome. I really like the guy. On social media he's a cool dude too. Much respect to him and I really look forward to seeing him in the future. Dallas is on track to be MR. O for sure. This kid looks great.... If he keeps improving I'll give him 2-3 years and he's got it. Unless Nathan tops him.

    Roelly is today's Marcus Ruhl IMO. He's huge! It's awesome to see and I'd love for him to place better but he has to control the midsection. Roelly is one of my favorites.

    Josh is another one who will do well if he keeps improving. He impressed me with his conditioning.

  36. #76
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    I didn't think Rhoden or Dex had the leg size. I agree with insane but we will have to see at night. Phil is sick.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    ^^^great motivational speechs in it...
    that is waaay too emotional for me right now. lol

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG
    I didn't think Rhoden or Dex had the leg size. I agree with insane but we will have to see at night. Phil is sick.
    I can agree with that.... But their conditioning takes Ramys and that's probably why they'll place higher. Hate to say it for branch but he may have done better this year. Wolf too if he didn't have surgery

  39. #79
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    Also..... If victor spend this year with the camel crew at O2 gyms he's going to be better next year. He's made huge improvements over last year and he's starting to look like his former self.

    I think Ramy will go back to the big look next year

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Also..... If victor spend this year with the camel crew at O2 gyms he's going to be better next year. He's made huge improvements over last year and he's starting to look like his former self.
    Sure, but only upstairs, his legs are lacking, dont think he can bring'em back.
    His mid section needs to be controlled too.

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